Today we came together as a community, joined by our partner parish school, St Timothy’s at mass to acknowledge Fr Gerard leaving our communities next week. It was lovely to be part of the parish with our customary hospitality afterwards. As we gathered, we were able to reflect on the impact Fr Gerard has had on our community at St Luke’s. His careful stewardship of our school has been wonderful, his thought provoking ways of unpacking the Gospel to the children and his commitment to living out his role as custodian of faith and mission to staff, to families and to me, personally has been so special to witness. Thank you Fr Gerard, from the children, families and staff who make up St Luke’s school community. You will be missed.
It is always with a sense of joy and fun that our P&F meet. The collective energy is palpable and this week’s meeting was no different. A member arrived saying that several people could not make the meeting and out of the blue, we had a new member join us… she is one of the new families who has joined St Luke's this year; how lovely for us. There was much discussion around the events being planned this year. I’ve noted them so you can add them to your calendar as ‘not to be missed’ events.
The Colour Run will complete our Harmony Day celebrations on Thursday 21st March. More details will follow from both the P&F (about the Colour Run) and from school about the Harmony Day activities. It will be the first Day of Joy for the year. Add this to your calendar.
The Trivia Night is planned for Saturday 15th June. It will be a fantastic opportunity to come together as adults, enjoy each other’s company and test out our trivia knowledge. Make sure this gets plotted on your calendar- it is not to be missed.
On Sunday 20th October our bi-annual Parish- School Fete will transform our school- parish spaces into a hive of activity with rides, food, stalls, music and games for young and old. We will need an army of helpers so get ready to roll up your sleeves. I guarantee you will get far more out of this incredible community day than you put in. It is an absolute game changer and really does showcase our school spirit. Get ready for the fun ahead.
Parent reps needed for Year 1 and for Year 6 please: Once again- please consider being a PARENT REPRESENTATIVE as they are a vital part of building our school community. We would love to have a parent representative from every class in 2024. Typical roles a Parent Rep would have is sending out reminders or notifications to parents/carers via the class WhatsApp group about what’s happening in the class, maybe organise a social gathering like a playdate at the park after school occasionally, adults dinner out or oversee a special lunch treat day once in the year. It is not a huge role but can be very helpful for families.
Please consider this great opportunity to make new friends whilst providing wonderful support to our school structures. Even chat with a friend from the other class if you feel you need a buddy with you. Send me your names asap so we can get the ball rolling…
This year, Emily Chlebica has taken on ensuring our social media is showcasing many of our special school moments and strengths. She is doing a wonderful job and we are grateful for her expertise. Please follow us on Facebook and Instagram. The more people who embrace our social media and like our posts, the greater profile we’ll build. Look out for the posters displayed around the school to get you started.
Finally, have a great weekend ahead. I’ll be packing my bags to fly out to India first thing Monday morning. St Luke’s is never far from my thoughts so know that l’ll be thinking of you all and counting more blessings that l’m able to have a very special time with my husband, Mark.
Take care