Binalong Public School

Binalong Bulletin

Term 1, Week 8 2025

From the Principal

Week 8 was an enriching experience as I connected with fellow principals and executive colleagues at the Regional South Principal's and Connected Communities Summit held in Wollongong on Tuesday and Wednesday. With nearly 290 principals in attendance, we celebrated our roles as proud leaders of NSW public schools and reflected on our collective mission.

We were honoured to hear from Secretary Murat Dizdar, Deputy Secretary Deb Summerhayes, and Kathy Powzun, Executive Director of Regional South and Connected Communities Directorate, who shared their vision for NSW Public Schools and our responsibilities in implementing the Plan for NSW Public Schools through our School Excellence Plans. The summit also featured inspiring stories from our Connected Communities schools, alongside cultural experiences presented by students from Woonoona East Public School and Keira High School.

The event included insightful keynote addresses from notable speakers, including Simon Dowling, Jenny Donovan (CEO of the Australian Education Research Organisation), and Kamal Sarma (Chair of RUOK Foundation), who provided valuable perspectives on our educational landscape.

Following the summit, I attended the Wagga Wagga Primary Principal Association meeting on Friday, which allowed me to stay informed and engaged with various topics essential for the smooth running of our schools.

As we approach the end of Term 1, I encourage students and parents to take advantage of the earlier sunsets and cooler evenings. This is a perfect opportunity for some earlier bedtimes and restful nights, setting the stage for a productive term ahead.

Dates for the Diary 2025

Week 8

Harmony Week

NAPLAN - Monday 17 March - Year 3 and Year 5, Conventions of Language and Numeracy.

Tuesday 18 March - Small Schools Conference - Mrs Arabin, NAPLAN Catch Up day

Wednesday - Small Schools Conference - Mrs Arabin, School Counsellor visit

Friday 21 March - UC Aspire visit. Wear orange for Harmony Day and bring a gold coin donation.

Week 9

Monday 24 March - P&C Meeting

Wednesday 26 Mar - GRIP Leadership Conference Canberra - Year 5 & 6

Thursday 27 March - Murrumburrah High School Year 6 Transition Day 12-3pm and Parent Information Evening

Friday 28 March - Year 7 2026 EOI closes, School Photo ordering closes

Week 10

Thursday 3 April - Clarity Workshop Mrs Ranie and Mrs Arabin - Miss Barker on 3-6

Sunday 6 April -  P&C Bobbara Hill walk - 8am - 1pm

Week 11

Friday 11 April - Last day of school, Assembly, Easter Activities and Hat Parade, State Swimming Carnival


Week 1

Monday 28 & Tuesday 29 April - Staff Development days - Pupil Free Days

Week 2

Monday to Thursday - Scholastic Book Fair purchasing opportunities

Friday 9 May - P&C Student Art Show

SRC Meal Deals

Most Fridays the Binalong SRC offers students the opportunity to purchase a “Meal deal” consisting of a tasty meal, juice and choice of a yoghurt or piece of fruit. 

Order information is sent out each week and you can submit your child's order through AUDIRI. 


(This is critical so we can ensure we are able to supply the correct amount of food)

Payment can be made through Sentral payments, EFTPOS at school, or cash will be accepted on the day if required. 

In Week 9 we are offering Nacho's for Meal Deal. Make sure you get your orders in!

Do you have past or present students updates to share in our newsletter?

We would love to hear updates and achievements from our Binalong Alumni or all about achievements outside of school for our current students.

If you have something you would like to share please email: 

2025 Premier's Reading Challenge is Now Open!

2025 Challenge dates

Challenge opens: Monday 24 February 2025

Challenge closes to students: Friday 22 August 2025

The Challenge aims to encourage a love of reading for leisure and pleasure in students, and to enable them to experience quality literature. It is not a competition but a challenge to each student to read, to read more and to read more widely. The Premier's Reading Challenge (PRC) is open to all NSW students in Kindergarten to Year 10, in government, independent, Catholic and home schools.

K-2 need to read (or have read to them) a minimum of 30 books with 20 from the list and 10 personal choice books.

3-6 need to read (independently) a minimum of 20 books in total with 10 PRC books and 10 personal choice books.

Find the Booklists here

Week 6 Assembly

Our School leaders, Audrey and Elouise, hosted a fantastic school assembly on Wednesday 12 March in the school hall. 

Chayse and Thomas delivered a comprehensive sport report celebrating lots of student achievements across swimming and sports trials. 

K-2 presented some of their sentence writing and Years 3-6 shared their sizzling story starters they've been working on in class. 

Congratulations to those students who received awards & a reminder to keep cashing in those blue cards!

Assembly Photos

Back to School BBQ and Parent Information Sessions

We had a fantastic turn out on Monday 10 March for our 2025 Parent Information Sessions and BBQ Dinner with over 70% of families in attendance. Thank you to everyone for attending. If you were unable to attend on the night and would like to see the information shared, please contact your child's classroom teacher and we can share those slides with you. A big thank you to the Alana Simons who kindly offered to delight the children with her face painting skills, what a hit! 

Class Information Sessions & Back to School BBQ

UC Apsire Day - Careers in the Outdoors!

Aspire UC - Careers in the Outdoors

Friday 21 March the Aspire UC team came to visit the students at Binalong Primary to share inspiration about a future careers.  

Students investigated careers across STEM, creativity, caring and the outdoors. The UC team assisted students in thinking through the steps they might need to take now and in the future to achieve their dream job. WE loved sharing our future goals!

The students enjoy engaging with the Aspire UC team who always make a considered effort to socialise with students, pick up on their individual interests and even join in at recess and lunch when its time for a run around the playground. 

Binalong Students with UC Aspire staff

Year 6 to Year 7 Transition

It's time to start the process for your Year 6 student to move into High School in 2026.  Please complete the Expression of Interest by no later than 28 March 2025.

Both the online and paper forms have sections for placement in local government school, other government schools, academically selective school or placement not required.  Please select the appropriate option.  All students in Year 6 need to complete an EOI regardless of which high school they wish to attend.

The online EOI is completed by accessing Binalong Public School's website Enrolment tab and clicking the link under the Moving to High School heading (website link below).

Our School Office has paper forms of the Moving into Year 7 in a NSW Government school in 2026 booklet which includes the EOI.  Please see Kerry if you wish to use this option.

Year 6 to Year 7 Transition at Murrumburrah High School

Bobbara Hill Walk - Sunday 6th April

Call for Volunteers!

Many hands make light work!

The Binalong P&C are calling for helpers for as little as an hour if you can spare it, at the Bobbara Hill Walk.

If you are able to assist please email the


Riverina Zone Carnival

Monday 10 March the Peter Dobson small schools relay team consisting of Oscar, Zavier, Cooper and Piper, represented at the Riverina Zone Carnival in Leeton.

The relay team dropped an incredible 6 SECONDS off their district time and had a 1st place finish against 12 other small school teams! The relay team will now progress to state finals in Sydney Olympic Park on the 11th of April.

Representing in their individual events: Piper 50 butterfly, Oscar 50m freestyle, Evie 50m butterfly and Ian 50m breaststroke. All students swam superbly and achieved great results, taking time off their personal best.

Our amazing swimmers continue to achieve highly and we are so proud of their achievements! 

Riverina Swimming at Leeton

SNSW Speedo Sprint Finals in Sydney!

Congratulations to Ian and Oscar who travelled to Sydney to compete in the Speedo Sprint Finals for the Southern Inland Swimming Region. We are proud of your achievements and we know you will continue to smash your swimming goals.


Breakfast Club

A mid term THANK YOU to all our volunteers who have been supporting breakfast club. 

We have been incredibly spoilt with pancakes, fresh fruit platters, home-cooked muffins and banana bread, on top of our weekly scrambled eggs, baked beans and spaghetti! Students have appreciated the tasty and nutritious start to the day!

We are passionate about running Breakfast Club at Binalong Public School because of the following benefits:

  • Nutritional Benefits: Breakfast club ensures that all students have access to a nutritious meal to start their day, which is critical for their physical health and development.
  • Improved concentration and learning: Students who eat breakfast tend to perform better academically. A well-fed child is more likely to focus, retain information, and participate actively in class.
  • Equity and Inclusion: Offering a free breakfast club helps to support all families during a cost of living crisis.
  • Social Interaction: Breakfast clubs provide a social setting where students can interact with their peers, helping to develop social skills and build friendships.
  • Positive School Environment: A breakfast club can foster a sense of community and belonging within the school, contributing to a positive school culture.
  • Encouragement of Healthy Eating Habits: By providing healthy breakfast options, schools can promote healthy eating habits among students, which can lead to long-term health benefits. Students may also become more adventurous with food choices and try new foods.
  • Support for Parents: Breakfast clubs can alleviate some of the morning pressures for parents and improve punctuality and attendance.
  • Support positive behaviour: Good nutrition can help stabilise students' moods and behaviour, supporting students to better self-regulate and prepare them for learning.

Autumn Harvest in the School Garden

Harvest the Garden!

Thank you to Sue for helping student identify produce in our garden that was ready for harvest. 

What an abundance the garden has provided this year! We love being able to provide students hands on experiences and experience the joy of engaging with growing their own fresh produce. 

Yass Show Entries

Celebrating Harmony Day - Friday 21 March

Harmony Week

Harmony Week occurs in March each year and includes 21 March, the United Nations' International Day for the Elimination of Racial DiscriminationExternal link which is an opportunity to build awareness of racism and promote the need to act to advance equity for all people in NSW public education.

The ongoing theme of Harmony Week is ‘everyone belongs’. Harmony Week is a time of cultural respect for all. By participating in Harmony Week activities, we can learn and understand how all Australians equally belong to this nation and enrich it.

What a Find!

Around the K-2 classroom

Who am I? Fantastic Descriptive Writing K-2!

Student Interview - Audrey by Mrs Arabin

What is your name and what year are you in? Audrey and I am in Year 6

What is your favourite hobby or activity? I really like playing soccer for fun rather than competition.

Do you have any pets? If so, what are their names? I have a kelpie named Spooky, two cats: a ragdoll and a ginger, They are called Luna and Agnes.

What is your favourite subject in school and why? I really like English because you can read and write a lot and I really like those things. I have an imaginative brain and I really like writing my ideas down.

What is your favourite book or movie, and what do you love about it? I really like the book, Runt, because it's a heart-warming story about friendship and a strong bond between human and dog.

Student Interview - Cooper by Elouise

What is your name and what year are you in? Cooper and I am in Year 4

What is your favourite hobby or activity? I like to play football

Do you have any pets? I have 2 dogs, 1 cat, a ginormous fish, 3 chickens, 4 sheep and 1 horse.

What is your favourite subject in school and why? Maths, because I am good at it.

What is one unique talent or skill you have? I am very good at singing.

What is your favourite book or movie, and what do you love about it? Despicable Me 4, because it is funny.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why? South Sydney, because it is the Rabbits' home ground.

Who is someone you admire and what qualities do you appreciate about them? Latrell Mitchell because he is a good footy player and he was nice when I met him.

What is your favourite food or snack? Hot dogs.

What is one goal you have for this school year? Get better at English.

Elouise's question: Do you like to mow the lawn? Yes.

Stars of the Week

Stewart House - charity drive envelopes coming home

Sun Safety

Schools promote sun-smart behaviour by encouraging students and staff to Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek and Slide. Students will be encouraged to apply sunscreen at school each day.  If your child has a particular sensitivity to generic sunscreen, please provide your own. Please ensure that your child has their school hat with them each day.

Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek and Slide
  • Slip on a shirt
  • Slop on the 30+ sunscreen
  • Slap on a hat
  • Seek shade or shelter
  • Slide on some sunnies.

From the Office

Student absences

When your child is absent from school, please let the school know the reason for the absence by using the Sentral for Parents app.  We are streamlining our practices and recording absences in Sentral is our preferred option.  We will still accept an email or phone call absence notification.

Permission notes

We would like to inform you that permission notes will typically be sent home on Wednesdays, with a due date for return the following Wednesday. Please note that there may be occasions when events arise at short notice, and in such cases, this schedule may not be applicable. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

Contact details

Please update your details - eg your mobile phone number, emergency contact people, regular after school pick-up arrangements.  It is important that we have the correct information should we need to contact you.

School drive subsidy

Transport NSW administers the School Drive Subsidy.  It is available to NSW residents in areas without public transport.  The subsidy helps eligible students get to school by car.  It only covers part of the cost, not all of it.

If you would like more information about the School Drive Subsidy, please contact the School Office.

P&C News

We invite all parents and carers to become part of our friendly and welcoming P&C community! As a member, you'll have the opportunity to contribute to the positive atmosphere of our school while having fun and making lasting connections. Membership is just $2 annually, and we encourage both returning members to renew and new members to join all the fun!

The AGM was held on Monday 24 February with all positions declared vacant. Your 2025 P&C Executive are as follows:

President - Max Giles

Vice President - Hannah Edwards

Secretary - Liesh Cotter

Treasurer - Tamika Paterson

The P&C have been making some plans for upcoming events. Please see the flyer below and add these dates to your diaries. We would love to have some help at these events and would love to see some new faces. 

The next P&C meeting will be Monday 24th March, 5.30pm in the office building.

P&C 2025 Events and Catering

Community Noticeboard

Women’s World Sand Green Championships

Do you know about the Binalong Street Library?

Next door to the Binalong Police Station is the old courthouse. If you go through the gate and onto the covered verandah you will find 2 large bookshelves full of books to swap and borrow. 

If you are looking for something new to read, or want to swap out some books you are welcome anytime. 

Cleaner Wanted - Binalong

Joss Cleaning holds the contract for cleaning government buildings including Binalong Public School and Binalong Police Station.  Training and uniforms will be provided, along with all the equipment you require to complete your daily tasks.  Hours of work at Binalong Public School are afternoons (3.00pm - 5.27pm) Monday to Friday.  Times may vary and are subject to change.

A NSW Working with Children Check for Paid Employment is required for this position.

To apply now, please click on the below link or scan the QR code.

Yass Junior Rugby Union Club

Our Sponsors