Dear families & friends,
We are now over halfway through term 1 and everything is speeding along. Our Inquiry ‘belonging, identity, community’ has begun now along with our full literacy, numeracy and arts programs and interventions. Students are getting into the routines of learning and enjoying the thinking and learning in inquiry.
Our tree work has finally been completed in the forest and we can now see the structure of the area and are excited to rebuild and replant the area. Our Environment Club, with the support of Steve and Camille will be cleaning up and prepping the area ready to run a family working bee early in term 2 to do planting and mulching. Keep an eye out for further information.
Everyone has already been enjoying being able to go back into this space to enjoy learning in a natural environment again.
This week and next week year 3 and 5 students will be participating in the NAPLAN assessments for writing, reading, conventions of language and numeracy. It is important to remember that NAPLAN is just one assessment on one day and does not measure all the other amazing things we know each student is capable of. We ensure students know that these assessments are more about giving us information about how we are supporting them in their learning and to help us identify next steps.
We are looking at continuing to build our volunteer pool. Thank you to those of you who came along to our first morning tea and induction session with Di. We already have some volunteers up and running doing sports team coaching, supporting the kitchen garden and helping out in the library. We are looking forward to getting more programs and opportunities up and running with the support of our volunteers over the next few months. Look out for opportunities to get involved and speak with Di or Gillian if you would like to volunteer.
Congratulations to Hannah
A big congratulations to our fabulous OSHC Director Hannah who is expecting her first baby in July. Hannah will be taking leave towards the end of Term 2 until the beginning of 2025. We wish her and her husband well in their new role as parents.
Hannah is a fabulous director and person and we know we will all miss her while she is gone. Governing Council have decided that we will be advertising the position externally to ensure we have the best possible chance of finding the best possible person to keep our OSHC program running to Hannah’s standards while she is on leave.
Cheers Skye 😊