Drummoyne Public School

Term 3 Week 1 Newsletter - Friday 26 July 2024


Dear Drummoyne PS Community,

Welcome to Term 3!

It was my pleasure to welcome our students back on Tuesday to start another exciting chapter of the school year, filled with a variety of events and activities. This term, we look forward to the melodious performances by our school choirs at the Opera House and Town Hall, celebrating public education during Education Week, the enchanting festivities of Book Week, the adventures of Year 4 camp and, of course, the fun and excitement of our school fete. Each of these events provides wonderful opportunities for our students to showcase their talents, learn new things, and create lasting memories. 

Fete Preparations

I was pleased to have been able to attend the latest fete committee meeting on Tuesday evening and to play my part to ensure this event continues to be one of the highlights of the year, not just for the school but for the entire local community. Our recent meeting was filled with exciting ideas and enthusiastic planning; however, we still need volunteers to bring these plans to life. Whether you can lend a hand with setting up, running a stall, or assisting with activities, your involvement is crucial. The school fete is not only a significant fundraiser but also a celebration of the vibrant community spirit at our school. Please find further information on how to volunteer included in this week’s newsletter. I look forward to seeing everyone come together to make this year’s fete the best one yet!

Education Week Events

Earlier this week, I was excited to invite you to join us for Education Week, a celebration of public education and the achievements and creativity of our students. We have a range of engaging events planned, including an open morning where you can visit classrooms and see the fantastic work your children are doing, an inspiring art trail showcasing student artwork and the unveiling of our two Aboriginal murals, designed by Scott Rathman in collaboration with our students, that reflect our commitment to cultural diversity and inclusion. Your presence at these events means a great deal to our students and staff and we look forward to you coming in to celebrate with us.


John Nguyen​


E: john.nguyen34@det.n​sw.edu.au 

Upcoming Events

Mondays11.50am Stage 1 Choir rehearsal in the KB classroom (second half of lunch)

8.30am Stage 2 Choir rehearsal in 5/6C

8.30am Stage 3 Choir rehearsal in the library

Week 2

30 July

2.40pm K-6 Assembly - Semester 2 SRC Reps taking their pledge. Hosted by our Prefects

Festival of Choral Music Stage 3 rehearsal

31 July

Paul Kelly Cup - selected students

1500m & Long Jump events at King Georges Oval

2 AugustParent/teacher interviews for classes 3/4A & 3/4W

Week 3

5-9 August

Education Week
Monday 5 August

Grandfriends & Family Open Morning

Includes Book Fair, Assembly, Open classrooms & Picnic lunch (see flyer with times listed below)

Thursday 8 August

3.30pm - 5.30pm DPS 2024 Art Trail

4.30pm Unveiling of our new Aboriginal Murals created by Scott Rathman

Week 4

12-16 August

Healthy Harold visiting
13 AugustFestival of Choral Music Concert
15 AugustZone Athletics Carnival
20 AugustP&C Meeting
20 - 22 AugustThe Mad Food Science Incursion
Sunday 25 AugustDPS Fete - 10am to 3pm
30 AugustP&C Father's Day Stall
2-3 SeptemberYear 4 overnight excursion to Stanwell Tops
17 September

Backflips against Bullying incursion

6pm Parent Seminar - Making friends with food

7.30pm P&C Meeting


Enrolment Panel Meeting

Over the next few weeks, our enrolment panel will meet to confirm local applications for next year, particularly Kindergarten 2025 applications. If your child turns 5 before 31 July 2025 they are eligible to start Kindergarten next year.

Please enrol any siblings starting Kindergarten in 2025.

Please complete your child's application as soon as possible, attaching a copy of their passport or birth certificate, proof of your home address (ie latest electricity bill, rates notice or lease etc) and their immunisation statement from Medicare. Any additional OT or speech therapy reports, additional needs etc should also be included.

Please submit your enrolments online at :  

'Kiss and Drop' Zone

We are fortunate to have a no parking zone near the Thompson Street gate. Kiss and drop zones are designed for your convenience and for  your child's safety. Designed for quick entry and exit, these zones minimise congestion and risk when used properly by all parents and carers.

These zones allow you to stop and drop off or pick up children for a maximum of 2 minutes. You're required to remain in, or within 3 metres of, your vehicle. As a courtesy to all parents, please use this zone in keeping with the conditions above.


Principal's Awards and Principal's Badges

Students receive values certificates from their teachers throughout the year for demonstrating our values of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience.

Once a student receives 5 values certificates, they are able to trade them in at the school office for a Principal's Award.  The 5 values certificates can be a combination of the 3 school values and come from any year the student has been at DPS.

Once the student has received 3 Principal's Awards, they can bring them to the school office and choose their Principal's Badge from one of the 3 values.  

Principal's Award's

Respect awards - Rawson says congratulations to:

  • Aleks N - 5/6P
  • Chloe A B - 3/4A
  • Phillipa M - 5/6H

Responsibility awards - Monty says congratulations to:

  • Dean T - 3/4A
  • Frenchie T - 3/4K
  • Macy T - 3/4R
  • Jordan K - 3/4R
  • Ilona F - 3/4K

Resilience awards -  Bretty says congratulations to:

  • Roman G - 3/4S

Principal's Badges

Mr Nguyen says congratulations to:

  • Aleks N - 5/6P - Responsibility
  • Chloe A B - 3/4A - Respect
  • Phillipa M - 5/6H - Respect
  • Jordan K - 3/4R - Responsibility

Athletics Carnival ribbons were presented at this weeks assembly

Positive Behaviours for Learning (PBL) tokens

Tokens are handed out to students who demonstrate our school values of Respect, Responsibility, and Resilience. Students post the tokens in the collection tubes divided by house teams. The tokens are counted at the end of each week, and the ongoing totals are displayed on our school notice board outside the office.


Scott Rathman Mural Workshops

This week, Scott Rathman, a celebrated contemporary Indigenous muralist, visited DPS to commence designing murals for the K-2 and 3-6 playgrounds. The aim of the project is to enrich our students' understanding and appreciation of Indigenous culture and history through the power of visual art. 
On Wednesday 24/7 and Thursday 25/7, students had the opportunity to participate in workshops with Scott. During the workshops, students worked collaboratively while learning about his artistic techniques and the cultural significance behind his work and strengthened their connection to Indigenous heritage. 
Scott will create artworks, incorporating students' ideas, and return to our school during Education Week (Tues 6 - Thurs 8 August) to paint them. The murals will  be 'unveiled' to the community at 4.30pm as part of our whole-school 'Art Trail' on Thursday 8 August.

Ashlee Ward
Classroom teacher. 


The Mad Food Science Incursion

Food is a fun experiment. That is why next month, your children will be involved in an interactive Mad Food Science Incursion by The Root Cause™ . There’s also an accompanying parent seminar before the P&C Meeting on Tuesday, 17 September which has been designed to help you simplify feeding your family. 

The Root Cause prides itself on meeting teachers, students and their families where they are at. In order to customise the messages for our school, teachers are collecting anonymous data about lunch boxes, our canteen, and the amount of waste our school produces. The survey is 100% anonymous and there is no association between any student and his or her food. It is a simple cricket score exercise: for example, hands up if you have a museli bar in your lunchbox today.  

The surveys will be finalised this week and will be a great way to inform how we plan for the incursions and the parent session. I look forward to sharing more information about the incursions and parent session in coming weeks' newsletters. Please don't hesitate to contact the school if you require additional information or go to the Root Cause's website at https://schools.therootcause.com.au

Michelle O'Dowd

Assistant Principal and Environment Coordinator

Stage 2 Choir

Over the next few weeks, Ms Sole and myself will be selecting 30 students from our choir to perform at the Primary Proms. We will be looking at rehearsal attendance and participation to guide our decision. As we have over 50 students, there may be some disappointment. This is not an easy task for anyone involved. We ask that you encourage your child to show resilience. 

The 2 dates for Primary Proms where attendance is MANDATORY are Thursday 5th and 26th September. The price will include a $40 entry fee plus money for the bus. Over the years it has varied between $60-$100. If this does not work for your family, please let me or Ms Sole know either via email or your child next Wednesday. Once the students have been selected, a note will go home via Audriri with payment information, dates, timings, and ticketing information. On anther note, we look forward to having the entire choir perform at both Open Day and the School Fete.

Amanda Champion

Choir Teacher

Stage 1 History Excursion


Book Week

Book Week is nearly here!

Once again Drummoyne Public School will be celebrating children’s literature and we would love our families and friends to join in!

The big day of celebrations will take place in week 5, on Monday 19th August.

We will have award winning children’s author Susanne Gervay visiting us, a magical Book Week Parade and lots of reading!


Students are invited to come dressed as a favourite book character or in the Reading is Magic theme for the parade. Family and carers are invited to come and watch the parade. The parade will take place Monday 19th August at 2:30 p.m.

Author visit!

Also on the Monday, students from Kindergarten to year 6 will listen to a presentation from award winning author Susanne Gervay.

Students can purchase a book by Susanne Gervay leading up to her visit which will be signed on the day. Orders must be placed by 5th August using the details below. Any orders after this time will be sent after the visit and will NOT be available to be signed.

Other News

Premier’s Reading challenge

The Premier’s Reading Challenge is still on, but not for much longer!!!

Students in years 3 to 6 must have their reading logged on the PRC website by Friday 23rd August to get their certificate!

The easiest way for students to log their reading is by going to their student portal and clicking on the Premier’s Reading Challenge icon.

Kindy to year 2 students will have their reading logs updated by Mr Neufeld.

Happy reading!

Education Week Book Fair

As part of our Education Week open day, a book fair will be held in the library on Monday 5th August. Friends and families are invited to come to the library from 8:30am to 11:30am to have a browse and possibly make a purchase. Books can be purchased on the day using eftpos or can be prepaid online.

In the coming week, students will bring home a “wish list” of books that have caught their interest from the fair. Details for online payments can be found on the back of the wish lists.

Any books you may like to purchase for donation to the library would be greatly appreciated and a part of every book sale helps to raise funds for our school library!

We look forward to seeing you there!

Joe Neufeld

Teacher Librarian


NSW Junior Netball State Titles

On the last day of term two I traveled to Penrith, with nine of my team mates, to compete in the NSW Junior Netball State Title, a three day competition full of fun, rivalry and A LOT of tape.

Our Inner West 12s team competed in the Championships Division and placed 16th out of 20 teams, Manly managed to come out on top and won the state title.

I am so proud of our efforts and achievements and very excited for next season's trials. In total, 2,344 players from 234 teams hit the courts, it was an amazing three days of netball.

Here are some shots of players we came up against (taken by a slightly concerned yet proud mum). I loved my first experience at State Titles!

Lola M 5/6O



Learn to be a chess champion! Coaching for students at Drummoyne Public School is held on Tuesdays from 11:15am to 12:15pm, starting on 23 July 2024.

Learning and playing chess helps children develop their logical thinking and problem solving skills, improves their concentration and focus, while also being a great source of enjoyment.

Activities include group lessons on a demonstration chess board or interactive whiteboard, puzzle solving and fun practice games. Students earn merit awards by making checkmates, or by displaying skills and positive qualities, which all good chess players strive to develop.

Each student in the Chess program will also receive access to Chess Squad https://www.chesssquad.com/ which is an online teaching/playing platform.

If your child is interested in taking part in the class, please email office.sydneyacademy@gmail.com for an enrolment form. For all enquiries, please contact

Sydney Academy of Chess on (02) 9745 1170.


Important - Please update your group subscriptions in Audiri ASAP

This year, our school will be beginning to streamline some of our communication practices in an effort to keep our school community engaged and informed. As part of this process, we ask that you please join your child/ren's CLASS GROUP as well as their YEAR GROUP (rolled over from last year) in the Audiri app. This will help us to ensure that you receive information relevant to you and your child/ren. Detailed instructions are included below.

How users can subscribe to open groups in the Audiri app: New users joining your school can subscribe to Open Groups by following these steps in the Audiri app:

  • Click on the Resources icon at the bottom of the screen.
  • Click on the Groups card that appears on the Resources page.
  • A list of all the Groups that have been created by the school appears, allowing the user to subscribe by sliding the button to the right of the group's name, to the right-hand side. The user can also unsubscribe to a Group by sliding the button to the left.
  • Thank you for your support.


    Fete news is back!

    Hear the latest news from our roving student reporters and fete Co-ordinator Walid El-Khoury on the upcoming 2024 DPS fete.

    • What’s it like to be part of the fete parent volunteer committee? (We’re always looking for more support!)
    • What is Walid most looking forward to on the day?
    • And what’s the big surprise at this year’s fete? (Will the secret get out??)

    Thank you to our reporters Tyler B and Ilona F for their latest news bulletin.

    Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

    Fete volunteer sign up is now live!

    Get in quick to nab your volunteer slot on your favourite stall! Toy & book stall, cake stall, BBQ, dunk tank… what will you choose?

    Please click the link below or use the QR code to volunteer on fete day. Many hands make light work, and all help – for as little as an hour – is gratefully received. (Plus the kids love seeing their parents help out!) 


    Would you like to sponsor the fete?

    We are continuing to seek sponsorship from our school business community to contribute to items our Principal, teachers and staff have identified as the most impactful on our kids' learning and wellbeing. This includes shade for our playgrounds, laptops, robotics and STEM share kits and modern learning furniture.

    Last year over 3000 people attended, and thousands more saw our local signage and social posts – what a great opportunity to promote your business locally!

    If you are interested in supporting the fete either as a sponsor, stall holder or contributor of prizes, please contact dps.sponsorship@gmail.com and a Committee member will be in touch.

    Fete details

    • Date: Sunday 25th August 2024
    • Time: 10am – 3pm

    Warm regards,

    Walid El-Khoury & Rob Tolliday

    Fete Coordinators

    Contact our P&C

    Please follow us on:

    Instagram @drummoynepublic.pandc

    Facebook @drummoynepublic.pandc

    And on our Facebook Private Group - for community members only. Please request access to join.


    Uniform Shop Opening Hours

    All uniform shop orders are now to be placed on Flexischools.

    Winter uniform is worn in Terms 2 & 3.  Please register and order uniforms online at: 

    The uniform shop is open for face to face sales on Friday mornings from 9am - 10am

    If you need to contact the uniform shop volunteers please email:



    This week @ Monty’s Munch

    Dear Parents & Carers,

    Welcome to Term 3. We hope everyone enjoyed their holidays.

    Thank you to parent volunteers Esme, Sarah and Megan for their help this week. Thank you also to student helpers Delilah & Korney.

    Grandfriends and Family Day will be held on Monday 5th August.

    • We have a lunch pack available for this day. COST: $5.50 for a sandwich and drink. Available on line now to pre-order.
    • Please put the name of student and class your visitor will be seeing.
    • The lunch will be put into the class lunch tub. This will be delivered to the  nominated class.
    • Orders open now!! They will close Thursday 1st August at 11:30pm.


    We are asking for the bare minimum with regards to help in the canteen. We would so appreciate volunteers signing up as this helps to keep prices low and ensures lunches are prepared in time (esp. Thursday and Friday). Your children also love seeing you in the canteen helping out. Your child will receive a lunch (main meal only, not any extras) for free. 

    MON. 29th July.   10:30 am - 11:30 am…….1 (Chicken Nuggets and wedges)

    THUR.1st August.  9:30am - 10:30 am…..1.        10:30 am - 11:30 am…….1 (Pasta)

    FRI. 2nd August  9:30am - 10:30 am….1.        10:30 am - 11:30 am……2 (Sausage Sizzle)

    To Volunteer

    • Log in to Flexischools account.
    • Click on NEWSFEED
    • Click on VOLUNTEER IN CANTEEN and click on the word here.

    If you need to pay for an emergency lunch:

    • Log in to Flexischools.
    • Select the next available date to pay.
    • Select the IOU option.
    • Select money denominations equal to money owing.
    • Add to basket.
    • Pay - so easy!!

    Kind regards,

    Canteen and P&C Committee


    Band Monday and Friday am

    Contact Directions in Music on 9662 2211

    Keyboard & GuitarTuesday and Thursday pm

    Contact David Koh from VIP Music on 9411 3122

    Greek Classes – Monday, Tuesday, Thursday pm

    Contact Charoulla Themistocleous on 0411 137 266

    Turkish Language Class – Thursday pm

    Omer Can 0418 695 766. Enrolment forms and detailed Information on 

    Art on Canvas for Kids - Mondays pm

    Contact Tahlia 0424 093 991. Email:

    Code Camp - Wednesday pm

    Contact Garrett 1300 26 33 22. Email: 

    Top Serve Tennis Academy - Friday pm

    Phone: Neil or James 0434 845 925 Email: fivedock@topserveta.com

    From Term 3 2024

    Golden Kick Soccer Academy - Monday pm

    Phone coach Oz 0434 845 918 or Email: goldenkicksa@gmail.com

    Make Believe Drama Club - Tuesdays & Wednesdays pm

    Email makebelieveaustralia@gmail.com


    To book Gowrie NSW - enrolment forms can be found on the Gowrie website:


    Contact Rekkha for more information on 0436 616 744.


    The following notices are listed as a service to the community and are not endorsed by the school


    Spring Vacation Monday 30 September – Friday 11 October 2024

    No Staff Development Day for Start of Term 4

    Students return to school Monday 14 October 2024

    Last day for students for 2024 - Wednesday 18 December

    Summer Vacation Thursday 19 December 2024 – Thursday 30 January 2025

    Staff Development Days Friday 31 January & Monday 3 February 2025

    Year 1-6 Students return on Tuesday 4 February 2025

    Kindergarten Students commence - TBC

    Autumn Vacation Monday 14 April – Thursday 24 April 2025

    Staff Development Day Monday 28 April 2025

    Students return on Tuesday 29 April 2025

    Winter Vacation Monday 7 July -  Friday 18 July 2025

    Staff Development Day Monday 21 July 2025

    Students return on Tuesday 22 July 2025

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    With Google Translation integration, you can access our newsletter in ANY language. Simply scroll to the bottom of the newsletter preview to give it a try.