Our Lady of Lourdes Primary Newsletter

Term 3 Week 4, 11th August, 2023

Key Dates

Sunday 13th August9.30am Year 2 Family Parish Mass
Friday 18th August

National Day of Action Against Bullying & Violence

Premier’s Reading Challenge Ends

Hills Zone Athletics Carnival

Tuesday 22nd August10.30am Book Parade
Monday 28th August Year 6, Voice of Youth Cluster  (Public Speaking Competition)
Tuesday 29th August 2.15pm K-6 assembly - Year 4

Nineteenth Ordinary Sunday 13 August 2023

The Gospel (Matthew 14: 30 - 33)

Jumping out of the boat, Peter walked on the water to Jesus. But when he looked down at the waves, churning beneath his feet, he lost his nerve and started to sink. He cried, “Master, save me!” Jesus didn’t hesitate. He reached down and grabbed Peter’s hand. Then Jesus said, “Faint-heart, what got into you?” They both climbed into the boat, the disciples having watched the whole thing, worshipped Jesus, saying, “This is it! You are God’s Son for sure!”

... On the way to Mass

Name some other instances in the Bible in which God does the impossible.

On the way home from Mass ...

How do you think Peter felt when he first started walking on water toward Jesus? 

What made Peter start sinking? 

Whenever you feel afraid or doubtful, what do you do to help ease those fears or doubts in you?

The Prayer

There are times when we feel cast down, in deep places, abandoned. Come to us, O God, when fear overtakes us. Companion us with your love and presence. There are times when we lash out in anger, seeking revenge. Come to us, O God, when fear controls us. Companion us with your forgiveness and mercy. There are times when we come to our wit’s end, not knowing where to turn. Come to us, O God, when fear disorients us. Companion us with your plans for good.  


The Question of the Week


When have you doubted God’s loving care for you?

What do you reach for when you face the storms in your life?

Does it help you meet your troubles or just ignore them?

Primary Students

What helps you keep trying even when you are afraid?

The Action

Walk out in faith, even if it means getting out of the safe boat you’ve been sailing lately. Take a risk: give charitably beyond what’s comfortable. Tell the truth even if it costs you. Pray through your doubts.

Merit Awards

National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence

CSPD FAQs - Parent Help Sheet

Please see attached CSPD FAQs Bullying Parent Help Sheet 

CDC NSW Hills district school changes commencing Mon 21st August 2023

CDC has announced minor timetable changes to public routes from Sun 20th and Mon 21st August 2023.https://cdcbus.com.au/timetable-adjustments-in-the-hills-area/#more-4456  For your school, the school advice has been updated for route 600. We remind students they must have a valid Opal card to travel on all buses, and must tap on and off morning and afternoon.


Sports News


Congratulations to  Jayda Isherwood, Year 6, who was presented with a certificate from Mark Taylor MP State Member of Parliament for Winston Hills, for representing NSW in High Jump at the 2022 School Sport Australia Track and Field Championships.

P & F News

Father's Day Breakfast and Raffle

The annual Fathers Day breakfast, raffle & stall is quickly approaching and will be held on Friday the of 1st September! 

We will need a team of volunteers to help make the event a success on the day! If you would like to sign up to assist on the day please follow the sign up link below. 

Fathers Day Sign Up Sheet

For those of you who would like to donate prizes for our ever so popular raffle, we would love any contribution from our OLOL school community. 

If you have a new product, gift vouchers, services, or know of any business that may be interested in donating to our fundraising raffle we would greatly appreciate it. 

We will happily include a message of thanks in the school newsletter for the families and businesses who donate to our raffle. Donations can be left at the school office. Any questions or queries regarding the raffle, please contact Rebecca Joumma on 0415673025, Dona Bazouni or Carley Messiou.

Parish News

Children's Rosary Movement

Children’s Rosary participants gather together to pray the Rosary every Monday during the school term. Parents need to accompany children. 

Bring your Rosary beads and spend some time in prayer.

Where: OLOL Church

When: Monday (school term only)

Time: 3:30pm

Contact: anitamolina@hotmail.com

Community News

No Parking Zones