Prep BA
Zoe M - for showing remarkable independence throughout the school day. You are beginning your days by putting your bag away by yourself and entering the classroom all on your own. You have been doing a tremendous job at organising your own belongings and are a great example and help for your peers. Well done Zoe!
Prep LC
Harry P - for always coming to class with a cheerful attitude and being a wonderful model of whole body listening in our classroom.
Year 1/2B
Adrianna R - for working so hard on your Weekend Retell writing and sharing great detail about your trip to a Deer Farm. Keep up the great work!
John H - for a fabulous detailed holiday writing retell about your visit to the Zoo. Keep up the great work!
Year 1/2D
Madden T - for showing an increasing amount of resilience in the classroom and during break times and reacting to situations appropriately. You have used some excellent positive coping strategies, Madden! Keep it up!
Liora M - for bringing a positive and determined attitude to our classroom community. You try your hardest with all of your learning tasks and have made impressive growth already this year. Well done Liora!
Year 1/2JM
Vittoria A - for working hard to do your very best every day. We love your positive attitude towards learning Vittoria.
Hudson K - for your enthusiasm towards learning in Mathematics. You have made impressive gains Hudson.
Year 1/2KC
Isaac W - for following directions, counting backwards expertly, and working hard to complete writing tasks. You are a star!
Valentina N - for consistently listening to the speaker, working hard to learn to spell the sight words and for being a caring member of our school community. You are a star!
Georgia H - for working hard in Maths lessons, improving her spelling skills and showing respect for others. You are a star!
Year 3/4HM
Archie L - for writing a series of excellent haiku poems using descriptive vocabulary.
Bella B - for accepting challenging tasks in Maths, and for participating enthusiastically in discussions.
Year 3/4J
Carter R - for active participation in classroom discussions, for always trying hard, for asking for help when it is needed and for consistently looking for ways to improve.
Claudia A - for actively seeking to improve her work across the curriculum, for being responsible with her time and her possessions and for being a good friend.
Johan H - for excellence in the writing of poetry. For thinking deeply about words and their meanings. For creating beautiful poems.
Year 3/4SJ
Dusty T - for her calm presence in the classroom and her ability to show initiative when necessary. You are displaying wonderful leadership qualities Dusty!
Eli C - for his attentive listening skills and enthusiasm to work on any learning task presented to him with care and diligence. You are a star Eli!
Mya C - for her dedication as a learner who chooses to continue her Maths work at home in her own time. You should be very proud of yourself Mya!
Year 5/6D
Thaaruni S - for writing a very impressive persuasive text during our writing lessons.
Ezra McK - for being highly focussed and producing excellent work as a result, particularly in the area of Maths.
Year 5/6RD
Sebastian R - for being extremely focussed when completing all tasks in the classroom, particularly in Writing and Maths. Well done Sebastian you are to be commened for consistently trying your very best and being such a positive role model to other students in our class and in the school. You have also shown greater confidence when speaking in front of the class and groups of people. This has been great to see. Keep up the great work.
Aiden A - for being extremely focussed when completing all tasks in the classroom, particularly in Maths and Writing. Well done Aiden, you are to be commended for consistently working hard and being such a positive role model to other students in our class. Keep up the great work. Well done for showing such resilience when running in the school cross country, you did a great job.