Beerwah State School

Newsletter 20 March 2025

Principal's Report

Dear Parents/Carers,

Welcome to the Newsletter for Week 8. Congratulations to Jodie Merrett who has successfully gained a promotional acting Business Manager position at Chancellor State College for the next 10 weeks. Colleen Clothier (Mrs C) will be our acting Business Manager and Karen Batson will be working in the front Office.


NAPLAN commenced on Wednesday 12th March with our Year 3 & 5 students. NAPLAN finished this week. All students did their very best, and our new computers donated by our P&C made NAPLAN much easier. Thank you so much to the P&C.

Easter Hat Parade

This year we will be holding two Easter Hat Parades. Our annual Easter Hat Parade will be held for Prep to Year 2 on Thursday 3rd April in the Hall at 2:00pm for a 2:15pm start. All Prep to Year 2 parents and carers are welcome to attend.

Prep A and Prep/1 are also holding an Easter Hat Parade for the local Kindergartens on Friday 4th April 9:30 – 10:45am followed by a morning tea in their classrooms. All Prep A and Prep/1 parents and carers are welcome to attend.

I am really looking forward to seeing all of our student’s colourful and artistic Easter Hat designs.

National Ride 2 School Day

National Ride2School Day is on Friday 21st March and is Australia’s biggest celebration of active school travel and one of the best days in the school calendar. The Sunshine Coast Council encourages all students within our region to ride, scoot, skate or walk to school on this day and offer some great prizes. This is a great opportunity to reduce traffic congestion and create less demand for parking spaces in and around our school.

Reminder to our school community to take extra care, slow down and watch out for children riding or scooting to school every day!

Community Easter Show

Our annual Easter Show will be held on Easter Saturday (19th April). There will be lots of fun activities and games for children to be involved in with some great prizes to be won. The show starts at 8:00am and will finish at 11:00am. Looking forward to seeing everyone there!

We are also looking for some parent/carers and students to help setup for a few hours on Friday morning (18th April) at 8:00am. Students that help out can earn a volunteer badge which will be presented next term on assembly.

Removal of Buildings

The Department of Education is gradually removing buildings containing asbestos across the state. Our 2024 Music block and Helping Hands block will be removed at the beginning of the Easter Break. This year we have moved Helping Hands to G Block and Music to E Block. Light work will commence on 23/3/25. Buildings will be removed from 5/4/25 – 16/4/25. During these works no one is to be onsite other than the contractors. Vacation care will operate from Landsborough State School for these holidays due to asbestos removal. 

Table & Bench Seats

Thank you to Community Recycling Inc and Iolar Operational Services for donating an outdoor table and bench seat to our school. Chappy Mike has assembled the outdoor seating with Year 6 students. This new seating is now situated in the Tuckshop area. Thanks to Coralie for organising this.


The P&C AGM was held on Monday night.

Congratulations to the following people for successfully obtaining positions on our P&C Executive.

President – Carolyn Brewer

Vice President – Megan Zakis

Secretary – Jacqueline Crane

Treasurer – Sharon Norman

Thank you also to Janie Wilson for continuing with the second hand uniform shop, Kelly Minns for continuing with the Book club and Sarah Clifford for continuing in the Tuckshop.

I am looking forward to working with you this year!

Have a wonderful week!

Scott Bowden

Our new table

HODC Report

English units

Students are busily putting together their assessment tasks for this Term’s English unit. The unit this Term is speaking and listening so they are using technology like iPads and voice recorders to assist them with practice, receiving feedback and completing the task.

All year levels are discussing topics related to multimodal narrative texts. The complexity of the text, topics and type of discussion increases across the year levels. This culminates in Years 5 and 6 where students are working in pairs to create their own ‘Podcast’ about their texts.


Over the last week and a half we have been progressively working through our NAPLAN assessments with years 3 and 5. The children have done an amazing job focussing during these tests and making sure they are showing their understanding in each of the tests (writing, reading, conventions of language and numeracy). The information we get from these tests helps the school identify areas for further teaching or revision.

Incursions and excursions

We have some very exciting incursions and excursions coming up.

We look for incursion/excursion opportunities that value-add to our curriculum delivery in the school. Upcoming ones include:

Term 2, Week 3 and 5 – Wander with the Wildlings (native wildlife). Prep to Grade 4.

Term 2, Week 3 – Year 6 camp

Term 2, Week 7 and 8 – Interschool sport (soccer). Year 4-6.

When we have details confirmed for each of the incursions/excursions, they will be released through consent management on QParents. Register now for QParents for your student to attend events, quick and easy consent and payment in the one place, at the same time.

Student Council

On Wednesday of Week 10 student council will be holding a free dress day to raise funds for this year’s student council project. The project is going to be a mural on the wooden fence near the tennis courts that faces out towards Peachester Road.

Student council are currently preparing posters to advertise this fundraiser.



Science light investigations

Events Calendar

Check out our calendar of events throughout the year, via the school's website at

Beerwah State School

You can sync any event to your personal calendar by clicking to  open the event and click on the  'Add to Calendar' button.  


Check out our Facebook page for more Celebrations and what's happening at our School.

Beerwah State School Facebook page

Admin Information


We have received reports of some users not being able to log into the SkoolBag Admin Console. We believe some users may be trying to access the old link. Please ensure that you update your bookmarks and shortcuts to the following login page:  Skoolbag ConsoleREMINDER NOTICES

Our school will be using a new Departmental process for sending reminder notices to parents/carers with overdue invoices. Reminder notices will generate periodically once your invoice becomes overdue.

How you will receive the reminder notice:
  • If you have provided us with an email address and you have overdue invoices, you will start to receive reminder notices directly to your email address
  • If you have not provided us with an email address, reminder notices for any overdue invoices will be posted to you.


If you are unable to pay your invoices before the due date or have a query about an invoice you have received, it is important that you contact us before the invoice is due for payment.


QParents is our preferred method of payment.

The QParents web and mobile application provides parents with secure, online access to their child’s student information, including:

  • Attendance and absence details, as well as the ability to notify the school of a future absence
  • Digital consent forms and managing permissions
  • Behaviour information
  • Academic report cards
  • Viewing unpaid invoice details, payment history, and making payments online
  • Viewing and updating personal student details, including medical conditions and address
  • Enrolment details
  • Upcoming events list showing school events, exam and assessment dates, and excursions.
  • Engaging in their child’s learning journey.

 QParents also provides an efficient and effective way for parents to communicate with the school.  Please refer to previous correspondence for further details on QParents on the Skoolbag/Audiri App.

Other Payment Options

  • You can also pay via the BPoint link on the invoice you receive via email
  • Cashless payments can be made at the Payment Window by EFTPOS on Monday, Wednesday & Friday morning between 8:30am-10:30am.


Please refer to the Communication Placemat that is available on our website to determine the appropriate method and avenue of communication for any information you require. If you are unsure, please email the school via and your query will be passed on to the appropriate staff member.

We welcome parents and other members of our diverse community into our school. Working together with the school community, school staff support the learning and wellbeing of every student, and are entitled to a safe work environment. Parents and other visitors to our school support safety by ensuring their communications and conduct at the school and school activities is respectful. Please read our Parent and Community Code of Conduct for more information.


We realise sometimes Parents need to get a message to student/s to change how they are going home, with whom, or need to collect student/s early. We ask Parents, where possible, to please contact the school at their earliest convenience prior to 1:00pm; to advise so messages can go out in rolls and minimise interruptions to class learning time.

Please call prior to arriving to collect student/s so we can have them in the office ready for your arrival. Our break times are 11:00am-11:30am & 1:00pm-1:40pm. We thank you for your support.


Up to date information helps us look after each of our students. Contact details can be updated through the BSS Skoolbag, QParents app or SZ app. For a hard copy to complete and return, please download from the sidepanel of our school newsletter or website.

School Payments


Take advantage of the QParents payments function to pay your invoices by simply logging in and paying online at any time.

If you have not registered for QParents yet, please email or call into the school office to collect the registration information. Over time, QParents will become an integral part of how we communicate with parents. Get on board now to enjoy the ease and convenience that QParents offers. More features will become available in the future.

For more information visit the website at Please email with any queries regarding QParent registration.

Library News

"Everyone is a reader, some just haven't found their favourite book yet"


Borrowing days this year are:

Tuesday     5/6 A ,    1A,   Prep A - return books Monday

Wednesday      4A,   4/5,  5/6B - return books Tuesday

Thursday Prep/1, 2A, 3A - return books Wednesday

If you require a Library bag they are available through the Uniform Shop for $18.00.

Other Reports

Student Services

At Beerwah, the Student Services team meets every second week to discuss how best to support our students’ learning and support needs.  Sometimes students’ needs are identified on enrolment or through our moderation process and other times individual student needs are identified by teachers.

Classroom teachers may discuss student needs with parents and carers and if necessary a referral will be made to the Student Services team.  If this is necessary, a green permission form will be sent home, explaining the process and we encourage you to complete the questionnaire on the rear of the form to help us to understand the needs of your student more clearly.

Our team are currently running an intervention program focussing on supporting students requiring additional support in the areas of phonemic awareness and phonics.

Sports Report

2025 Lunchtime Play Equipment

All P-6 students will have the opportunity to borrow, use and return a variety of sporting equipment at play break. Year level/ classroom teachers will oversee the equipment and students will be responsible for being a SAFE, RESPECTFUL and ACTIVE LEARNER and all times.

If you have any questions with regards to sport, please phone Ms Murphy at the school on 5436 5555 or email

Janelle Murphy (HPE Teacher)

Guidance Officer

Developing Resilience 2

These days, many ways of making children happy can make them much more vulnerable to wellbeing issues likely to impact on their future success and contentment – Dr Judith Locke “The Bonsai Child”.

By protecting your child from facing disappointment or unfairness, you give them unrealistic expectations of a future where everything is just, everyone gets rewards, and everyone is loved by all.

Your child will be ill prepared to cope with challenge if they have been brought up always to expect success. They will not only have to learn to expect occasional difficulty, they also need to learn how to overcome it or accept it as a part of life. To do this, they will need the skills to cope with their emotions when things don’t work out for them.

Weekly Focus & Student of the Week/Month

School Community

P&C Report

P&C Meetings

We have held all meetings for term 1, our last was in week 8 followed by the AGM.

The executive committee for 2025 comprises of:

President: Carolyn Brewer

Vice President: Megan Zakis

Treasurer: Sharon Norman

Secretary: Jacquelien Crane

Congratulations to all executive members and thank you to our outgoing committee.

It was lovely to see so many parents at our AGM and meeting. We discussed our upcoming Easter show (more later) and various other operational items.

Join us for our next meeting of Monday of week 2, term 2. Reminders will be sent out via our Facebook page but mark it on the calendar and come and meet a group of caring parents who promote the interests and facilitate the development and further improvement of the school.


Did you know: By engaging with their local community, volunteers have the opportunity to utilise their skills to make a positive contribution in the lives of others. Becoming a volunteer has many benefits including personal and professional development, improved health and the chance to develop social contacts.

The P&C Association are an approved volunteer organization with Centrelink (Services Australia) so if you need to complete volunteering hours, the school is a great option. This can be extended to grandparents and other friends, they will need to apply for a Blue Card to volunteer in the school which is an easy process we can assist with. Contact us by email and we can arrange to work out how we can help each other.

Facebook Page

We try to keep our Facebook page very active with all our notices here along with the Audiri app.

If you haven’t already jumped onto our Facebook page, you should. It’s a great place to see what’s coming up, what volunteers are needed & helpful reminders in case you missed the notification. We’ll also share our tuckshop specials and any meal deal information, so if you don’t see the posts, you might miss out!

It’s also the easiest place to get in touch with P&C.

Just find our page and like us to start following. BSS P&C Facebook page

Events & Fundraising

Easter 2025

It’s only a few weeks away!!! Saturday 19th April is the date for our Woodlands Community Easter Show. Lock it in your diary now and head on down to the school oval from 8am to enjoy all the festivities Easter brings. Of course the Easter bunny will be paying a visit along with SeaFM, a petting zoo, market stalls, community groups, bake sale, coffee van, Lions Club BBQ, traditional (and not so traditional) outdoor games, sideshow alley and a variety of local sporting groups so you and your family can try out a new sport or activity. There really is something for everyone.

We have two sponsorship packages still available for our amazing Easter show. Contact Carolyn on 0404 581058 if you are interested in your business being involved. Sponsorship gives you huge exposure to our local community and are great value for money. The advertising alone is fantastic and showing your support for a wonderful family event promotes your business to our entire community.

We need volunteers!!! Please get in touch if you are available to give a little time, as nothing happens without volunteers!

We are also seeking raffle prizes so if you or your business are able to donate an item or two, please get in touch with Carolyn on 0404 581058 or via email to

Mother’s Day Stall 2025

It may feel like some time away but when we return from school holidays, we will hold a Mother’s Day stall on Thursday week 3. The P&C will have a stall in the hall where each class will visit in turn and select items to purchase for their mothers or carers. As with all things P&C, the stall is run by our volunteers from 9-11am. If you are able to offer an hour or two to help, we would be very appreciative. Please get in touch if you can help.

Entertainment Book

The P&C receive 20% of the purchase price for each Entertainment membership sold. There are always specials on the website so check it out today, it could save you $$$ off hundreds of venues and attractions. Have a look at their website: for current offers.

Book Club

The latest book club orders will be delivered once they have arrived at school, then the next issue will soon be with your child. The best way to order is online at all books are delivered to the school and distributed to each child. If you would prefer to order as gifts, ensure you select that option and your items will be available for collection from the office.

An extra bonus is that the school receives 15% of all order values to purchase books for our library. Books are such a wonderful addition to any child’s life and there are some amazing prices in the book club.


Do you have time on a Friday to help out for a short time? Are you able to assist in the tuckshop? We need your help! It’s not a job for one person, and even 20 minutes will be a great assistance.

If there is a need to cancel the tuckshop for any reason, notifications will be sent out ASAP and we will postpone until the following week. Please be patient as we work through any issues which may arise. As the tuckshop is run purely by volunteers, sometimes life gets complicated, and we have to swap things about at the last minute.

This term we will be travelling the world with our tastebuds! Each week a special from a particular country or region will be available. We’ve already been to Mexico, China, Italy and Greece. We trust your child has enjoyed our delicious meals.

The weekly special will be sent out on Audiri each week, along with updates on Facebook. Ordering must close at 6pm sharp on Qkr each Thursday as our volunteers need to shop and prepare. Orders will be prepared for first break Friday. Ordering is only through the Qkr! app, and must be before the cut-off.

If you have ideas or suggestions for meals or inclusions, please get in touch.


School uniforms are available from The School Locker in Maroochydore.

Ordering is online or in-store, it’s so simple and convenient. Plus, by setting up your free Student Advantage Membership online, you will access special members pricing where applicable.

If you don’t have this information, look at the school website for details.

If you are uncertain of the size you require, one of each size of polo shirt and dress will be available in school to try on. Appointments need to be made in advance, please email to arrange an appointment.

The P&C have some second-hand uniforms available for sale at drastically reduced prices depending on the condition. Contact Janie at the above email address if you would like to have a look at what’s available.

If you have school polo shirts and dresses that are too small, or if your child is leaving school, please drop in your uniforms to the school office as we will happily re-sell to another family who can use them.

With limited volunteers and fundraising opportunities, this is one avenue that will help all families, and the P&C Association.


Did you know that Qkr! Can be accessed from any web browser? If you prefer to use a computer or tablet or unable to download the app, simply go to and set up your Qkr! account to access school payments, uniform shop, and tuckshop ordering.  

Kandoo Joeys' Playgroup

Kandoo Joeys is open to all families with before-school-aged children. We open every Thursday morning from 9.00am-11.00am from Weeks 2-9 of the school Term. You will find us in J Block, next to the Admin Block. Bring along a hat and some morning tea for your little one and come and join in the fun and social connections as your children learn through play. 

For more information contact  

Helping Hands OHSC

Helping Hands provides quality before and after school care. This service forms strong, collaborative ties with the school, children, families, and the local community; to ensure the needs and interests of every child and family are supported. We provide an environment in which children feel safe and have fun. Afternoon tea is included.

We are located in G Block which is next to the Junior Oval. For the children’s safety it is a requirement that you park in the normal front carpark (Old Gympie Road) and use the covered walkway to and from G Block.  Children must be supervised at all times by an adult.

If you have any questions please phone Helping Hands Co-ordinator Sharon on: 0448 083 043, or click on the link below.

Community Information

School of the Year

Positive Partnerships

This initiative is funded by the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment through the Helping Children with Autism package. It works together with parents, carers and educators of school-aged children on the autism spectrum to provide current, relevant and evidence informed information through workshops and online resources.

Click here to visit Positive Partnerships website

Management of Young Children Program

Concerns regarding young children with difficult and defiant behaviours? The Management of Young Children Program (MYCP) is available to support you.

The MYCP is supported by Beerwah and Landsborough State Schools (therefore no cost for these families) and is a practical and individualised behaviour support program for parents and carers of young children aged 2½ to 7 years and their families. It is a well-established and evidence based early intervention program targeting children who display defiant or oppositional behaviour with the aim of reducing such problematic behaviours in primary school and beyond.

For more information or interest in participating in the program, please see the school website link or contact the Landsborough State School office 5436 2777.

Other Information

Skoolbag App

Our School has our own Skoolbag iPhone and Android App to help us communicate more effectively with our school Parent/Student community. Download the Skoolbag App to receive short messages, reminders and alerts. Parents will also be able to use eForms for absentee notes and change of details.

Click here to visit Skoolbag website

Microsoft Office

You can install a complete version of the latest Microsoft Office on up to five compatible PCs and Macs, five tablets and five smartphones. Your Office subscription lasts for as long as your child is a state school student.

Ask your child to follow these simple steps to get Office: For PC and Mac, visit, login using your school email address, click through to install and follow the onscreen process. For tablets and smartphones, download from your app store and sign in with your school email address.

Instructions for Windows

Instructions for Mac

Beerwah Contact Details