Dear Parents / Guardians,
Welcome back to term 4 at Lihir International School. This term is shaping up to be full of exciting activities including the Year 8 and 10 National Exams, Rugby League Gala Day, the Ball Games and Long Run Carnival, Primary Student Led Conferences, the Year 10 Trip and our Awards Night Concert. Along with all this, our expert teaching staff are preparing a term packed full of excellent learning experiences for all students. Parent Overviews for Term 4 will be sent home today and a Term 4 Parent Calendar link can be found below.
Year 10 National Exams
Next week, our fourth group of year 10 will sit for the PNG National Exams. These are very important exams that will determine the students' future place in year 11. Our year 10 students have prepared well and we look forward to their results after the exam marking period. Thanks to Ms Yip, the high school and STM teachers who have worked tirelessly to have the students prepared.
Year 10 Camp and Work Experience
Following the year 10 National Exams, our year 10 class will head off on a Transition Camp to Kavieng for a couple of days. The camp is designed to prepare them for Work Experience and includes a visit to OLSH International Kavieng for an awareness on year 11 subject selections. Following this, the students will participate in a Work Experience program coordinated by Ms Baiwan. This program gives the students a valuable taste of the workforce, prior to subject selection for year 11.
Parental Supervision Outside of School
It has been bought to our attention that there have been a number of incidents involving our students outside of school at both Pikinini Park and the LSSC Pool. Each of these incidents have occurred when there had not been adequate parental supervision. We do encourage parental supervision while playing at Pikinini Park and it is mandated by the LSSC that children should not be accessing the pool unless accompanied by a supervising adult.
School Council Meeting
There will be a School Council Meeting on Thursday, 31 October, commencing at 6.00pm in the year 9/10 classroom. This meeting is for School Council members.
Please make an appointment to see the principal if you have any concerns or queries.
Mr Kevin Collins