Pelican Post

Term 3 Week 8 2024

Principals Report

Cattai PS Spelling Bee and Mathematics Challenge

Last week on Tuesday and Wednesday after recess, students from K-6 competed in the school spelling bee and mathematics challenge. For the spelling bee they had to spell a number of words with increasing difficulty. For the mathematics challenge they had to answer a series of maths questions and write their answer on a mini white board. There was three age categories with students in K-2 competing. Students in Years 3 & 4 in another category and finally students in years 5 & 6 battled it out. The top 3 students from each age category get entered into the MMWaC Academic Challenge which will be held on Wednesday the 25th September in Week 10 at Cattai PS. On this day they will verse students from our fellow MMWaC schools.

 Chess Comp

Last Friday the 6th September 12 students from Cattai went to represent our school at the Hawkesbury Teams Chess Competition. With 50 teams from across the Hawkesbury in attendance our students did amazing. Each team consists of 4 players. Our top A team placing 10th overall. We look forward to some of our chess players going through to the Chess Champions Day later in the year where students as individuals face off against each other. 

Phonics with Families

Also, On Friday the 6th September we had our 2nd Phonics with Families session. Our new Kindies for 2025 really hit their stride and were a lot more confident and willingly to have a go at the activities with less parent support. We had some other Year 4 students step in to help out on the day because many of our students were competing at the Hawkesbury Chess Day. Our fill ins were amazing and, as expected, showed kindness, compassion and leadership skills that are in abundance in our senior years. We look forward to seeing all our 2025 Kindies again for the final Phonics with Families session on Friday the 27th September.


Spotlight on C.A.P.A

This term in Visual Art we have been learning about famous artists. We have been exploring the different types of movements that were inspired by these artists. We have studied Pablo Picasso, Vincent Van Goh, Wassily Kandinsky, Claude Monet, Jackson Pollock and Andy Warhol.
We have created some amazing artworks using different techniques to express different feelings, attitudes and movements.

In Dance we have been learning new bush dances. We work together to create dances that incorporate partners and also individual moves. We have also enjoyed some time to explore free dancing and competition moves.

Term 3 Calendar