St Mary's Bulletin

Term 4 - Week 5 (8th November, 2024)

Swimming Lessons

Well done to our brave PP-2 students who have faced some chilly conditions in the pool this week. Whilst it has been a smooth start, lets cross our fingers and hope for some warmer conditions in the days ahead.

Music Assembly

Mrs Munns and her music students have been practising furiously over the past couple of weeks for their Assembly performance. Mrs Riethmuller and I are in Esperance for a meeting so we’ll have to watch some videos to catch up on the performances. Best of luck to you all. 


The Year 4/5 students attended the Parish Mass this morning at 9am. Thank you once again Father Philip for your patience and guidance of us all.

Our Year One/Two students will be reading at this Sunday's Mass at 10.30am. Please come along to support them and join in the Mass. 

Remembrance Day

A reminder that all are welcome to join us at our Remembrance Day Service at 11am on Monday. This is an important occasion each November; thank you to Mrs Riethmuller for her preparation in ensuring the Service runs smoothly.


The Year Three class will be participating in a Reconciliation Retreat Day on Friday the 15th of November. The students are invited to wear free dress and will participate in activities related to Reconciliation. A Subway lunch will be provided. More information will be provided on Audiri next week.

Please keep Ava, Sage and Sienna in your prayers as they prepare for the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Sunday the 17th of November at 10.30am at St Mary's Church. Everyone is welcome to come along and support them. 


A reminder that our School AGM is approaching, 7pm on the 18th of November. If you would like to become part of our SAC or P&F committees we’d love to have you! Nomination forms are available on Audiri.

Year 7 Transition Days - Merredin College

Next Friday will begin the first of our Year Seven transition days at Merredin College. Those students enrolled to attend Merredin College next year will attend a half day transition day at the College. Further information about the day can be found on Audiri. We wish them well and hope they have a great day.

P&F Contributions

Thank you to the P&F for their latest contributions: 10 trundle wheels and  1000 counters. These will be a great asset to our Math's Resource Boxes, which are shared throughout the school.

Remote Opshop Project

Thank you everyone for your kind donations of clothing.

We will be posting it next week to the Remote Op Shops.

Sana and Shay

God Bless

Mr H

Special Events

Assembly Merit Awards

Pre-Primary                                                  Year One/Two

Olivia Liebenberg                                         Miles Crook    

Eva Alberti                                                     Annabel Johnston 

Ezia Glass-Busson                                        Jessica Nguyen 

                                                                       Lola Anderson 

                                                                       Willow Munro 


Year Three/Four                                          Year Four/Five

Harry Hohaia                                                 Van Creagh 

Hayley Growden                                           Ava Anderson 

Toryn Hotene                                                Treigh Maiolo 

                                                                        Thomas Dolton 


Year Five/Six                                                 Performing Arts

Michayla Maiolo                                           Hunter Coles 

Logan O’Meagher                                        Ruby Billing    

Ashley Auburn                                              Mackenzie Munro 

Zac Crees                                                      Layla Gregory                        

                                                                        Clancy Sutherland 

Colour Run Final Update

Congratulations to Logan Thompson for raising the most amount of money for the colour run, he was awarded with a special medal and Monty the Monster plush! Congratulations also goes to Mason Marshall for winning the Scooter and Gabriel Tirant for winning the Monty Backpack!

Thank you to everyone who helped with raising money for our Colour run fundraiser we have raised $6386. What a great result which will benefit your children and our School.

On Wednesday the Year 4/5’s enjoyed a Pizza Lunch courtesy of Merredin Pizza for being the class who raised the most amount of money!

Thank you Merredin Pizza for your donation!!

Other News & Important Dates

Viterra & St Mary’s School Merredin P&F

Viterra and the St. Mary’s Primary School Merredin P & F have agreed to a sponsorship program for the coming season and into the future. The Viterra Sponsorship Program commenced in 2010 as a way of helping WA grain growing communities. Since its inception, Viterra has donated over $1 million to WA grain growing sporting clubs & community groups. Viterra is very proud of what the program has achieved over this period. We are very pleased to be able to contribute to WA grain growing communities that support us, knowing that our sponsorship goes some way towards the viability of rural WA clubs and their communities – it also gives growers a sense that they too have assisted with their club’s finances. We appreciate any support you can offer Viterra by spreading the word amongst your members and the community.

Here is how it works:

Viterra will donate $0.20 per tonne to the St. Mary’s Primary School Merredin P & F for every tonne of grain delivered against contracts sold to Viterra.

At the time of contracting, the grower or their consultant MUST identify that they wish the contract to be a part of the sponsorship agreement with the St. Mary’s Primary School Merredin P & F. Every 12 months we will forward your club the funds accumulated against the contracts covered by the agreement.

For contract pricing of any grain, or if you wish to subscribe to the Viterra ‘sms’ or ‘email’ pricing service, contact Rob Haddrill, Tim Giumelli or Matt Stenhouse in the Viterra WA office.

1300 453 626

Rob Haddrill 0407 191 633

Tim Giumelli 0427 017 047

Matt Stenhouse 0419 040 786

Containers for Change

St Mary's School is part of the "Containers for Change" program. Please see the poster below for all the details. If you require a green bag to collect your cans, these are available from Mrs Riethmuller at the school.

P&F Hair Ribbons Fundraiser

Are you child’s hair accessories starting to look a bit worst for wear? Or are you having trouble finding the St Mary’s colours?? Take a look at the link below or scan the QR code for School Ponytails to see what is available. Don’t think just School, do you need colours for Football, Netball, Hockey, Basketball etc…..take a browse as for every order placed the St Mary’s P & F receive a portion back!! Tell your friends, family, next door neighbour - anyone you know that needs to update their hair accessories! Thank you for your support. P.S Orders can be placed at anytime throughout the year and are sent direct to you!

Community Notices

St Mary's School Merredin

P&F Uniform Shop

Open Wednesday: 8:30 am - 9:10 am

Online Orders:

St Mary's Parish Merredin

Mass Times: Saturday 6.30pm and Sunday 10.30am