
TERM 4 WEEK 6 - 17 NOVEMBER 2023

Principal Update

The disco last night was a fun filled evening. Thank you to our P&C for coordinating as well as to the many parents who attended.

School Fence

The main entrance to the school near the administration building has been installed with an electronic pedestrian and carpark gate. These will be fully operational by Monday Week 8 (27 November). From this date we will introduce new procedures for our school gates. This will include:

  • From 8.00 am - 9:30 am each day all gates will be open and students and parents will be able to enter the school as they normally would. 
  • Gates will be closed between 9:30 am and 2:30 pm each day. If you wish to come into the school during these hours you will need to enter via the pedestrian gate at the front of the school outside the administration building. This gate has an intercom system and staff will open the gate for you.
  • From 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm each day all gates will be open and students and parents will be able to enter and exit the school as they normally would.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about these new procedures.

2024 Planning

Over the coming weeks we will be beginning our planning for classes for 2024. The needs of all students are considered when placing students in classes. One aspect of this is friendship groupings. In order to support all students and assist in class planning, students will be asked to write down the names of 5 friends. When teachers are placing students in classes we will ensure that all students have at least one of these friends in a class with them. Students will be told which class they are in on Day 1 Term 1 2024.

Next Tuesday students will participate in a whole school transition activity. This activity will be an opportunity for students to spend some time in the classrooms and main playground areas for their 2024 year group. Students will be shown where they line up in the morning, where their bags will go, where they will eat their lunch as well as the main learning spaces for their year group. Students will not necessarily be in the classroom that they visit during the day the following year. The purpose for the activity is to support students in understanding their new routines for the start of the 2024 school year.

If you wish to contact me at any time you are welcome to contact me on 4474 2363, email me at or contact the office for an appointment.

Enjoy your weekend.

Sarah Davis

Deputy Principal

Term 4 is absolutely whizzing by with no end of student activities from Healthy Harold to High School visits.  The disco on Thursday night proved another high point in the last few weeks.  It was fantastic to see so many of our students enjoying the evening and I am very grateful that we have such a proactive P&C that enables such an event to be held.  I would like to commend the students for their behaviour on the evening, particularly their enthusiastic dancing.

As indicated in our newsletter, there are lots of events planned for the final four weeks of school. Next week we have the Term 4 Showcase Assembly and we will be in contact with families of students involved in any performances prior to the event.

A few reminders from me as the school year draws to a close:

  • The weather is warmer so hats are essential for outside activities – particularly for those groups walking to and from the pool for swimming.
  • Attendance matters every day for school – there is still teaching and learning happening in all of our classes.  Please ensure your child is maintaining high levels of attendance.
  • Attending end of year Stage Celebrations (which are currently being planned) is a privilege made available to those students who meet our expectations for behaviour at Moruya Public School.

Tracy Scobie


  • Year 2 Intensive Swimming Program Starts - Monday 20 November
  • Katungul hearing check - Aboriginal students - Commences Tuesday 21 November
  • Year 6 Orientation at High School - Tuesday 21 November
  • P&C Meeting - 3:15 in the staff Room - Tuesday 21 November
  • Year 6 UOW - Future Finder Day - Thursday 23 November 
  • Whole School Showcase Assembly - Thursday 23 November 2:15 pm
  • Friday's Swimming Program - Stage 3 at 9.30 am / Stage 2 at 12.00 noon  
  • Presentation Day Assembly - Tuesday 5 December 
  • Year 6 formal at Moruya Golf Club - Thursday 7 December 
  • Summer Concert - Tuesday 12 December 
  • Last Day of Term 4 for Students - Friday 15 December 



The P&C would like to thank all parents/carers for their support of our school disco held on the 16 November, it was a HUGE success. Due to the support of parents/carers that helped out with supervision we will be able to continue to hold these events in the future. 

Our School Canteen now has online ordering available through School24 from Monday 20 November. Details for parents can be found below and they were sent home with students today. 

If you require any help with downloading the App or setting up your account, please contact the front office or see Nicole our canteen Manager. 

The Canteen is still looking for parent/carers volunteers to help out when available.  It can be for just one day or for a couple of hours if that is all you can offer but any help would be appreciated.  

Thank you

SCHOOL 24 - Online Lunch Ordering

KITCHEN GARDEN - with 2/3 Seals

KITCHEN GARDEN - with Possums & gwiyaalas

YEAR 4 Canberra Excursion

Students from our school have recently undertaken an educational tour of the National Capital. Students were given the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy. The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the National Capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship education. To assist families in meeting the cost of the excursion, the Australian Government contributes funding per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program towards those costs. The rebate is paid directly to the school at $45 per student upon completion of the excursion and we hope this funding will continue for future excursions. 

SALE ITEMS - Uniform Shop while stock lasts

Mrs Scobie gets a special delivery from the gwiyaalas class


Register for your parent portal to make payments and sign permission notes online

School Bytes now have an app - please use this link for Android phones
School Bytes now have an app - please use this link for Apple phones



The SkoolBag app now known as Audiri is the easiest way keep up with school events, last minute notices, newsletters and all school communications.