St John the Baptist Ferntree Gully Newsletter

Tuesday August 20th 2024

Letter from the Principal, Kelli Johnston

Dear Families

After many weeks and months of planning, preparation and rehearsals we have made it to the week of the Production. The SJB Production is an opportunity for students to try something that they may not previously have had the opportunity to experience.  We congratulate each and every student for their participation in the Production, for giving it their best and for the courage each student demonstrates as they stand in front of an audience of hundreds to perform.

We are incredibly proud of all our students. May you enjoy every moment of the evening. You truly are stars!!

We would like to thank Mrs Sue Cahill and Mrs Renee Armstrong for the many hours of planning, preparation and work invested in preparing our students for such a wonderful event. We are truly fortunate to have such dedicated and passionate staff to lead our students.

We wish all students, families and staff a wonderful evening. We look forward to a fabulous SJB community evening.

Parking at George Wood Performing Arts Centre

School Closure Day

On Friday the SJB staff engaged in a day of professional learning focused on the MACS Vision for Instruction and SJB school expectations.  

The day focused on the MACS Vision for Instruction with emphasis on How Students Learn, the model of Cognition and the Implications for Instruction.  When revisiting the SJB school expectations staff reflected on routines and the explicit teaching of routines to set students up for success. The reflection of the SJB school expectations and routines was further enhanced by reflecting on the ACER student wellbeing data from SJB students in Years 3-6.

We thank Mrs Ursula DeCorrado for planning and preparing a most professional and engaging day of learning for the staff.  SJB is most fortunate to have Ursula’s professional expertise leading and guiding our staff.

Father's Day Stall - We need you!!!

The SJB Father’s Day Stall will be held next Tuesday 27th August from 9am.  Tokens may be purchased outside the main classroom door entry next week at the following times:

Before & after school:  Wednesday 21st August.

We are still seeking helpers to assist with preparing the Father’s Day gifts and the Father’s Day Stall on Tuesday 27th August. If you are able to assist we would love to hear from you. Please email either Ursula or myself. or 

Father's Day Breakfast - Friday August 30th

We would like to celebrate the special men in our children’s lives.  On Friday 30th August we invite our special men to join their child/ren for breakfast in our school hall.  Breakfast will be available from 7:30am and then classrooms will be open for you to join in for our morning prayer and activity.   

Confirmation Reflection Day - Monday August 26th

Our Year 5/6 Confirmation candidates will come together with the Parish candidates on Monday 26th August for a day of reflection as they prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Students will participate in a variety of activities to further enhance their faith development and understanding of the Sacrament. Students may dress in neat casual clothes as part of their day.

The Sacrament of Confirmation will be on Thursday 29th August @ 6pm. 

As a community we will hold our Year 5/6 students in our prayers as they prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation.                                

Term 3 Optional Parent/Teacher Interviews

At St John the Baptist we strongly value our partnerships with our families and the importance of open communication.  To continue our strong partnerships we have introduced an Optional Parent Teacher Interview in Term 3. The Optional Parent Teacher Interviews may be booked by families or requested by your child’s class teacher, should they feel that it is important to meet with you.

Interviews will be able to be booked through our new booking system - School Interviews site. 

Families are reminded that should you have a PSG for your child that this takes the place of the Parent/Teacher Interview.

Parish Cleaner Required - Casual Cleaning Position from mid September

We are seeking to employ a part-time cleaner here at St John the Baptist. The successful applicant must be well motivated to work for the Church and ideally possess a strong commitment to its practices and values.

 Tasks and Responsibility

·         Perform routine cleaning tasks: Clean Parish Church, office and Parish Community Centre by performing duties such as dusting and        vacuuming, cleaning toilet facilities.

·         Work within the Australian hygiene standards and Guidelines

·         Maintain professional & respectful working relationship with Parish Priest and Staff

·         Communicate well with Parish Priest and Staff

·         Working with Children Check – Mandatory, Police Check (new Check required) Valid Driver License

Please send your expression of interest to the attention of 

Fr Thomas,

District Athletics

Exciting times ahead as our Year 3-6 students prepare to participate in the District Athletics Carnival to be held in Ringwood on Wednesday 4th September. Families are requested to respond to the Operoo form to assist with confirmation of numbers on the day.

A number of additional practice sessions have been scheduled by Mr Mitchell.  Students wishing to attend these are most welcome. We ask that you confirm your attendance through Operoo.

We look forward to a fun day of athletics competition. We know that our students will represent themselves and SJB school in an exemplary manner.  Good luck everyone!!


A significant and formal way in which we engage and gather data is through MACSSIS, the Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools – School Improvement Surveys.

MACSSIS is a set of surveys that have been built specifically for Catholic schools in Melbourne by the Learning Services team at MACS, in partnership with researchers at Learning First and in wide consultation with principals in our schools.

MACSSIS surveys will be emailed home this week to 70 randomly selected families.  We ask that you look out for an email from ORIMA research which will contain the link to access the survey.  Your login details will be sent in a separate email from our school.

Our community’s opinions are critical to understanding how our school is performing – MACSSIS is a key data source so please take the time to complete the survey so that the thoughts and opinions of our whole school community can be used in guiding the ongoing work to improve our school.

If you would like more information, please contact the school.

Footy Day - September 15th (last day of Term 3)

To celebrate the end of another terrific term of learning and work we have scheduled Friday 20th September as Footy Day. The children will be able to wear their footy colours to school as part of the day of celebration, as long as they wear Yellow and Black!!  The students can come in their footy colours for the day and we look forward to a fun day of activities, as well as a special Footy Day lunch.  Further information will be shared in the near future.

Year 3/4 Camp

This October our Year 3/4 students will attend an overnight camp at Phillip Island. The camp will be held early in Term 4 with the students departing on Thursday 24th October and returning on Friday 25th October. 

This is an exciting time for our students as they prepare for camp.

Families will soon receive an Operoo form to complete in preparation for camp.

Gilwell Park Dad's and Kid's Camping Weekend - November 2024

We have made inquiries with Gilwell Park in regard to booking this year’s SJB Dads and Kids camping weekend.  At this stage we are proposing the weekend after the Melbourne Cup weekend - Saturday 9th & Sunday 10th November. We would love to have a few dads who would be happy to collaborate to co-ordinate the event for this year. It would be great to have some existing SJB Dads along with new SJB Dads to co-ordinate the event.

If you would be interested in assisting in the co-ordination of this year’s SJB Dad’s & Kids camping weekend please email either Ursula DeCorrado or myself at or 

Final Fee Statements for 2024

A reminder that outstanding fees for the 2024 school year are due tomorrow Wednesday August 21st.

Pre-paid composite fees for 2025 will be distributed in Term 4.

In the event you are currently experiencing financial difficulties, please contact Kelli Johnston ( or 9758 1013), to make a mutually convenient time to discuss options moving forward.

Contacting the School Office

Should you need to contact the office via email for any reason, please use the following email address – This email is monitored each day whereas the direct emails to Cynthia and Andi may only be checked on the part-time days they work.

SJB Production - Pirates of the Curry Bean

Ticket Sales

Video Orders

Mini Vinnies Winter Appeal - Term 3

Recently, our Mini Vinnies Social Justice Team met to discuss the next steps in the SVDP Winter Appeal. There is much enthusiasm now to collect TOILETRIES for those in need. Please consider donating an item from the list below and sending it to school with your child. Each classroom has been allocated a collection box to fill and we hope to pass on these desperately needed donations to Peter and Teresa Finn of the Ferntree Gully Conference. 

You will notice that I have allocated  different categories of toiletries to each class. This is so we may gain a broad selection of items which we hope to package for individuals and families in need. 

However, if you wish to donate an item from another category, please feel free to do so. Simply place it in your child’s classroom donation box. 

Any donation will be gratefully received.


Shampoo / ConditionerYear 5/6D & Year 5/6RD
Deodorants - all typesYear 3/4J & Year 3/4HM
Shaving productsYear 3/4GA & Year 3/4SJ
Hand Soap / body washYear 1/2KC & Year 1/2D

Dental productions

eg toothpaste, toothbrush, floss

Year 1/2JM & Year 1/2B

Hair and nail products

eg brush, comb, elastics, clips,

emery boards, moisturiser

Prep LC & Prep BA

Marialisa Mandarino

Faith in Education Leader

Wishing everyone a fabulous Week 6.

Kelli Johnston

Term 3 Dates


23rd - SJB Production - Pirates of the Curry Bean

26th - Confirmation Reflection Day

27th - Father's Day Stall

29th - Sacrament of Confirmation

30th - Father's Day Breakfast at 7.30am


1st - Father’s Day

2nd - MACSSIS Surveys Open

2nd - Prep visit to Ferntree Gully Library

4th-  District Athletics

4th - School Advisory Council

5th - Level Mass - Year 1/2

6th - Assembly 3/4HM

12th - R U OK Day?

13th - Division Athletics

13th - Assembly 1/2D

20th - Footy Day

20th - Term 3 Concludes @ 2pm

Uniform Shop News

Thank you to families who have donated to the 2nd hand uniform shop recently. Donations can be left at the office at a time that suits you. Please find the most recent stock list attached.

Canteen News

Open on Wednesdays & Fridays

Canteen orders can be placed via

Orders must be placed no later than 7.30am on the Wednesday or Friday.

Canteen Roster Term 3, 2024

Friday August 23rd

Katrina Horne

Melinda Price

Carrie Canton

Friday August 30th

Leanne Gaunt

Claire Lewis

Emma Jenkins

Friday September 6th 

Lauren Wearne

Shamindri Aponso

Adriana Ambler

Community News

St John the Baptist Ferntree Gully