
Goulburn Public School

Latest COVID-19 Advice

Please click on the link below to visit the latest covid-19 advice from the Department Of Education.

Term 3, Week 1

Principal's Report

Welcome back to what is shaping up to be another busy term! Students and staff have settled back into the school routine smoothly and are preparing for some great events in the next few weeks. This week we celebrated NAIDOC Week through the 2023 theme ‘For Our Elders’. Across every generation, Elders have played, and continue to play, an important role and hold a prominent place in our communities and families. They are cultural knowledge holders, trailblazers, nurturers, advocates, teachers, survivors, leaders, hard workers and our loved ones. We have paid respect to Elders past and present through a variety of classroom activities and a presentation led by Mrs Munro. Collaborative artworks completed this week will be displayed throughout the school.

The district athletics carnival is scheduled for next Friday and I look forward to attending with Mr Waterman and Mr White. Congratulations to all students that have made it through to the district level. Notes were sent home this week to those eligible students.

Education Week 2023 will be held from Monday 31 July to Friday 4 August 2023 (Week 3, Term 3). This year's theme celebrates 175 years of public education in NSW. Our annual GCOPS concert will be held as part of Education Week, showcasing performances from all our local Goulburn public schools. Students in the choir and dance group have been working hard and are excited to perform for you! Further opportunities for families to visit classrooms and see the wonderful work of our students will be advertised next week.

I look forward to a productive and successful Term 3.

 Kim Smith


School Attendance

Attendance at school every day is important. When your child misses school they miss opportunities to learn, make friends and build skills.

Attendance below 90% has a negative impact on your child.

If your child is absent, please call or email the school or complete the green notification of absence note.

Mrs Samantha Smith 

Attendance Team Coordinator 

    Term 3

17 July 

*Staff Development Day 

18 July 

* Students Return Term 3

19 July 20 July 

21 July 

*NAIDOC Week Assembly 


24 July

*Attendance Playground Rewards Excursion

25 July


26 July 

*Assembly - K- 2

27 July 

*Mulwaree High Taster Day 1 

28 July 

*District Athletics Carniva


31 July 


1 August 

*Ukelele & Percussion Lessons

2 August 

*Goulburn High Focus Day

3 August 

*GCOPS Final Rehearsal & Performance

4 August 

Attendance Rewards Excursion

Students who have 90% and above attendance for semester one will receive an invitation today (please check your child's bag) to attend the Adventure Park Play Equipment at Victoria Park on Monday 24  June.

This rewards excursion is a great way for students to celebrate their high attendance at school.

Students will walk to Victoria Park in stage groups. If you do not wish your child to attend, please contact the office.

Students who do not receive an invitation will remain at school on the day.

School Bytes Finance System

Child Protection Education


Week 10

PBL Value Of The Week

PBL Students Of The Week

Achievement Awards

Honour Ribbons

Premier's Spelling Bee Winners

Cross Country Winners

GPS Annual Book Week Parade

Goulburn High School Year 7 2024

Mulwaree High School

Breakfast Club

SaCC Programs


Unfortunately we have had confirmed cases of head lice at our school. Could you please check your child’s hair and make sure you treat your their hair appropriately before returning them to school. Further information on head lice is available on the NSW Health website or through the Department's website:

Joke Of The Week!

From The Office

  • Please make sure all permission notes are handed to their class teachers and please put any money payments in a sealed bag/envelope with your child's name clearly labelled on it. All permission notes and money are then handed into the office for processing. 

  •  GPS is transitioning to an upgraded School Bytes Finance System on Tuesday 1 August 2023. We are required to implement a short payment lockout from 9am on Tuesday 25 July for online payments and 1pm on Wednesday 26 July for cash payments. We will advise you when payments can resume. 

  • If your child is late to school, please advise them to come into the front office to sign in and get a late slip before going to their classroom. 

  • If your child is unwell, please keep them home and notify the school via phone or email. With a vomiting bug, students cannot return to school until 24 after they started feeling unwell and 48 hours after diarrhea.

  • If your child has lost any uniform items please encourage them to check the lost property box which is located in the hallway outside the office.   All uniform items should have your child's name clearly labelled.

  • We highly encourage a change of clothing in your childs bag for K-2 students.

Administering Prescription Medication

When a medical practitioner has prescribed medication that must be administered during the school day, parents/carers must:

  • notify the school
  • provide up to date information as required
  • supply the medication and any 'consumables' necessary for its administration in a timely way.
  • Must be supplied in a blister/webster pack or original packaging with a prescription label attached. 
  • Parents/carers of children who require prescribed medication to be

administered at school must complete a written request document.

Students must not carry medications and medications are to be delivered to the office by parents/carers or the chemists.  

Non-prescribed medications

Schools generally don’t administer medication that hasn’t been requested for an individual student’s specific condition. In some cases the medical practitioner may not write a prescription for such medication because it may be available 'over the counter'. NSW Health advises that ‘over the counter’ medication may still be harmful and that schools should follow the same procedures for non-prescribed medications as for prescribed medications.

For further information, please contact the school office. 

Update Your Details

Have you moved house? Do you have a new phone number or email address?

Please contact the school office to update any details that may have changed.

Visitor Check In

All parents/carers and visitors who enter the school grounds must check in at the front office. Please report to the office directly after entering the school gates.  This is for the safety of all students and staff members. 

If you wish to speak to a teacher, please contact the office and a time can be arranged for you.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Crossing Safety

Any students crossing the road should do so at the crossing with our supervisor.

Safe crossing at any road should be done following the below:

  • Where possible, cross the road at a designated pedestrian crossing
  • Stop, Look and Listen
  • Look both ways
  • Do not run across the road 
  • Take care when crossing any road

School Zones


Goulburn Public School P&C

Uniform Shop

Uniform orders can be made by contacting the P&C directly through their Facebook page at Goulburn Public School P&C Association. Alternatively, students can take a completed form together with cash (or the receipt number from direct transfer payment) to the office and the order will be sent home with students.

Please keep tags and the original packaging on all items that may need to be exchanged for a different size.

For all fitting enquiries or general uniform information contact the P&C on 0401 723 488.