Blaxland Public School

Term 3 Week 10

Thought for the Week

“Let the adventure begin”

Important Dates


Week 1

Monday 9 October

  • First Day of Term 4 for Students

Tuesday 10 October

  • Kindergarten Transition
  • P&C Meeting 7pm - Zoom

Wednesday 11 October

  • Years 3-6 Public Speaking Finals - in hall at 11:30am

Saturday 14 October

  • P&C Community Fun Day - 10:00am-2:00pm

Week 2

Tuesday 17 October

  • Kindergarten Transition
  • 2024 Kindergarten Parent Information Session - 9:45-11:00am

Wednesday 18 October

  • Stage 3 Canberra Camp

Thursday 19 October

  • Stage 3 Canberra Camp

Friday 20 October

  • Stage 3 Canberra Camp

Week 3

Wednesday 25 October

  • Red Cross Pillowcase Program

Thursday 26 October

  • Year 6 Ice Block Fundraiser

Friday 27 October

  • Red Cross Pillowcase Program

Message from Mrs Ellis

Term 3 has been an exciting term of learning, activity, and extra curricula opportunities at Blaxland PS. This term the students have had the opportunity to be part of: School and Zone Athletics Carnivals, Open Day and Book Character Parade, AECG online fitness camps, NRL League STARS, Volleyball Sessions, Girl’s Soccer Gala Day, Blue Mountains Dance Festival, Kindergarten Transition, Father’s Day breakfast and stall, Stage 2 Zoo Snooze and SRC school discos, Spelling Bees and Public Speaking Competitions. Throughout these activities, our students have shone and a huge thank you to all school staff who provided these fabulous experiences for Blaxland PS.

Bush Fire Season

The official Bush Fire Season for the Blue Mountains starts on the 1st October. Our school is in a bushfire prone area and is listed as Category 1 on the NSW Department of Education’s bushfire risk register.

To ensure the health, safety and welfare of students and staff, the department has determined that on days when NSW Rural Fire Service declares a Catastrophic Fire Danger Rating for Blue Mountains, our school will temporarily cease operations for the following day. In addition, schools may be made non-operational due to changing higher risk conditions and advice from emergency services and the State Emergency Operations Centre.

The School has developed a Bush Fire and Grass Fire Plan and this will be uploaded on the school website at the beginning of Term 4.

Bushfire Information

Red Cross Pillowcase Program

The school has organised for the Red Cross Pillowcase project to come and work with our students on Wednesday 25th and Friday 27th October.

The Pillowcase Program is a disaster resilience education program designed to help children prepare for, cope with, and respond to emergencies. It’s a free 60-minute workshop delivered in schools by Red Cross volunteers and staff. The workshop encourages students to be active participants in their own emergency preparedness. The program includes a discussion about the importance of being prepared, as well as interactive activities to help students prepare their minds for an emergency and consider what to pack in an emergency kit. Students are then given a pillowcase to decorate and take home to start their own personal emergency kit, hence the program’s title.

Zoo Snooze

Last week, Year 3 and 4 attended a Zoo Snooze at Taronga Zoo. All students and staff had a fabulous time, and our school was complimented on our students responsible and respectful behaviours. 

2024 Kindergarten Transition

This term, we have held three transitions to school visits with two more next term. We will be holding an information session for parents on the last visit Tuesday 17th October in the school library starting at 9:45-11:00am. We have really enjoyed getting to know our new students and their families and are looking forward to them joining in 2024.

Years 3-6 Public Speaking School Final

All students in Year 3 & 4 completed their Oral Reading; and Year 5 & 6 students presented their speeches for Public Speaking in their classes during the end of Term 4.

The following students will represent their class on Wednesday 11th October (Week 1) from 11:30am in the Hall. Parents of the students below are more than welcome to attend the finals.

Oral Reading

  • Year 3: Cleo, Noah and Eleanor.
  • Year 4: Soraya, Susanna, Adalyn, Chloe, Rhys and Ember.


  • Year 5: Sophia, Maddie, Lachlan, Carly, Axton and Emily.
  • Year 6: Adelaide, Niah and Jacob.

A winner will be chosen from Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6. These students will represent Blaxland at the Annual Blue Mountains Public Speaking and Oral Reading Finals at Winmalee Public School on Tuesday 21st November (Week 7).

We wish everyone the best of luck.

Tell Them from Me Student Survey- Years 4-6

In Term 4, the students in Years 4-6 will be completing the NSW DoE Tell them from Me survey. The survey will provide us with valuable feedback on what our students think about school life, how engaged they are with school and the different ways that teachers interact with them. This survey is confidential, and staff in schools will not be able to identify individual students from their responses.

To ensure confidentiality, students in Years 4, 5 and 6 will receive a unique username and password. Information is only reported where five or more students answer a question.

The survey is online, takes 15 to 30 minutes, and will take place at school during school hours. We will receive a report on our school’s survey results shortly after our students complete the survey.

Participating in the survey is voluntary. If any survey questions make your child uncomfortable, your child can skip the question or can choose to stop the survey at any time.

Tell Them from Me Parent Survey

Every year the school seeks feedback from the school community as part of the evaluation processes to enable us to further improve our school. This survey is confidential and personal responses are not identified. The school will also be seeking responses from the students and staff. Please click on the link below to access the survey.

Link for Parent Survey for TTFM

 School Community Fun Day: Art Show

The School Community Fun Day will be on Saturday 14th October from 10-2pm on the school grounds. As part of this day, all students have been creating a piece of art for the school art show in the school hall. Each parent will have the opportunity to purchase their child’s piece of art for $10 each.

School Community Fun Day: Choir and Dance


The choir will be the opening act of the Community Fun Day. Choir students will be performing two songs- Home Among the Gumtrees and You’ve Got a Friend in Me. Students need to arrive at school at 9:50am wearing their school polo shirt and school shorts ready to perform at 10am. No need to bring choir folders. *If your child is also in dance, they will need to change into their dance costume at the conclusion of the choir performance.


In week 1, Term 4, students will receive their dance costumes to take home. Please do your child’s hair and makeup in the same style that was required for the Blue Mountains Nepean Dance Festival. Students need to arrive in their costume with hair and makeup done and be ready to perform at the following times:

  • K-2: 10:20am
  • Yr 3 & 4: 10:40am
  • Yr 5 & 6: 10:50am

You might like to bring a change of clothes for your child to change into after they have performed so you can enjoy the rest of the Community Fun Day. Costumes will be yours to keep after this performance.

Principal's Morning Tea

Permission Notes and Payments

The School’s preferred method of payment is online via the School Website.

For all notes sent home please see either the School Website or SkoolBag.

The school has a $50 voluntary contribution. Any payments made are greatly appreciated and go towards resources for the students and the school.

School Office Information

Please be advised that the school office and uniform shop will be closed during the school holidays from Monday 25/09/2023 and will reopen Monday 09/10/2023.

Parent Online Payments (POP) through the school website will be available till the end of Term 3 and through the school holidays.

NRL Panthers vs Warriors On Field Activites

A Busy Term in Classrooms

This term has been a busy term in the classrooms. I have really enjoyed visiting and working with the teachers and students in each class.

In KE, they have worked hard on developing early reading skills and I have been fortunate enough to assist in the classroom during their paired reading time. It has been great to see the students blending their phonemes to independently read decodable texts.

In K/1C, I have visited during their phonemic awareness time, where students have worked extremely hard at learning new phonemes and writing words to reinforce these. They have been segmenting and matching graphemes to phonemes. It was great to see their progress throughout the term.

In 1/2H this term, I checked in on students to see how they were progressing in phonics and writing. I was completely amazed by the quality of work that they were producing in writing. The effort that each student exhibited in trying to reach their goals was commendable.

In 3/4H, have displayed their skills in number and reading. Early in the term, I was lucky enough to be a part of lessons where students were trying to build mental strategies in multiplication and division. In the latter part of the term, I have really enjoyed working with the students in reading and listening to them justify their answers to comprehension questions, using the text as evidence. They have worked well to develop their skills.

In 4/5D, I joined in vocabulary and writing lessons in the middle of the term. The class were confidently identifying tier 2 and 3 words from their class text and studied the morphology, meanings, and origins of the words. It was great to see how these words were starting to enhance their writing.

In 5/6PS, I participated in mathematics lessons when I visited. They were building multiple mental strategies in multiplication and division, and it was great to see their eagerness to improve each week. I was very impressed with the focus that the students demonstrated for each task and their creative solutions to questions.

I am looking forward to working in all classrooms again next term.

Mrs Wacker

Assistant Principal, Curriculum & Instruction.

Volleyball Sessions

P&C News

Throughout the year the P&C organise fundraising events. This year, the profits raised from our events will go back into the school to help fund updating and adding to the playground markings.

Thank you to the BPS families, students, and staff for supporting our fundraising events.


It was lovely to see some new faces join our September P&C meeting. There are 2 more P&C meetings this year. Our P&C meetings are held at 7pm on the second Tuesday of the month during the school term. The next 2 dates are the 10th October (Term 4, Week 1) and the 14th November (Term 4, Week 6). Pencil the dates into your calendar so you can come and join the meetings to hear more about our amazing school and community.

Father’s Day Stall

Thank you to all the volunteers who helped set up and run our Father’s Day stall this year. Thank you also to the families and students who purchased gifts for their loved once. Over $500 profits were made from the stall, which will go towards running our upcoming main event for the year, Blaxland Public School’s Community Fun Day. 

BPS Community Fun Day

BPS P&C will be hosting a Community Fun Day on Saturday 14th October from 10 – 2pm.

Lock the date in your calendar, tell your family and friends!!

Please follow the link to purchase raffle tickets. There are over $7000 in total prizes.

If you would like to get involved and volunteer on the day, please join our Facebook Page and let us know.

Coffee & Play + Zooper Dooper’s = Fun in the Sun !!

Last week we welcomed the hot weather by adding Zooper Dooper’s for $1 to our Friday afternoon Coffee, Chat and Play on the top oval. Such a wonderful way to welcome the weekend!! You can enjoy a coffee by Trev from Brewed Awakening and while our students enjoy a Zooper Dooper, every Friday afternoon at school pick up. 

Contact The P&C

Message the P&C through the Blaxland Public School Families Facebook page.


In The Garden

I wish to thank the new families for coming along to our garden club, many hands make light work and there is always a lot of work to do in the garden. The school garden is looking beautiful at the moment. We encourage everyone to wander around the garden and check out what is growing.

Come and join us on Monday afternoon 2:30 - 3pm for GARDEN CLUB with the amazing Theresa.

A Calendar of School Excursions and Events

We have two calendars available to view our School Excursions and Events that are happening through out the year.


To find the Events Calendar in SkoolBag:

  • Click our School Emblem - found under My Schools & Services.
  • In the blue bar at the bottom of the screen click Events.

School Website

For upcoming excursions and events on the School Website, they can be found either at the bottom of the Home page or on the Events page

Student Awards - Term 3 Week 10

Silver Awards

  • Sophia 

Aussie of the Month

  • Connor

Assistant Principal Awards

  • Xander
  • Roman
  • Thea
  • Cali
  • Ben
  • Emily

Awards for Attitude, Commitment and Effort Awards (ACE)

  • Christabel
  • Mariah
  • Harvey
  • Lucy
  • June
  • Abby

Merit Awards


  • Nora


  • Hannah


  • Xavier
  • Charlotte


  •  Olivia
  • Colten


  • Soraya
  • Sophia


  • Maycee
  • Pippa

Thank you to the generosity of the local Box Divvy organisation for their donations of fruit and vegetables every fortnight. We greatly support your generosity. If interested, click on the website link to find out more information about Box Divvy.

Box Divvy Blaxland currently have 5 available spaces, join the community food hub and start saving money!

Blaxland Public School Proudly sponsored by