BNPS Newsletter

Term 2, Week 4

In This Issue

* Principal News

* Teaching and Learning at BNPS

* Wellbeing and Inclusion at BNPS

* Student Achievement

* PSSA News

* Library News

* Upcoming Events

* Contact Us

Principal News

National Volunteer’s Week

This week is National Volunteer’s Week. It is a wonderful opportunity for us to thank our parent volunteers who consistently give up their time to support our school. We regularly have parents who volunteer their time. They support our students and school by helping in the classroom, selling zooper-doopers, organising and manning stalls, attending P&Cs, taking on exec roles for the P&C, cooking barbecues, putting together raffle prizes, baking cakes, sitting on committees and panels, organising fundraisers and taking on a range of other behind-the-scenes jobs. We value our strong partnerships with parents and thank everyone who is able to give their time.


Organising an excursion or event comes with many responsibilities for both our teaching staff and administrative staff. It is important that before any excursion or event takes place, we conduct a thorough risk assessment and put in place supports so that students can safely participate. Part of this risk assessment includes knowing which students will be attending/participating and which students will not. This allows us to plan for the number of supervising teachers needed to attend for the correct student/teacher ratio and allows us to make provisions for the students who are not attending. We also need to consider medication and plans which need to be taken to support our students. As such, we are asking that parents provide permission and payment at least three days before the event. This will ensure the proper planning can be in place. We will not be accepting permission and payment the day before or the morning of an event / excursion.  For some more complex excursions, such as overnight or swimming excursions, permission and payment will need to be made before the cut-off date so we can finalise numbers with venues. If you require financial assistance, please make an appointment to see me so we can discuss how we can support you. We appreciate you for helping us ensure that excursions and events can run safely for all of our students.

Please also be advised that we will refund any money which the school can recoup from venues, etc if a child is sick or cannot attend. When the Botany Bay Zone convenor cancels PSSA with enough time to cancel the buses, we will be able to provide a refund for PSSA. This will be calculated at the end of each PSSA season and a credit will be applied to your School Bytes account. 

Parent/Teacher Interviews

Thank you for your participation in parent /teacher interviews this term. We have really enjoyed having our students involved and are really proud of the way they can articulate their goals and the learning they need to do to achieve these goals. Once these interviews have finished over the next couple of weeks, we will send out a survey to get your feedback, as well as surveying the students. 

A request from the office...

If you are needing to pick your child up early from school, can you please be aware of our lunch and recess times. It is difficult for us to find students if they are in the playground and parents are often left waiting while we try and locate them. 

Thank you


Kindergarten 2025

Kindergarten Enrolment 2025

If you have a child/sibling or friend starting Kindergarten in 2025, enrolments are now open, including out of area applications.  All applications can be done online.  

Enrol online here:

Phone contact our friendly office staff on 9554 3306 for assistance.

Please share the link with family and friends. 

Orientation Sessions

Wednesday 30th October 

Wednesday 6th November

We would love your child to be a part of our school community!

Teaching and Learning at BNPS

Wellbeing news


Lego club

This week we were lucky enough to start playing with our new Lego kits during our Wednesday lunch time Lego club. The school has been lucky enough to have 10 new Lego kits donated by the Good360 Charity to support our students’ social and emotional skills and development in a play-based environment. Students loved playing alongside one another to solve problems and explore the new kits.

Other lunch clubs being held across the week include Pokemon club, drawing, chess club and our bucket drumming group. All our lunch groups have proved incredibly popular and aim to bring students with similar interests across all ages together with the support of some of our wonderful teachers.

Teachers have been exploring the BNPS Care Continuum for their classes this term, collegially discussing individual student needs and related supports or interventions. Teachers are reaching out to families to discuss planning and adjustments for students requiring targeted or individualised support for wellbeing or behaviour. Please reach out to your child’s teacher if you have any questions about individual wellbeing supports.

HPGE Mathematics Groups

This term we have started our HPGE maths groups. Students in our Quest, Explorers and Olympiads groups have been involved in problem solving activities and are developing and consolidating their skills to collaborate with their peers and work together to make decisions about the way they explore and solve problems. 

Students in our Explorers and Olympiads Group partake in 4 contests throughout the year with our Explorers completing the contest questions collaboratively in groups and our Olympiads completing them independently. Students then have the opportunity in following classes to review strategies and solutions to contest questions. The contests are structured to increase in challenge and difficulty to give students the opportunity to build on their strategies, skills and confidence throughout the year.

Students in our Quest group are challenged through looking at problems from a different perspective. Students have the opportunity to develop their proficiencies in fluency, problem-solving and reasoning. The activities are tailored to have students work collaboratively and for students to communicate their solutions effectively.

Mathematics is a creative subject requiring abstract thought and we are excited to be working with students to further explore concepts and problem-solve. 

Student Achievement

CREATE Auditions

At the end of last term some of our Stage 3 students showcased their skills in Visual Arts, Dance, Music, and Drama at the CREATE auditions. CREATE is a gifted and talented program that supports the Creative and Practical Arts. Over 600 students attended the auditions across many schools, making for a very competitive audition process. We are very proud to announce that 11 of our students were successful in gaining a place in the program. Well done to all of these students.

Zone Cross Country Report

Congratulations to all our students that represented Bexley North Public School at the recent Botany Bay Zone Cross Country Carnival held at Scarborough Park.   We have 10 students who have made it through to the Sydney East Regional Cross Country on Wednesday 12 June held at Miranda park.  Well done.  Below are the results of the Top 10 runners accross the zone. 

Library Matters

Community Connection Mondays

This term, we are trialling a new idea, by opening the Library up to the school community after school on Monday afternoons, from 3:00-3:30pm. It is a time everyone is invited to come into the Library to explore the collection, sit and read with your children, help them find a book to borrow, show your pre-school children the Library or ask Mr Harcombe for advice or to answer any questions. So come on in and say hello!

Connecting with Authors

This year, we are undertaking a number of projects to try and connect students more with different authors, sparking interest in reading and in the process of writing and publishing books. This term we have our first Author Backpack, where authors lend schools a range of their books and other items to showcase their work. Our author this term is Jacqueline Harvey, and all students in the school have been exploring some of her books and finding out more about her over the past few weeks. Jacqueline will be visiting our school next term, so we look forward to asking her lots of questions prompted by our research.   We have joined the Author Pen Pals project, where we send and receive a few letters throughout the year. Stage 1 classes have already received and written letters to their author, Larissa Ferenchuk, while Stages 2 & 3 will be hearing from their authors soon.

New award winners

On Monday 20 May the State Library announced the NSW Premier's Literary Awards. We have the winners in the children's section in our collection, so come and check them out and congratulations to those authors! Paradise Sands in particular is a captivating book for all ages.

Patricia Wrightson Prize for Children’s Literature -  Paradise Sands: A Story of Enchantment by Levi Pinfold 

Multicultural NSW Award - Stay for Dinner by Sandhya Parappukkaran, illustrated by Michelle Pereira

Happy reading!

Mr Harcombe


BNPS - Pickles School Wear

Second hand uniform shop

We have a second hand uniform shop that has a range of uniforms and other items for sale and is open Tuesday morning before school 8:30am-9:00am.

Cash or card accepted.

How to order via email.

Send an email to with the following details:

  • Child's name
  • Parent's name and contact phone number
  • Items required including size and quantity

We will contact you when the order is ready and advise you of the total cost and details to collect your order.

Please note that we can not guarantee that all items ordered will be available as it is a second hand uniform shop.

Outside of school activities

Before and After School Care

Bexley North Public School Before and After School Care (BNPS BASC) is a community based, non-profit child care centre located on the school grounds of Bexley North Public School.

The centre is run by a parent management committee and staffed by qualified child care workers.

Please complete the following BNPS BASC application process if you require care for your child.


  • Please Navigate to the BNPS School Website - https://bexleynth-
  • Click on 'supporting our students'
  • Click on 'Before and After School Care - BASC My Family Lounge and register'.
  • Once you have registered, please login and complete a 'REQUEST BOOKING' form only.

If you require more information please don't hesitate to contact us via email or call/text on: 0435849556.

BNPS Calendar

BNPS Calendar

Term 2, 2024

Week 4, Fri 24 May - Star Pin Assembly

Week 7, Mon 10 Jun - Kings Birthday Public Holiday

Week 7, Thurs 13 Jun - K-2 Athletics Carnival (Date change)

Week 8, Mon 17 Jun - Stage 2 & 3 Spelling Bee Competition

Week 8, Fri 21 Jun - Star Pin Assembly

Last Day of school -   Fri 5 Jul 

Term 3, 2024

School Returns Tuesday 23 July

Week 1, Wed 24 Jul- Fri 26Jul - Stage 3 (Yr5-6) School Camp

Week 2, Senior Choir Rehearsal - Peakhurst South PS

Week 4, Fri 16 Aug - Star Pin Assembly

Week 6, Mon 26 Aug - Zone Athletics Day 1

Week 6, Tue 27 Aug - Dancesport Gala

Week 7, Mon 2 Sep - Zone 2 Athletics Day 2

Week 7, Mon 2 Sep - Kindergarten Calmsley Hill Farm Excursion

Week 7, Thurs 5 Sep - SPAF Senior Choir - Casuarina Concert

Week 8, Fri 13 Sep - Star Pin Assembly

Week 9, Wed 18 Sep -  Sydney East Athletics

Last Day of school -   Fri 27 Sep

Term 4, 2024

School Returns Monday 14 October

Week 3, Wed 30 Oct - Kindy 2025 Orientation Day

Week 4, Wed 6 Nov - Kindy 2025 Orientation Day

Week 4, Fri 8 Nov - Star Pin Assembly

Week 5, Wed 13 Nov - Stage 2  (Yr3-4) Places are Similar and Different Excursion at Sydney Harbour National Park   

Week 8, Mon 2 Dec - Scholastic Book Fair Begins

Week 8, Fri 6 Dec - Star Pin Assembly

Week 10, Wed 18 Dec - Year 6 Farewell

Week 10, Wed 18 Dec - Year 6 Graduation Assembly

Last Day of school -   Thursday 19 December


Bexley North Public School

Our School is a friendly and caring environment that provides a stimulating and challenging curriculum and enjoys the support of the local community. We have 73% of students with language backgrounds other than English. Staff, students and the community have shared expectations of educational excellence and equal opportunity.