The Link

A Publication of Rydalmere Public School

Term 3 Week 7 2024

Relieving Principal's Updates

Carlingford Network Student Leadership Day

Yesterday our school leaders, William, Bonnie. Nicholas and Mikhail attended a leadership day at Burnside PS. They were joined by nine other local primary school leaders and were provided with opportunities to connect and build relationships with other student leaders. It was a great day of developing leadership skills through collaborative challenges like partner barrier games and small group problem solving games. Students were given a lovely morning tea and had time to play soccer on the beautiful grounds of Burnside. The day ended with a shark tank activity where students had to design a product that used AI to benefit schools.

Carlingford Small Schools Network Meeting

Last Wednesday the teachers from Rydalmere attended the second Carlingford Small Schools Network meeting at Telopea Public School. This network consists of three other local schools and is an opportunity for all staff to meet for professional learning. It allows our teachers to learn from each other and share resources. Congratulations to Mrs Taylor for her work in leading the organisation of this network. 

Community Recognition

Congratulations once again to Maryanne Thompson as she was recognised and acknowledge by Donna Davis MP at Monday morning's school assembly. The school community is very grateful and proud of your service to the Rydalmere Community.

Every day matters for your child’s learning

Attending school every day allows your child to get the most out of their learning and improve their career and life options. 

Regular school attendance can help expand your child’s learning and create positive relationships with their peers. 

If you require support in getting your child ready and motivated for school, please reach out to us. 

Read more about the benefits of regular attendance on the department website

PSSA Results

Week 5 Rydalmere vs Carlingford

Juniors won 7-2

Seniors lost 7-4

Week 6 Rydalmere vs Yates Avenue

Juniors won 8-2

Seniors won 3-1

Book Fair September 16-18

Our annual Book Fair will be held from Monday 16th - Wednesday 18th September. During this period the book fair will be open from 8:30am-9.00am and 3.00 - 3.30pm each day, allowing students and their families to purchase books and other items. 

On Friday 13th September students will have the opportunity with their teachers to view the books on sale. This year the book fair will be held in the staff hub (the green building).

Local Elections - September 14

The school will be used as a polling booth for the upcoming local government elections. Our wonderful P&C will be holding a bbq and cake stall to fundraise for the school. If you are available to volunteer some of your time on Saturday morning that would be great! I look forward to seeing you there.

Zone Track Athletics Carnival

Good luck to all of the students who will be competing the Merrylands Parramatta PSSA Zone Track Athletics carnival on Monday 9th September at Sydney Olympic Park. We hope you all have a great day and I am sure that you will represent our school proudly!

Have a wonderful week.


Warren Yee

From the Office

RPS Preschool Enrolments for 2025 are now open.

General Guidelines

Public preschools enrol children for one year only, the year before they start school.  Children can enrol from the beginning of the school year if they turn four years of age before 31 July that year.

Priority is given to:

  • Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander children
  • children living in low socio-economic circumstances
  • children who are unable to access other early childhood settings due to financial hardship

The Principal will then offer enrolment in the following order:

  • children living within the school's catchment area
  • children living outside the catchment area but have siblings at the school
  • other applicants       

For further information, please go to the NSW Department of Education link below:

Enrolment in a public preschool (

Our office staff are happy to be of assistance with any further questions or with the enrolment process. 

Change of Details

Please contact the office by email if there has been a change to any of the following to your child/children's details:

- change of address.

- change of email.

- phone numbers - mobile or home/work.

- change of emergency contacts.

- Additional/change of medical circumstances

Lost Property

Our PBL expectations of being Safe, Respectful Learners support our students in taking responsibility for their own belongings at school including jumpers, hats, lunchboxes and drink bottles.

To support your child and the school in maintaining lost property to a minimum level we ask that parents or carers clearly label all items brought to school with your child's FULL NAME.

The most common items to lost property include jumpers and hats, lunchboxes and drink bottles, and personal treasures. Students have access to lost property during the school day to search for misplaced possessions. When possible, labelled items in the lost property will be returned to students. Due to the limited space for lost property, unlabeled and unclaimed items are regularly disposed of.

Lost property is located at the front of the office.

Dates Ahead

Tuesday 3 -5 SeptemberHealthy Harold
Friday 6 September

Winter PSSA - Old Sales Yard

Monday 9 September Zone Athletics Carnival - Track

P&C Meeting 7:00 pm in the library
Tuesday 10 SeptemberKindergarten Orientation 2025 -  9:15 - 10:15
Friday 13 SeptemberWinter PSSA - Old Sales Yard
Saturday 14 September

Local Government Elections

P&C Cake Stall Fundraiser 

Monday 16 - Wednesday 18 SeptemberBookfair
Monday 16 - Friday 27 SeptemberSwimming & Water Safety Program
Friday 27 SeptemberLast day of Term 3
Monday 14 OctoberSchool resumes for all students

Student Wellbeing

Merit & PBL Awards - Term 3 Week 6

P&C Report


The next P&C Meeting will be held on Monday 9th September from 7-8pm in the School Library. 

All parents and carers are welcome to attend. The P&C exists to partner with the school and add value to the educational experience of our students. We cannot do this without the support, assistance and dedication of the school community and we encourage and welcome any level of involvement or support you can offer. The P&C runs the school uniform shop, canteen and fundraising events throughout the year.

If you are unable to attend in person, you can join the meeting via Microsoft Teams.

Meeting ID: 453 911 725 184

Passcode: 4SkEpA


The P&C will host a Bake Sale on school grounds on Saturday 14th September from 7:30am - 2:30am. We are seeking support from parents to either:

Volunteer for 2 hours on the day. Click this link to sign up:

Donate baked goods for us to sell on the day (muffins, cookies, cakes, slices etc.)

Purchase our baked goods before or after you vote!

Note: SignUp does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact: and we can sign you up manually. 

More details about the event will be shared via the Audiri App. 


In Week 6 the P&C hosted our annual Father's Day Stall. All classes from P-6 were invited to visit the Stall to purchase a gift for their Dad or special person in their life. We hope all the fathers and father-figures had a wonderful day on Sunday and enjoyed their carefully hand-selected gifts. 

Thank you to Melissa for Coordinating the event, the parents who volunteered, and the Year 6 leaders who gave up their time to assist the younger students with their purchases. 

All profits from the Father's Day stall will contribute to our fundraising for a new school playground.


Congratulations to Maryanne Thompson, former P&C President, who received a Community Recognition Statement from Donna Davis MP on Monday for her service to the Rydalmere community. We are very proud of everything Maryanne has accomplished during her time as a parent volunteer at Rydalmere Public School.

Community Hub News

Hello, Community Hub Members!

Hope you are all well! Can you believe we're already halfway through Term 3? It's been an exciting journey, and I hope you're staying updated with all the fantastic programs at the hub.

We kicked off our first "Achieve School Success" program on August 30th, and it was a hit! The nine parents who attended found it incredibly valuable and are excited to join the next three workshops. If you missed the first session, don't worry! There's still time to jump in and boost your confidence in navigating the Australian education system.

Mark your calendars for September 9th for our Creator’s Meet! A big shoutout to Bunnings and the wonderful Kerri for hosting this inspiring workshop every month. Since Kerri provides all the materials, prior registration is a must. Unfortunately, we can't accommodate walk-ins, so make sure to sign up in advance.

For those registered for the First Aid course, our theory session is on Tuesday, September 10th, followed by the practical session on September 17th. Don't forget to bring your own lunch, but rest assured, we’ll have coffee and tea ready for you.

And lastly, save the date for our very own Grandparents Day celebration on Monday, October 28th. The school will soon send an invite with a QR code for you to register your presence. It’s going to be a heartwarming event you won’t want to miss!

For those I haven't had the pleasure of meeting yet, I'm Seetha, your friendly Community Liaison Officer at the Community Hub. You'll find me around the school from Monday to Wednesday and on Fridays. The Community Hub is your gateway to forging meaningful connections with fellow families, the school, and local services. It's a welcoming space where all parents can meet, mingle, and build lasting friendships.

So why not pop in for a coffee and a chat, or jump into an activity? I'm eager to meet all of you. If you want to learn more about the Hub or find out how you can get involved, give me a call at 0448331588 or shoot me an email at

Monday - 9:30 - 12:30 English Conversational class (just drop in)
Tuesday - 9:30 - 2:30First Aid Course - Parramatta Community College 10 & 17 September
Wednesday - 9:30 - 11:30Playgroup with SDN Children's Services-Just Walk in and play! 
One Box Collection Exclusively for those who've signed up.
Friday - 9:30 - 10:30Dance Fitness with Sophie. Get your groove on—no need to sign up, just show up! 
             10:30 - 12:30Achieving school success program 30th August to 20th September.

Community News