
Term 4 - Week 9

Date Claimer


Monday, 20 November - Wednesday, 6 December Prep - Year 3 Swimming Program
Monday, 27 November Year 5 Surf Safety Day 
Monday, 4 December Yr 4-6 Swimming Carnival 
Wednesday, 6 December Year 6 Graduation Ceremony 
Thursday, 7 December Year 6 Celebration Day 
Friday, 8 December Year 6 Farewell Arch 

If your child is not returning to Robina State School in 2024, could you please notify the office via email to:

Please provide students:

  • Name
  • Class
  • Last date of attendance
  • Destination school

Please note this is not required for Year 6 Students transitioning to Secondary School.

2024 Prep Enrolments

We are now finalising our Prep 2024 enrolments and Prep Orientation sessions.

If you still have a child to enrol in Prep 2024, please complete an application as soon as possible. Applications are available from our office or on our website - link below:

Prep Enrolment pack:

2024 BYOD

At Robina State School we offer a BYOD (bring your own device) program to all year 4, 5 and 6 students. This involves students using their personally owned iPad to access the department's information and communication (ICT) network and allows for exciting new learning opportunities to create, design, problem solve and communicate. 

Our Year 4 BYOD Program will commence in Term 2, Semester 1, 2024. As a courtesy we are providing you with this information so that you may have plenty of time to determine how your child will access and participate in this program.   

Please refer to the attached pdf document advising additional information, benefits and safety around the use of iPads in your child’s classroom. Please also check your email inbox for more information. 

If you would like any further information regarding our Year 4 BYOD program, please contact our Head of Curriculum, Kim Maynard by email or Technical Officer, Matt Greenwood at

Lost and Found

We have many unnamed clothing and drink bottles in lost property. If your child has lost any of these items can you please ask them to look in lost property located outside Student Services.

Please label all items of clothing (especially jumpers), hats, lunch boxes and drink bottles so we can redirect them back to your child if they become misplaced.

Any clothing that has not been collected by the last day of school this term will be either donated to charity or the uniform shop.

Student Wellbeing News

Positive Culture for Learning

The PCL focus for Week 9 is on I focus and listen to stay on task. Students will also focus on the Key to School Success of Organisation.


Everyone gets distracted from what they should be doing from time to time and stops paying attention. A distraction is something that takes your focus away from what you are doing. Not paying attention can block us from going down the road to happiness and success. Certain behaviours and actions of others around us can make it difficult for us to stay focused. There are different ways to think and things we can do to help us pay attention when we have been distracted.

Student Wellbeing Resources 

Check out Smiling Mind’s Families Program

Smiling Mind have developed a program for families to enjoy together. You’ll find meditations and activities centred around times of the day so you can easily slot mindfulness into your family’s routine.

The program has meditations and activities for:

  • Meal times
  • After school
  • On the go
  • Bedtime
  • Weekends
  • Any time

More information at: 

Kind regards,

Hayley Krause and Cherie Andrews

Student Wellbeing Teachers


From the Principal

Dear parents,

As another year draws to a close it is the time we reflect on our practices and review our successes and look for areas of focus for the coming year.  My focus as Principal continues to be aligned to Education Queensland’s Strategic Plan - Equity and Excellence. This plan encompasses, Educational Achievement, Engagement and Wellbeing and Culture and Inclusion. Each of these areas are very important to our school and in particular for our students. Our Annual Improvement Plan involves our focus on each of these and targets for improvement in each.

Educational Achievement:

·         This year has again seen our academic results, both A-E and NAPLAN exceed the state and national benchmarks. We are one of the top-performing primary schools in the region.

Engagement and Wellbeing:

·         Our school is still one of a just a small number of primary schools with dedicated Student Wellbeing teachers and Student Wellbeing team of support staff.

·         We have a Child Psychologist and Guidance Officer on site each week.

·         Our teachers are engaging in continual professional development on how particular pedagogy leads to higher levels of engagement in learning for students.

Culture and Inclusion:

·         Our classrooms are inclusive and welcome diversity and strive to create welcoming and accessible learning environments for all students.

·         Each Year level has access to a dedicated team of teachers, teacher aides and specialist support staff to cater for the individual learning and social and emotional needs of students.

In 2024, we will continue to plan and implement continuous improvement strategies in each of these areas.

In these final weeks of the school year our school is a buzz with the many exciting events that happen in these last couple of weeks of school.

Last week we had our Twilight concert celebrating our fabulous Music Program. Congratulations to our Music students and the Teaching Team and all their wonderful staff and parent helpers last Wednesday night! What a fabulous night for our students and their families. It highlighted all the amazing work our students and Music Team have undertaken throughout the year.

Our students who excel and are passionate about sport were recognised this week. Our HPE teacher Tanya Howard has worked hard all year at ensuring that the diverse range of sporting abilities has been considered whilst organising a variety of events and opportunities for our students to participate and excel. Congratulations to our sporting students and their dedicated teacher!

One of our students has received an opportunity of a lifetime which needs acknowledgement. Seth Tonna has been ‘scouted’ by an international soccer team and been invited to Spain this week to play soccer. Our congratulations and best wishes to Seth on this amazing achievement and we look forward to hearing about his experience early next year. Maybe we will be watching him on the international stage in the future!

Last week also saw a talented group of our STEM students yet again retain the STEM Cup at Griffith University. Our other primary schools on the Gold Coast are left wondering if the cup will ever leave Robina! Congratulations to these students and Mr. Haydn Quinn on this amazing achievement.

This week our prep families were treated to some wonderful Christmas performances by our youngest students. It was delightful to see the variety of talent we have in our prep classes. There is definitely some future ‘stars’ among them.

We still have our Year 6 Graduation and Swimming Carnival for Years 4, 5 and 6 to go next week.

Throughout 2023, The Robina State School Parents and Citizens Association has continued with their valued support of our school. Their organisation has organised Mother’s Day, Father’s Day stalls, the Colour Blast and Christmas raffle, just to name a few. The OHSC, Tuckshop and Uniform Shop continue to directly support our Robina students and parents and their efforts throughout the year are greatly appreciated.  In 2024 the P & C Association will continue to enhance the educational provisions for our students. It’s through them that our students will enjoy increased opportunities, better facilities and greater learning experiences that will build on those already being provided in the classroom. On behalf of the students and staff I would like to sincerely thank the P & C Association for all their hard work and wonderful work in supporting the students and truly enhancing their learning experiences.

Our enrolments for 2024 are continuing to fluctuate and we will continue to manage this change until the commencement of school next year, which makes our staffing and class allocations difficult to finalise. We will however send home your child’s class allocation with our Annual Christmas letter on the final day of school. Please understand that there may still need to be changes made depending on gains and losses over the holiday period and into the start of 2024. Our new Prep students will be sent a letter over the holidays informing them of their teacher for next year.

The time for email requests for class allocations for 2024 has passed and any further requests now will not be considered until Day 8 next year. Thank you to those parents who met the deadline and enabled us to consider the requests when allocations were being completed.

A reminder to get your Christmas raffle tickets before next week. There are some fabulous prizes which would take care of holiday activities for your family! Thank you to our very generous families who have sent along some wonderful items for the raffles. Good Luck!


Carmel Baker




Community News

Sports X

Sports X are returning in Term 1 2024 with ever popular Sports Programs on the oval!

If you would like to register for a FREE TRY session please email