Issue 3 Thursday 11 April 2024

We learn on the lands of the Ngadjuri Nation

REMINDER: Early Dismissal Time of 2:10pm on Friday 12 April


TERM 1Monday 29 January  -  Friday 12 April

Monday 29 April  -  Friday 5 July  

TERM 3Monday 22 July  -  Friday 27 September
TERM 4Monday 30 September  -  Friday 13 December

Some Important Dates for Term 2

Mother's Day StallThursday 9 May
Walk Safely to School DayFriday 10 May
Governing Council MeetingTuesday 14 May
Wipe Out Waste Wizard Show Wednesday 29 May
Kings Birthday Public HolidayMonday 10 June
Pupil Free dayTuesday 11 June
Governing Council MeetingTuesday 18 June
b kinder DayFriday 21 June
Last Day of Term / Early Dismissal time of 2:10pmFriday 5 July

Student Free Days in 2024


From The Principal

End of Term 1

When we say ‘goodbye’ tomorrow afternoon, we will have successfully completed 51 days at school. We have 105 students at our school. So, if every student learnt one new skill or one new piece of information or improved one thing, on every day, that’s … 5355 new pieces of learning that have occurred! When I visit classrooms and see how engaged the students are, I can believe that this much learning really has occurred.

This year, teachers have undertaken some new learning too: we have been training on the use of Brightpath, which is a means of assessing students’ writing. Over the past couple of weeks, all classes have worked on writing a story for assessment (even our little Receptions!). At our Staff Meeting this week, we worked with our Brightpath Project Officer to assess all the writing samples. It was fantastic to see the quality of work and the imagination of our students. During Term 2, the teachers will use the results from Brightpath to do some explicit teaching. When we collect the next samples of work, we will be able to see how much students have improved in both their authorial choices and in their use of language conventions.

The school holidays provide an opportunity for everyone, students and staff, to rest, relax and reset. It is a time for a well-deserved break, where families and friends can come together and enjoy each other’s company. So, I hope you all have a wonderful time away from school and that you all keep safe, so that we can come back together to continue our learning journey in Term 2. 

Gail Holland


Caution - Drive Carefully at Early Dismissal for the Holidays

Please Drive with Caution at Pick Up Time

Remain in your car and move off after your child has entered.

This will be a very busy time and we ask for your cooperation so that our students can go off on their holiday safely at the end of the day.

School Holidays - Out of Hours Emergencies

As per Department policy regarding school security, please report suspicious behaviour around/in  the school grounds directly to the police (Nuriootpa) on 85686620.

Do not contact staff.

Change of Details 2024

Please complete on the Audiri App to update any of the following changes to your circumstances:

*  home address (residential and/or postal)

*  contact phone number

* employment &/or place of employment

* email address

* emergency contacts

* student's medical condition

* *shared living arrangements

** custody information

**Contact the Front Office by phone or email or in person to provide further details

The Front Office will be closed for the school holidays

Healthcare Plans for 2024

Parents/caregivers please make sure that your child's Healthcare Plan and medication is current.

Healthcare plans must be completed by your doctor/healthcare professional and all medication must be in the original packaging with the label attached.

Please note:  If your child no longer suffers from a medical condition a signed letter from your doctor is required before this information can be removed from our records.

Assembly Awards

Class Awards - Week 8

Class Awards - Week 10

Kindness Awards

SRC Induction

SAPSASA Athletics & Softball

Garden Celebrations

During Garden Club we have been caring for our fruits and vegetables. We entered many of them in the Tanunda Show this year and we won two first place certificates and two third place certificates. Another great achievement this year, well done gardeners.

Tanunda Show Banner


Here we are at the last newsletter for term one. It has been a very big busy term and as I look around there are many exhausted teachers, children and parents. You can be very proud of what we have achieved this term.

I love watching our newest students settle in to their first term of school. When they start school, they are often shy, timid and not quite sure what they have walked into. By the end of their first term, they are more confident, resilient, independent and their world is opening up to them as they learn to read and find out information for themselves. Spending time with children is one big reason why I like my job so much. Watching the world through their eyes puts our “adult” issues into perspective. Sometimes we overthink, doubt and worry about so many things we can’t control. Children take each day as a new adventure, excited to see what the day will bring. They laugh, have fun and take note of the small things around them. Their curious minds can teach us as adults how to take time and appreciate the small things. How many times have you stopped to watch an ant or find a precious stone, only to have a conversation about some random topic. All these moments are so precious and they are great teaching times for our children. When you find that little hand in yours leading you to the next object to explore, stop what you are doing and follow them, don’t say “wait, I’m coming” as this moment may never return. Show your child that you are there for them, that they are important and you are willing to put your “busyness” aside for a time to be with them. These one-on-one times spent together when they are young builds a relationship with you and as your children grow, they will learn to trust you and rely on you as their constant. This is important because there will come a time in their life where they will need to make decisions, choose pathways, make friends and learn without you. If they know that they have a safe place with you, they will have the confidence to face these issues as they grow knowing that you are there for them ready to support them in what their future holds. 

My hope for all of you is to make some time these holidays to stop and “smell the roses” with your children. The time given to your children is the best gift to give them and the one thing that they will remember when they are older.  

I hope that you all have a great break, stay safe and I look forward to doing it all again with you soon.   

Cheers Jo. 

Greenock Primary School Calendar

Parent Noticeboard

New Smoke Free & Vape Free Laws

On 1st March new laws were introduced in South Australia banning smoking and vaping in a variety of public areas. The smoke-free and vape-free areas obviously include school grounds, but also extend to 10m beyond our school boundaries.

Our families and community members have always been respectful and have never caused others to be exposed to cigarette smoke or e-cigarette aerosol. So, while we have never had an issue with people smoking or vaping near our school grounds, I am obliged to let you know of these new laws.

The maximum penalty for breach of these laws is $750.

Thank you for your ongoing support of our school and environment.

Gail Holland - Principal

Coming to Tanunda on Saturday 20 April at 8.00pm in the Barossa Art Gallery – Tanunda Soldiers’ Memorial Hall with an amazing cast and live band, this production is one not to be missed.

HIT Productions is thrilled to be producing this joyful and acclaimed musical – touring across metropolitan, regional, and remote Australia in 2024. The Sunshine Club tour is assisted by the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its arts funding and advisory body. Heralded as a “brilliant new landmark in Australian musicals” (The Australian), The Sunshine Club is written and directed by proud Noonuccal Nuugi man Wesley Enoch AM, an acclaimed creative force in Australian Theatre. This energetic and engaging musical play has a variety of music styles, with 28 songs composed by the esteemed John Rodgers.  It tells the story of Frank Doyle, an Aboriginal serviceman who has come home from World War II to find that although the wider world may have changed, attitudes back home in Brisbane are just the same. Filled with a defiant energy and ambition for a better life, Frank starts The Sunshine Club, a place where black and white can meet and, most importantly, dance. Here he dreams of a future where he can dance in step with Rose, the girl next door, the girl of his dreams. The award-winning Sunshine Club is a thought provoking, vibrant and above all joyful night of theatre and music filled with amazing acting, dancing and singing and featuring a talented cast of 10, including emerging and established First Nations artists, and a 5 piece live band. It is perfect for audiences seeking entertaining, socially relevant work.

Chelsea Hawke

Production Assistant  


Greenock PS Governing Council

Contact details: