
17 December 2024

Dates For Your Diary!

17 December 2024Class Picnic Day
18 December 2024Last day of Term 4 for students
6 February 2025First day of Term 1 2025 for all students K to 6
*Dates subject to change. Please ensure you regularly check for updates.

What's Due?

Activity AttendeesPayment and Permission Due Date 
School Fees All Years


From the Principal

After what has been a very productive 2024 school year, I would like to take this opportunity to wish the Telopea Public School students, staff and community a very restful and well-earned break. A reminder that the school term finishes for students on Wednesday 18th December 2024.

2025 School Year

Term 1 for all students K to 6 will start on Thursday 6th February. Students should arrive at school promptly, ready for the 9:00 bell. Students will remain in their 2024 classes for the first part of the day and will move into their 2025 classes later in the day once final student numbers are established. 

Kindergarten 2025

Kindergarten students start school on Thursday 6th February, along with the rest of the school. Parents should bring Kindergarten students to the COLA ready to meet Mrs Moutzouris in the Kindergarten class lines. Parents will then be invited to walk their child to the classroom with Mrs Moutzouris, drop them off and say goodbye. Miss Pip will be hosting Tea & Tissues, straight after drop-off, in the SaCC rooms for our Kindergarten mums, dads and carers. Please come along. 

Mrs Erin Dooley

Principal (Rel.)

Annual Presentation Day

Congratulations is extended to all students who received awards at our Annual Presentation Day on the 4th December. It was a wonderful celebration of learning both in and out of the classroom during 2024. All students presented themselves beautifully at this formal occasion and we were treated to a wonderful whole school performance. Congratulations to our newly inducted school leaders for 2025:

Ellie K - School Captain

Tracy C - School Captain

Slayman E - School Vice-Captain 

Ayva V - School Vice-Captain

I know they will represent our student body with pride by upholding our school expectations of Be Safe, Be Responsible and Be a Learner at all times. 

Attendance Matters

Library News

During Term 4 we have been reading books from our Aboriginal collection and enjoying Australian authors who write about our native environment.

Students in Years 4, 5 and 6 have completed beautiful artworks that reflect the stories and art in these books. Pop into the library to look at what your child has been creating this term.

Please remember to look around the house for any library books that you may have at home over the next couple of weeks. Put them in your child’s library bag to be returned to the library as soon as possible.

Thank you!

Mrs Ramsey

Teacher Librarian

What's Happening Year 5/6 Emus

The Year 5/6 Emus had a wonderful time at the Year 6 Fun Day and the Year 6 Farewell last week. Each and every student made the most of these special opportunities and made some great lifelong memories with their primary school friends. We would like to extend our very best wishes to the Year 6 students who are beginning the next part of their educational journey into high school. Telopea Public School are so proud of you... please come back and visit us soon!

Sincere thanks to the Telopea teachers who organised this special event and to the P&C for donating the beautiful chair covers.

Uniform Clothing Pool

We are currently running low on some items in our uniform clothing pool, particularly of smaller sizes. 

If you would like to donate any uniform items to our clothing pool which your child is no longer using, you can drop off these donations to the school office. 

We welcome these uniform donations. 

Zing Active Dance & Colour Run

All students at Telopea Public School have participated in the Zing Active Dance program during Term 4. They had the opportunity to get fit, improve their coordination and learn some impressive dance moves, all while having a lot of fun! The program finished last Friday with a great colour run event.

Thank you to Mrs Vasilareas for organising this special program for the students.

Important Reminders


A reminder that if you have made arrangements for someone to collect your child/ren that is outside of your normal arrangements, please ensure that you have notified the office so we are aware and can let other staff members know in a timely manner.  This applies to leaving early and for the end of the day. 


A reminder to all students and parents that entry to the School is via the Pedestrian gate on Chestnut Ave located near Block D. This is for everyone's safety. If you require disabled access there are two entry points into the school via the ramp into the school office and via the gate on the corner of Sturt and Manson Streets. 


On occasion important notes will be sent home. Please ensure you remember to check your child's bag each day.


Here at TPS we enjoy celebrating student’s birthdays. You are most welcome to bring in something to celebrate but we ask that individual store bought small bite size cupcakes or individually wrapped sweets are brought in to school as this makes it easier for the students to eat. A large cake makes it difficult to distribute to their classmates. 


There are a number of items in the Lost Property box which do not have names on them. If your child is missing an item, please check this box which is located in the D Block breezeway.


Please ensure that your contact details are up to date. It is important that the School be able to contact you in case of your child being ill, a child not being collected from school or in case of emergency etc. If your family circumstances change, please also provide the school with any updated documentation. 

You can notify the school of any changes or updates via written confirmation or complete the template form located in the office foyer. 


If you require your child to carry a mobile phone/device, you will be required to complete a permission note (please see the school office if you require this note). Student mobile phones/device are to be turned off and handed to the school office during school hours in the morning. Mobile phones/devices will be returned to the students at the end of each day. 

Schools as a Community Centre

Dear Telopea SaCC and Telopea Public School Communities,

Thank you to the Wymark family (Zoe Year 1 and Mackenzie Year 3) for the donation of beautiful books for the SaCC library.

Families who access the SaCC Project borrow books from SaCC to read at home. These books are a wonderful addition to support the SaCC community. THANK YOU!       

I would like to thank Mrs Dooley, teaching and administrative staff for your continued support of the SaCC Project and its initiatives. I look forward to continued partnership with the school, the school's community as well as the wider the community in 2025.

Wishing you all a fun-filled summer vacation period. A festive season shared with family and friends enjoying good times. 

Warmest wishes...


Phillipa (Pip) Martins


Telopea 'Schools as Community Centres' (SaCC) Project

C/- Telopea Public School

Chestnut Ave

Telopea NSW 2117

Ph: (02)9898 3448


Community Notices

Community Notices