St Luke the Evangelist School Newsletter

18th August 2023 - Issue #14


Term Dates

Term 3    10th Jul - 15th Sept

Term 4     2nd Oct - 15th Dec

Thursday, 24th AugustBook Week Parade, 9am in the Hall
Friday, 25th AugustComedy Night (P&F fundraiser), arrive 7.00 pm for a 7.30 pm show
Friday, 25th August to Sunday, 27th AugustArchbishop's Apostolic Visit to St Luke's and St Timothy's
Tuesday, 29th AugustSmiling Minds Information Sessions either 9am or 7pm
Wednesday, 30th AugustFather's Day Breakfast 7.45am to 8.45am
Tuesday, 5th September - Wednesday, 6th SeptemberAFL Clinics during PE
Wednesday, 6th SeptemberIndigenous Literacy Day
Friday, 8th SeptemberSeniors Basketball Round Robin
Wednesday, 13th SeptemberSAVE THE DATE ..... School Production
Friday, 15th September

Footy Colors Day (Whole School Dress Up) 

End of Term 3 - 1.40 pm finish

A message from Clare

Good afternoon Families and Friends,

It’s great to be writing once again to you all as life is good and the year continues to be full. What better way to begin my message than to mention the Middle School camp. We had an absolutely wonderful time and the children showed GREAT determination, senses of humour and resilience as the days were long, the environment very new and the overall experience was unique. Our day at the zoo was fun, the time spent at Urban camp was exciting… different bedroom for the night AND with friends, new dining table and chairs with a yummy roast and a new bathroom to navigate. We had a lovely mix of game time, prayer time, outdoor time and friends time. We even managed some sleep. The sun shone, our hearts sang and we all grew a little more from our experience. Thank you so much to Micaela Debney for planning the adventure for us, to the incredible staff who attended- Kathryn, Tremain, Pauline and Sue; you are amazing and l loved spending time with both you and the children. Look out for the camp item later in this newsletter.

Not to be satisfied with having one major event in our Middle School calendar last week, we decided to have two! Many of our Year Four children celebrated their First Eucharist last Sunday. Our church was full with parishioners, family and friends coming together to bear witness and support our children. Thank you to Fr Bill Burt who celebrated mass with Fr Gerard. We had some eager Year Two, Three and Four children who sang beautifully to bring great joy to the ceremony. Thank you to Gabrielle Carter for leading and preparing the choir and Tremain and Kathryn did a great job making sure our children truly were ready to receive Jesus for the first time.

We have Archbishop Comensoli visiting the weekend of 25th- 27th August. He is very keen to hear the voices of parishioners- which are YOU- from St Luke’s and from St Timothy’s. Please try to get along to mass over that weekend where hospitality will be offered afterwards. We would love to see you there. An program of his time will be shared with all families early next week.

A wonderful community night is being planned by our P&F. The Comedy Night currently being advertised for Friday, 25th August is for people 18 years and older. Please support this event if you can. Organise a group, check with other parents you know or simply go book your tickets and go along. I think laughter will definitely be a feature of the night.

I attended a meeting yesterday at Whitehorse Council rooms led by the Victorian Police. Schools have been invited to share more of what is happening in their local spaces with the police so they can support the community with current criminal activity. An example is where a school may have noticed boards being graffitied outside school hours. If local police are informed of this, support in the form of patrolling cars outside of school hours can be arranged. A message our police want YOU, their local residents, to think about is ALWAYS lock your doors at home , at night. In our local area of Blackburn South, 90% of car theft is attributed to people walking in through unlocked doors to steal car keys left in a very accessible space. That’s an incredible statistic. So please, lock your doors. There is also a wonderful, fairly new initiative called the Safety Card Project which supports people with neuro-diverse conditions like autism or other disabilities to be recognised when out in public. For more information, visit 

SCHOOL REVIEW update: In October, St Luke’s will be undergoing a school review. It is a rigorous process where we need to scrutinise all aspects of school operations. In mid October, an appointed reviewer will visit our school for three days. All staff, groups of children and some parents will be invited to meet with the reviewer to share their insights and perceptions of St Luke’s. 

MACSSIS Surveys will be distributed in the next couple of weeks. We would really love to get YOUR FEEDBACK. If we want to grow as a community, such surveys give us really valuable information and explain your perceptions of school life. We use such data to drive our four year School Improvement Plan and our Annual Action Plan. So, we hope to grab parents in the morning at school drop-off for a cuppa, give them a device and have them complete the survey. Easy peasy! The same will happen in the afternoon. Don’t avoid us, take the opportunity to have a voice.

Don't forget to RSVP to our upcoming and very yummy Father's Day breakfast at

It’s been a chilly end to our week. Stay warm, stay dry and enjoy your weekend.

Clare Ryan

Year 3-4 Camp

On Monday and Tuesday (7th and 8th August), our Middle students had their first experience on a school camp.

On Monday morning, we headed straight for Melbourne Zoo, where we learnt about the impact on animals, insects and plant life from seasonal changes. This was followed by some happy walks around the zoo where we connected with the many wonderful species that God has created.

Students were excited to stay overnight at Urban Camp, getting to have dorms with their friends, as well as group meals during dinner time. Monday night was a very special evening, as students participated in a beautiful liturgy, followed by a games night.

After breakfast on Tuesday morning, Mrs. Answerth led us in a wonderful circle time, which both classes thoroughly enjoyed. Before the conclusion of camp, we had one last adventure, which was free play at the spacious and delightful Royal Park Nature Park. This was followed by sandwiches in the sunshine for lunch!

We were all smiles heading back on the bus toward St. Luke’s, and all of us cannot wait to see what camps will go ahead in 2024!

Today is the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence (NDA).

The NDA is Australia’s key bullying prevention initiative for schools and provides an opportunity to connect with students, staff and our school community to implement workable solutions to prevent bullying.

The 2023 NDA theme, Growing connections, promotes the importance of school, family and community connections in building safe and supportive learning environments where all students can belong, feel accepted and respected. This week students across the school have participated in a classroom session exploring these concepts. 

It is important for our whole-school community, including our staff, parents, carers and students to have a clear understanding of the definition of bullying to be able to correctly identify and respond to incidents of bullying. 

Three key characteristics outlined in the national definition of bullying distinguish bullying behaviours from other negative behaviours which are not bullying. The key characteristics of bullying include:

  • power imbalance
  • deliberate intent to cause harm, and
  • ongoing and repeated behaviour.

While the following behaviours are not bullying, they may still be serious and require intervention at home and at school:

  • arguments and disagreements (where there is no power imbalance)
  • single acts of social rejection or unkind behaviour, or
  • isolated incidents of aggression, intimidation or violence.

The full national definition and further information about bullying prevention can be found on the Bullying No Way! Website (

Pauline Answerth
Student Wellbeing Leader

Book Week

By popular demand, submissions for the Book Week activity has been extended to Monday 21st August.  Children are encouraged to use this weekend to capture their creative thoughts!


  • One entry per family
  • Write your entry on a piece of paper (illustrations are welcome)
  • Write your name clearly on the entry

A warm welcome is also extended to families to attend the Book Week parade at 9am,  Thursday 24th August in the Hall.

Sports News

What an exciting few weeks it has been in the sports world for our incredible Aussie female athletes. The Australian Diamonds Netball team won Gold at the World Cup in South Africa, beating England in the big dance. Then on Wednesday this week we witnessed an unforgettable Semi-Final between the Matilda’s and England Lionesses at the FIFA Women’s World Cup. Students had a blast in PE lessons this week channelling their inner Cortnee Vine and Mackenzie Arnold. What top notch role models these athletes are to our young St Luke’s people (boys and girls) - classy, determined, courageous and powerful.

Micaela Debney

Physical Education Teacher, Sport and Camp Coordinator

Senior Netballers at Regionals

This Monday on our school closure day, 10 Senior students headed off to Waverley Netball Centre to battle it out at the Eastern Metro Regional Mixed Netball finals. It was a tough day at the office coming up against some very skilled and experienced opposition, so unfortunately we didn’t get a win on the board. However, I could not fault the sportsmanship, effort and positivity that was on display, so I would like to congratulate Matilda, Mae, Harmony, Hannah C, Hannah D, James, Luke, Ford, Jacob and Sean and thank them for a fun day nevertheless. What a special achievement to make it this far!

Middles Hoop Time

Today was the day for our Year 3/4 level to have their first taste of a sporting round robin day, participating in a Basketball Victoria run competition for schools called Hoop Time. Students were split into five teams coached by myself, Kathryn Fitt, Tremain Lynch and our two super volunteers Matt Watson and Trent Dorman. It was a great experience to play against students from other schools around Melbourne and put everyone’s fitness to the test by backing up game after game after game! Thank you to all the families who came to cheer and support, it made for such a fun day!

P&F Cookie Dough Fundraiser

Thank you to all participating families, the Cookie Dough fundraiser has raised $1136.00.  In total 334 tubs of cookie dough was sold. 

Our top selling families are:  Jimmy C from 1/2 Emerald, Emiliana P from Prep and Georgia M 3/4 Sage & Alex M 1/2 Emerald.

Please pick up orders from the Hall at school pick on Monday 28th August. 

School Production - When I grow up

Wednesday 13 September

The production is just around the corner.  Look out for ticket sales details that will be advertised next week.

Wanted... a violin (not a precious one) is required as a prop. If you can help, please contact Gabrielle Carter at

Footy Colours Day - Friday 8th September (last day of Term)

A friendly reminder to mark this date on your calendars for our annual dress up Footy Colours Day. Students and teachers are invited to come to school dressed in their favourite AFL team colours, or other sporting code uniform. We have a fantastic morning planned with footy activities, games, music and a special fundraising initiative called ‘Walk For Tiwi’. We are aiming to raise money for the restoration of St Terese’s church on the Tiwi Islands, north of Darwin, by walking laps of our oval/basketball area. More information to come!

Good luck!

And lastly, on behalf of all the staff at St Luke’s, we would like to congratulate Luke in Year 6 for receiving his Victorian basketball jersey in preparation for the School Sport Australia U12 Boys Basketball National Championships from 19 - 25 August 2023. Luke has been selected as an emergency player for the mighty Vics team and has been part of all the training in the lead up to this exciting tournament. The Watson family is flying over to Perth tomorrow (Saturday) to support Luke and the team. Go Luke and GO VICS!

Archbishop Peter Comensoli - Apostolic Visit

Dear Parishioners,

Please accept these Invitations for YOU to meet with the Archbishop during his pending Visitation to both Parishes. (As St Luke's Parishioners are aware and appreciate, the St Luke's Parish Hall is occupied on Saturdays with a weekly tenant, so we are blessed to have access to St Timothy's where Parishioners from both Parishes can rendezvous with the Archbishop).

All members of both St Luke the Evangelist and St Timothy's Parishes who contribute to either or both parishes in any way are invited to attend Mass at St Timothy's Church on Saturday 26th August at 9 am followed by a meeting with the Archbishop. Directly following the conclusion of Mass all members of our St Luke's and St Timothy's Safeguarding Committees, Ministers of the Word & Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, Counters, Choirs, Church cleaners, Church flower arrangers, Welcomers, Slide projector operators and Church and grounds maintenance volunteers are invited to remain in the Church to meet with the Archbishop as he would like to meet with you. Morning tea will then follow and be provided in St Timothy's Parish Hall. Following Morning Tea the Archbishop will lead a Parish Forum at 11.30am in St Timothy's Church where all Parishioners from Both Parishes (without clergy) are invited to speak with the Archbishop about priorities, goals and challenges.Everyone is then invited to BYO (bring your own) lunch to eat following the Parish Forum with the Archbishop at 1pm which will be held in St Timothy's Parish Hall; tea and coffee will be provided.

Gentle regards,

Fr Gerard

Parish Priest

St Luke's P&F Association Fund Raiser

The St Luke’s Parents and Friends Association would love to invite you to a fun Adults Only Social Night at St Luke’s.

When: Friday 25th August, 2023

Where: St Luke’s Parish Hall

Time: 7.00pm for a 7.30pm show 

Cost: $35 per person

Pizza will be provided!  BYO drinks and nibbles (aka picnic).

Get your tickets here:

Please note, this is a public event so if you have a group of friends that would appreciate some Comedy and socialising, please invite them to come along!

Funds raised will go towards enhancing the playground at St Luke’s for our kids. 

Hope you can join us!

St Luke’s Parents and Friends Association

School Uniform - RagTagd feature

Regrettably the RagTagd feature is no longer available from our uniform supplier.

Please continue to check the lost property cupboard for lost items of clothing and other items eg lunch boxes.

Community News

Enrolments 2024

IT'S NOT TOO LATE... we take enrolments for all years and at all times so... If you know of family or friends who are looking to move into the area OR are considering moving schools for their child OR want to commence their child at a great primary school, please encourage them to come by for a tour. A quick phone call to Debbie in the office or email via our website will get the ball rolling. 

School Housekeeping


Please check the lost property cupboard if you are missing jumpers, jackets or food containers.  


With the colder weather coming on, please make sure your child has his/her school jumper EVERY day. Many children are choosing to wear a rain jacket instead of their jumpers. The rain jacket is for outside use only.


As part of our wellbeing care of children at St Luke's, every class engages in a morning routine at 8.50 am.  This quiet, calm time allows children to gather together in a circle, to greet each other by name, to pray and/or enter into some Christian meditation and get ready for the day.  Please make sure you allow enough time to get your child to school BEFORE the student entry doors close at 8.50 am.

If children arrive after the gate and student entry doors are locked, parents/carers are required to walk their child/ren to the school office and sign them in on the VPass iPad.

If leaving early (before the end of the day), parents/carers are required to sign their child/ren out on the VPASS iPad.

School Uniform - Spartan School World

School Uniform is to be worn at all times.

Online orders placed by midday on a Monday will be included in the school delivery the next day.  Any orders placed after this time will be delivered in the following weeks run.

Store opening hours Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm and the 1st Saturday of the month 9am-12pm

Kelly Club

Kelly Club run programmes before and after school that our children love.  If you have any enquiries regarding availability, booking and cost, please contact Elana

We are St Luke's.  A community of faith, learning and partnership.

Journeying together, we strive to live the gospel so that all may enjoy the fullness of life.

We look with wonder at our world and embrace learning through inquiry, through action, through reflection to realise our potential.

We celebrate diversity and we welcome the opportunity to live and work together.

We are companions on the journey, now 60 years on ... guided by the Holy Spirit, inviting the participation of everyone.