Issue 1 Thursday 1 February 2024

We learn on the lands of the Ngadjuri Nation


TERM 1Monday 29 January  -  Friday 12 April

Monday 29 April  -  Friday 5 July  

TERM 3Monday 22 July  -  Friday 27 September
TERM 4Monday 30 September  -  Friday 13 December

Some Important Dates for Term 1

Acquaintance NightTuesday 6 February
Governing Council AGMTuesday 13 February
Proposed Pupil Free day Monday 26 February
Adelaide Cup Public HolidayMonday 11 March
NaplanMonday 18  -  Monday 25 March
Governing Council MeetingTuesday 19 March
Parent InterviewsMonday 25  -  Wednesday 27 March
School PhotosWednesday 27 March
Good Friday Public HolidayFriday 29 March
Easter Monday Public HolidayMonday 1 April
Last Day of Term / Early Dismissal time of 2:10pmFriday 12 April

From The Principal

Welcome to the 2024 school year!

We’ve had a lovely start to the year, with children happy to be back at school. I’ve noticed lots of engagement with learning and lots of kindness in the yard at playtimes.

This week has been a time for settling back in: becoming familiar with new routines with new teachers. Our Reception children have had a big week, just learning what school is all about.

Acquaintance Night (Tuesday 6th Feb)

This year our Acquaintance Night will look a little different to previous years. Adam Claridge (Reception teacher) is the only teacher who will have a specific set time for parents to meet with him. All other teachers will have an Open Classroom, during which time parents are invited to pop in for an informal chat and to see the children’s learning environment.     


3:30pmIntroduction from the PrincipalHall
3:45 - 4:00pm

Meet with Adam Claridge (Reception teacher)

Reception Class

3:45 - 4:30pm

Open Classrooms for all teachers

- Nicole Moffett             -  Year 1

-  Sharee Richardson   -  Year 2/3

-  Susan Thomas           -  Year 4

-  Dana Sitters                -  Year 5/6

-  Cameron Gliese        -  HPE &    Technologies

In their own classrooms

Cameron will be in the Hall

We hope to see you there. 

Mobile Phones

This is a time when many students in Year 6 start having greater responsibilities; and this includes some students having mobile phones. The department’s position on mobile phones is that students cannot use mobile phones during school hours. [Note: This actually includes all devices with internet capability, such as personal ipads and watches]. At Greenock Primary School it has always been the expectation that all students with mobile phones need to give them to their teacher upon arrival and collect them at the end of the day. This is just a reminder about our procedures; the full policy can be viewed on our website.

Governing Council AGM

With a number of people leaving, for a variety of reasons, we have quite a few vacant positions on the Governing Council. We meet twice a term (Weeks 3 & 8) at 7pm, for about 1½ hours. Being a part of the Governing Council gives you an opportunity to become involved in the school and to make new connections. We welcome all new comers and really value the contributions of everyone.

If you would like to join the Governing Council, self-nomination forms went out on the Audiri app on Tuesday or you can call into the Front Office and collect a form there.


Our Assemblies begin next week: each one is hosted by one of our classes (see calendar). Parents and other family members of the children in the host class are invited along.

This year, assemblies will be on Thursday afternoons (not Wednesdays, as in previous years) and will begin at 2.30pm.

Gail Holland

School Routines and Procedures – Term 1

Welcome Back

Front Office Hours:

The school reception area is staffed between 8:30am & 4:00pm (open term time only)

Contacting the School:

You can contact the school by phone or email (details at the bottom of this newsletter). 

*On a day where there is only one staff member working in the office or if you call outside of school hours, the answering machine may be on.  Please leave your name, number and a short message with the reason for your call.  If you ask for a call back, we will respond as soon as we are available to do so. All messages are passed on to the relevant staff member.

Staff in the Front Office:

·         Monday         -      Gail  *

·         Tuesday         -      Liz (am) & Gail

·         Wednesday   -      Mari & Gail

·         Thursday       -      Mari  *

·         Friday            -       Mari  *

Uniform Purchasing:

Uniforms can be purchased on Monday – Wednesday.  Please see Gail A.

Uniforms cannot be purchased outside of these times.

Preferred payment method is by EFT or Credit Card and uniforms will not be issued until payment is received.

Drop Off and Pick Up Times  -  Drive with caution:

Remain in your car and move off after your child has left or entered the car.

These are very busy times of the day and we ask for your cooperation so that our students and the school community can come and go safely each day.

Remember to drive slowly .


School Supervision  -  Yard Duty:

Yard Duty begins at 8:30am each morning.  Please ensure children arrive after this time.  Staff will be on duty until 3:30pm each afternoon and children will be supervised within the JP playground area until they are picked up by their adult.

Please arrange to collect your children at 3:10pm each afternoon and contact the school if you are going to be late.

If you are having difficulty with these times,  the Before/After School Care service, Happy Haven, operating from Nuriootpa Primary School, is available for you to use.  Phone 81555 444 to book or for more information.

Late Arrival and Early Departures:

If your child is late to school (ie arrives after 8:50am), they will need to see staff in the Front Office who will issue them with a yellow ‘Late Arrival’ card to take to their class teacher.  Parents picking up children early for an appointment will also need to come to the Front Office and get a pink ‘Early Departure’ card. Please do not ask teachers to have your child wait for you in the Front Office as this impinges on valuable learning time. Collect your child from the classroom after handing the card to the teacher.  

Illness & Injuries at School – Collecting Your Child:

Students who are sent to the Front Office/First Aid room by their teacher due to illness and also for injuries that are considered more serious eg a hard knock to the head, will be sent home. 

Unwell students should not attend school until they have fully recovered and will not pass on illness to others.

Parents will always be contacted first in any situation.

As our First Aid room is equipped to accommodate one child at a time, it is important that you collect your child promptly once you have been notified, so that other students needing assistance can be attended to.  

If you are unable to collect your child, please organise your emergency contact and let the school know who this will be.

Primary caregivers eg parents are NOT emergency contacts but people other than yourselves eg relatives or friends who can be contacted if parents are unavailable.

Please list at least 2 local emergency contacts for your children.

 Start of 2024 Tasks to Complete:

*  Consent & Permissions Form 2024

Complete for each child on the Audiri App

*  Consent Form For Chief Executive Approved Early Dismissals

Complete on the Audiri App

Only complete if you child is a new enrolment in 2024 (or you forgot to do it in 2023).

This is a once only form and is compliant for the time your child attends Greenock Primary School.

*  Change of Details 2024   

Please complete on the Audiri App to update any of the following changes to your circumstances:

*  home address (residential and/or postal)

*  contact phone number

* employment &/or place of employment

* email address

* emergency contacts

* student's medical condition

* *shared living arrangements

** custody information

**Contact the Front Office by phone or email or in person to provide further details

Students' Belongings:

Please label your child's school uniforms and all belongings that are brought to school eg food & drink containers     

Healthcare Plans for 2024

Parents/caregivers please update your child's Healthcare Plan and medication at the beginning of the 2024 school  year so that it remains     current and your child will be covered for all activities throughout the year, including swimming lessons and camp.

Healthcare plans must be completed by your doctor/healthcare professional and all medication must be in the original packaging with the label attached.

Please note:  If your child no longer suffers from a medical condition a signed letter from your doctor is required before this information can be removed from our records.

PCW News


            Welcome to 2024, Here we go! My name is Jo Herrmann. For those of you who are new to our school, I am the Pastoral Care Worker here at Greenock Primary School. I really love being part of this Greenock community. I hope that those of you who have just joined us enjoy being part of this community like I do. I have found our community to be supportive, friendly, connected, creative, willing to have a go and try new initiatives and they are fun to be around. Most importantly when there is a need in our school family or tough times come along, we are a community who gathers around and stands alongside those in need, helping and encouraging where we can. For me as your PCW, it is always a pleasure to help build relationships and it is an honour to be able to walk alongside people as they experience life’s highs and lows.

Pastoral care is modeled by offering help and care to others; this can be done by listening, supporting, encouraging and befriending people.

Here at Greenock my role includes:

·         supporting the students and staff in our school, emotionally and spiritually in their highs and lows.

·         supporting the wellbeing of students, staff and families.

·         being a link for families to community resources and services.

It’s been a great first week helping our youngest students settle in to their school routines, meeting new families, catching up with holiday news and hearing the latest stories of what’s been happening. It has made my week to see all of the smiling faces back at school.

All the best to you for the coming weeks,

Cheers Jo

Library news

Greenock Primary School Calendar

Parent Noticeboard

Greenock PS Governing Council

Contact details: