Prep BA
Evie L - for being a kind and caring student and including others. She has been a wonderful friend for her peers and made sure that everyone has someone to play with during play times. Tremendous work Evie! You are a star, Evie!
Prep LC
Suhanee G - for being a kind and caring member of Prep LC, who looks after her peers and includes everyone in her play. Well done Suhanee!
Year 1/2B
Chloe W - for settling in so beautifully to our 2024 class. You are becoming a confident learner and trying so hard when completing all the activities. Keep up the great work!
Spencer L - for settling in so beautifully to our 2024 class. You join in all activities with such enthusiasm and always with a smile on your face. Keep up the great work!
Year 1/2D
Louise W - for settling into Year 1 with ease. You participate in all learning activities with enthusiasm and a positive attitude. Well done Louise!
William P - for making an excellent transition to Year 1. Well done for the courage, resilience and positivity you have shown in the classroom. It is so great to see you coming in each day smiling and giving everything a go! Super effort Will!
Year 1/2JM
Lewie E - for making a positive start to the year. We are very impressed and proud of the work you have done.
Isla H - for always being ready to work. We are very impressed with your efforts in all subject areas.
Year 1/2KC
Louis T - for enthusiastically accepting challenges in his learning, and showing consistent Whole Body Listening, every day.
Evie D - for settling in so well into SJB, for showing consistent Whole Body Listening, and for being an inclusive friend.
Eli P - for his wonderful work in Mathematics and for his exceptional kindness that he shows to all those around him. You are a star, Eli!
Frankie S - for her wonderful work in her persuasive writing and for the kindness that she extends to all her peers. You are a star, Frankie!
Will S - for enthusiastically accepting challenges in his learning, and contributing to classroom discussion.
Xavier M - for being a respectful member of class and always being a responsible learner.
Year 3/4SJ
Harrison C - for the mature approach he demonstrates when completing his learning tasks, and the excellent example he is setting as a responsible leader in our classroom.
Siella G - for the dedication she brings to completing her learning tasks, and the resilience she is increasingly showing when she attempts new challenges
Vivian C - for always trying her best, growing as a learner and working diligently both independently and within a small group.
Year 5/6D
Sarah G - for working hard in every area and producing excellent results.
Ezra McK - for staying focussed in his tasks and completing them to a high standard.
Year 5/6RD
Etta R - for a terrific start to Year 5, settling into the busy senior school extremely well. Also demonstrating strong leadership qualities by being an excellent role model and make a choice to forgo a role this year to enable another student to have the experience. We are really proud of your maturity and selflessness. Well done Etta!
Patrick C - for a terrific start to Year 5, settling into the busy senior shool extremely well. Also demonstrating strong leadership qualities by being an excellent role model and making a choice to forgo a role this year to enable another student to have the experience. We are really proud of your maturity and selflessness. Well done Patrick.