Upcoming events

Thurs 21 March

Harmony Day Celebrations  - students are encouraged to come dressed in orange or traditional clothes

Canteen Meal Deals served today

P & C Meeting 5:45 pm in school staffroom -  light refreshments will be provided and activities for students under the top COLA

LHS Yr 7 2025 Parent Information Session  5:30 pm

Fri 22 MarchYear 6 Polo Shirt Orders due

Cross Country Carnival

Students from years 3-6 participated in the annual school Cross Country Carnival on Friday morning. We are proud of all the students for the way in which they applied themselves and gave it their all. 

From this event, the following students have been selected to represent our school at the Zone Cross Country Carnival: 

   Jack R 

   Ollie H

   Jonathan K

   Maisy M

   Sofia H

   Meredith C

   Jaxx B

   Braxton D

   Milad S

   Olivia H

   Zoe W

   Arielle H

   Kobi B

   Kobie B

   Quinlan B

   Hollie A

   Amy K

   Estelle B

   Archie P

   Riley F

   Eddie H

   Olivia B

   Izabella C

   Violet B

Well done everyone!

The Zone carnival is scheduled to take place on Friday 3 May (Term 2, Week 1).  More information for these students will be provided later this term.

Certificates and ribbons will be presented to the students at our next school assembly in Week 9, Thursday 28 March.  Parents and families are welcome to come and celebrate their child's success. 

Sporting Achievements

Swimming - Quinlan B and Eva T represented Newcastle City at the Regional PSSA Swimming Championships on Tuesday 12th March. Quinlan competed in the 11-year boy's breaststroke and butterfly and Eva competed in the 11-year girl's freestyle and backstroke. Eva came 1st in backstroke and will now compete at the NSW Swimming Championships on the 11th and 12th of April.

Diving - Eva has also qualified to represent the Hunter at the State Diving Championships to be held on the 15th of May. 

Basketball - Congratulations to Phoenix M who has been selected to represent Newcastle City at the Hunter Regional Basketball trials on the 28th of March. 

Harmony Day Celebrations this Thursday

Harmony Day Celebrations this Thursday \

We are celebrating Harmony Day on Thursday 21 March.. Harmony Day is about recognising the multicultural diversity of Australia and the ongoing theme is ‘Everyone Belongs’.

Students are encouraged to dress in Orange or traditional costume.

If you have a multicultural background you would be interested in sharing with your child’s class or cohort please contact Mrs Malloch with your child's name and class, and the time/s that suit you on Tuesday 21st. Mrs Malloch will be in contact to confirm arrangements.

Our Canteen are offering a Harmony Day Meal Deal to be enjoyed on the day which can be ordered at the canteen window or via My School Connect 

Celebrating Ramadan

We are supporting all student who are participating in Ramadan fasting in Mrs Malloch's classroom or the library during eating times. 

Year 6 Polo Shirts

All Year 6 students have the opportunity to purchase a quality polo shirt for Year 6 to wear for the remainder of their final year at LPS. The design was chosen by the students and their individual names will appear at the top on the back under 2024.  The price per shirt is $35.00 and students are able to wear the shirts on any day they choose.  Orders are to be placed by this Friday 22 March, 2024.

Moving into Year 7 - 2025

Parents and carers of students attending Lambton High School for Year 7 in 2025 are invited to attend an Information Session at Lambton High School.

Date:  Thursday 21 March 2024 OR Wednesday 27 March 2024

Time:  5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Location: Lambton HS MPC

LHS Parent Information Session Evening Invitation

Lambton High School also offer an e3 and CAPA class that students can choose to apply for. Applications are now open for both of these classes.

Click here for more information about the CAPA Enrichment class and application process

Click here for more information about the e3 class and application process

Expressions of Interest now due - Yr 7 2025

Applications are now open for year 7 placement in a NSW Government high school in 2025.   Applications must be submitted by 4 April, 2024.. 

Click here to commence your online Expression of Interest Yr 7 2025

The link above provides the link to commence your online application,  a video that explains the enrolment process and a Frequently asked Questions page to explain the process. 

Combined Schools Anzac Service - Year 6

Every year, supported by the Newcastle Permanent Building Society, the combined schools of the Hunter region collaborate to plan a unique Anzac Day Commemorative service specifically for primary school-aged students. Saluting the service of those who served, the annual commemorative events narrate the untold stories of Hunter men and women in time of war. 

All Year 6 students are invited to attend this year’s commemorative service  on Tuesday 9 April at the Civic Theatre. Permission notes have been sent via School Bytes.

Our school is once again participating in the NSW government reading initiative, the Premier’s Reading Challenge (PRC). This state-wide challenge closes on 23rd August 2024.

It enables students to experience quality literature and fosters a love of reading. The PRC encourages students to engage with a range of exciting stories and explore topics that can challenge their thinking, expand their vocabulary and widen their horizons through unfamiliar subjects.

Students at LPS have been enthusiastically reading books at school and at home to meet the Premier’s Reading Challenge. Many students have already completed it. Well done!

Congratulations to the first 10 enthusiastic students to complete the PRC.

Sophie Johannesen, Chiara Theoni, Zoe Wolfenden, Alexander Sloan, Leilanii Bradshaw, Keenan Chandra, Mischa Alisa, Jack Worrad, Klara Horvat and Emily Woodford.

Just a reminder that students from Years 3-6 are required to enter their 20 books online themselves, then bring the completed form (with parent signature) to the library. If they need assistance, they can come to the library at 2nd half lunch for help.

Students from K-6 who complete the challenge independently will have their photo added to a PRC display in the library.

K-2 children are participating in the challenge at school, by enjoying a wide variety of Premier’s Reading Challenge books in the library and their classroom. Their PRC books will be entered online for them.

P&C News

P&C Meeting - Rescheduled Date

Our next P&C meeting will be held Thursday, March 21st in the school staffroom.   Light refreshments will be provided and children are welcome to play at the top cola where some activities will be set up.

Come and see what's planned for our students and share your thoughts / provide feedback.  We look forward to seeing both new and returning faces.

Easter Raffle 

Our P&C are seeking donations for their annual Easter Raffle from our amazing community to put towards raffle prizes.  The Easter Raffle will be drawn on Thursday 28 March @ 2.30 pm and is always a favourite event of our students. 

The following is a guide only, any donations would be greatly appreciated.

Kindergarten - Novelty Items (colouring in books, Easter themed activities

Year 1 - Toys Teddies 

Year 2 - Solid Eggs

Year 3 - Boxed Eggs

Year 4 - Bunnies

Year 5 - Hollow Eggs

Year 6 - Boxed Eggs

They also require gift bags to package the prizes. Please take all donations to the Canteen. 

Click here to purchase your lucky tickets in the raffle for only $1.00 each  

Volunteer via SignUp

We're excited to be trialling something new this year! SignUp makes volunteering super easy and stress free. Simply click on the link, register for the event you wish to volunteer for, and you're ready to go!

We've got some fabulous events that are in need of volunteers, including discos, Mother's and Father's Day breakfasts and the Easter Raffle. The website shows you how many places are still available and you can remove yourself from the roster if your circumstances change - it's so easy! We can't wait to see you at our events this year! 

Craft Groups during lunchtime

Students have been exploring  the art of weaving and beading. Their creations are looking fantastic!

Raised Garden Beds installed

We are so excited and thankful for Coast and Country Water Tanks who have generously donated 6 raised garden beds. These raised garden beds are being installed adjacent to the canteen and around the school grounds in which our students will be able to grow fresh produce.

LPS Facebook page

We are proud to announce the launch of our school Facebook page. Our Facebook page is for promoting a sense of community and will be used to provide families with information about events and activities and positive achievements within our school. The page won’t replace our weekly Newsletter rather, it will communicate through social media many of the interesting, exciting, fun and terrific learning of our students.

Private Group -  Our Facebook page is a private group and all requests to join our page must be approved by site administrators.  Please click on the following link to request to join our private group 


Please click on the ‘More’ button and request to ‘Join the Group’. Parents and carers will be asked one question for screening information 

Click here to view the LPS Facebook Code of Conduct guidelines

Can you spare 5 mins to complete our survey?

As part of our ongoing self-assessment and reporting period, we seek feedback on our work from parents/caregivers and community. The following Link is to a survey for the 2023 school year.

Please complete this survey with consideration to 2023:

Click here to complete the survey

Free internet for eligible families

The Australian Government has introduced the School Student Broadband Initiative (SSBI) to provide free internet access to eligible families. The SSBI provides internet access to up to 30,000 families with school-aged children who are currently unconnected. The free internet access will be provided until 31 December 2025.  

Am I eligible?

Eligible families:  

  • have a child living at home enrolled in K-12 at a NSW school

  • have not had an active National Broadband Network (NBN) internet service in the previous 14 days. Having a mobile internet service does not affect eligibility.

  • live in a premises that can access a standard NBN service

  • will undergo a suitability assessment conducted by the National Referral Centre (NRC).

How can the NRC help me?  

The National Referral Centre (NRC) can help Australian families meeting the SSBI eligibility criteria connect the NBN to their homes.

The NRC is the first point of contact for families who nominate themselves for the SSBI. The NRC team will assess your family’s eligibility, including a check of your residential address and current financial situation.

If eligible, your family will be issued a voucher, which can be redeemed at any participating SSBI retail service provider. The NRC can contact your chosen SSBI internet provider and provide follow-up support.

The NRC can also answer questions and provide information regarding participating retail service providers. Centre staff can also provide follow-up support for anyone experiencing challenges redeeming the voucher.

For non-English speakers or those with accessibility challenges, the NRC provides translation services through Language Loop and their own bilingual staff. Additionally, their website features ReciteMe technology.

Get in touch

To contact the NRC and check your eligibility: