Goulburn North Public School Newsletter

Term 2 Week 9 - 2024

School News

We Made It!!!

After a very challenging term of illness, Covid and the general complexities of operating a busy school, we have finally arrived at the finish line. A massive thank you to each and every member of the school community for your continued support this term. 

We are hopeful for an improved Term 3, after a refreshing school holiday break. 

For those members of the school community travelling, please do so safely. We look forward to a wonderful term ahead with many great experiences.

Semester 1 Reports

A busy semester of learning and more to come in Semester 2. Next week, we have our Semester 1 Reports coming home. You will be able to book a time in early Term 3 to discuss your child's progress.

New Newsletter in Term 3!!

Our Newsletter will be adjusted in Term 3. We realise that much of our news is posted via Facebook and via Audiri. Our community will get what is needed from these sources predominately. The Newsletter is often behind the times and is not as relevant is it once was. Consequently, this has led to an evolution of the Newsletter. It will go from a source of recent news to a celebration of successes and achievements for the term. We have some ideas on how this can provide a different aspect of information to our community. 

The newsletter will move from Weeks 3, 6 and 9 to Week 5 and Week 10. This will allow for a more streamlined approach. Stay tuned for how this will evolve over time.

Playground Fun!!

Our students enjoy one of the larger playground areas in Goulburn. However, our students do not know how to play during the breaks. We have a number of students that just wander and do not know how to fill their time in the large playground learning space.

We would like to invite members of the community to come to school and be a part of the breaks and share their time with our students. This could be playing a simple game of handball, refereeing soccer, shooting hoops with students or even playing a small game like chess. 

Members of the community only need a Working with Children's Check and these are obtained from Service NSW for free.

Our breaks are as follows:

Break 1: 11.15-11.50am - Break 2: 1.30-2.05pm

If you would like to join our students in the playground and share your time, please contact the school office. This could be on a regular or irregular basis. Our students would benefit from your time.

School Contact Guide

There are many times that you may need to contact the school to discuss things. The best contact to start this process is your child's Classroom Teacher and your child's Team Leader. The guide enclosed is a digital copy of the paper copy sent home at the commencement of term. This guide will be frequently updated with names of new staff and staff associated with your child's stage of learning. 

Please contact the school by either calling or email, outline your needs and we will ensure that the right member of staff is passed on the details so they can connect directly with you.


Respectful - Inappropriate Language

Our focus for this newsletter is our second rule 'Respectful'. We strive towards making our school a 'Happy and Safe' place for all students.

Respectful in this sense will be focused on 'Inappropriate Language' and how we speak respectfully to one another. The school has been wording hard on turning language around over the past twelve months, yet despite this constant focus, the language students use in our context has only improved marginally. The previous 'Language Replacement Strategy' that many students worked through has had limited success. We are therefore revising our approach to language moving forward.

Students will immediately be placed on a monitoring card for 'Inappropriate Language' commencing the first week of term 3. This process will mirror the existing Monitoring Card system, but will focus exclusively on language of students. Student will then have a period of five days to improve the way they are speaking to other people. Successful students will move off the card. However, students that are not successful with the card will then move to a 'Formal Caution'. Students that also have their cards signed off in the playground by a member of staff, and were witnessed by another member of staff, using poor language will also be considered an instant fail.

Students that fail the monitoring card will also then complete the existing 'Language Replacement Strategy' with a member of the executive. This will be sent home, so you can see the sorts of language your child is using in our setting.

You can support the school, but talking with your children about 'Time and Place' the context of where you use language can be different depending on where you are. We are keen to see our school develop a respectful culture of friendly talk. Please share and discuss speaking respectfully with your children.

Our New Rules/Expectations 2024

Please click on the link to learn about our new set of School Rules/Expectations. This commenced across the school from Day 1 of Term 1 2024. You are more than welcome to ask the school office for a copy of these document to share and discuss with your children at home.

NSW Behaviour Code for Students

Please find attached a copy of the NSW Behaviour Code for Students. Our current focus for the remainder of Term 4 is reducing 'Inappropriate Language' at school. This code outlines student expectation in being respectful to others and speaking courteously. 

GNPS Mobile Phone Policy and Guidelines

Our guidelines for Student Mobile Phone and Portable Devices at GNPS.

Save the Dates:

Term 3 Commences

School resumes for Term 3 on Tuesday 23 July 2024.

Fireworks Festival 2025

Saturday 10 May 2025

Save the date now for 2025. Can't wait to share the new look and feel event.

School Community Charter

The following School Community Charter outlines the responsibilities of parents, carers, educators and school staff in NSW public schools to ensure our learning environments are collaborative, supportive and cohesive. 
Feel free to download and read at your leisure. 

Volunteer and help us get Ethics Education up and running for 2024

We now have 2 amazing volunteers to assist with Ethics Education this year. We still need someone to support with the management of the program and someone to support with Coordination. All training is provided. Please keep in mind that a teacher will be present to support with lessons. If you are in a position to support with this program, please contact the office and we will connect you with the Ethics Australia team. 

Mental Health Service and Support

The school has had a recent number of students that have been experiencing some difficulty and have required to access the support of CAMHS. The school is currently working with the 'Be You' team to seek additional support and services in this space. We are here to help as best we can, we would ideally like to work proactively with our community. If you would like to discuss anything to do with your children, please reach out and contact the school. We are more than happy to provide whatever support we can.

The 'BeYou' Team have provided the following information for places where you can also seek support for yourself or your children.


Curriculum and Instruction

Who wants to win a handball?

We want you to get your maths brains working and try to solve the following question:

What fraction of the image is blue?

Write your answer and your name on a piece of paper and leave it in the box outside Mrs Cameron's and Ms Caffery's office by Wednesday of Week 10. The correct answers will go into a raffle to win a handball. The raffle will be drawn on Thursday of Week 10. Good Luck!


Attendance at School Matters...

Birthdays coming up!!!

Jolly June

4 June - Khloe - Amethyst

4 June - Rubi - Topaz

9 June - Jordan - Pearl

12 June - Mylah - Ruby

12 June - Isla - Ruby

13 June - Taylah - Pearl

14 June - Maisy - Ruby

16 June - Adalind - Sapphire

17 June - Scarlett - Emerald

17 June - Ashton - Amethyst

19 June - Lyla - Ruby

22 June - Jye - Emerald

25 June - Mason - Fluorite

27 June - Jamyma - Diamond

27 June - Janayah - Ruby

Jumpin' July

1 July - Mackenzie - Fluorite

2 July - Ruby - Emerald

2 July - Saanvi - Amethyst

2 July - RJ - Diamond

4 July - Mia - Topaz

4 July - Caden - Sapphire

6 July - Brody - Fluorite

7 July - Tyler - Fluorite

7 July - Deacon - Ruby

7 July - Bobby - Fluorite

7 July - Ariya - Onyx

8 July - Amarlee - Amethyst

9 July - Franklin - Fluorite

11 July - Nate - Fluorite

11 July - Eli - Onyx

12 July - Arthur - Diamond

12 July - Laurell - Topaz

12 July - Caleb - Emerald

17 July - Natasha - Emerald

19 July - Blade - Pearl

23 July - Tyler - Onyx

26 July - Zain - Pearl

29 July - Elijah - Onyx

31 July - Immy - Onyx

Have an amazing birthday!!!

School Assembly - Term 2 Dates

Term 3 assemblies for 2024.

We would love to share our Whole School Assemblies with our community. Save the dates below and come along and share in these treasured occasions.

Assemblies in Term 2 will be held on the following date:

  • Friday 23 August, commencing at 12.45pm
  • Friday 27 September, commencing at 12.45pm

News from around the area...

News From Around The School

Sapphire News

Sapphires are a rare gemstone that can take millions of years to form.
Sapphires come in almost every colour of the rainbow.
Only a diamond is harder, but does not have such magnificent colours.
For centuries, sapphires have been associated with royalty and romance.
Royal blue sapphires were often worn by medieval kings, some of whom believed that the gemstones would protect them from their enemies.  

We collaboratively wrote this Acrostic Poem about our class:

Safe, smart, sensible students.

Always able and amazing.

Pleased, pleasingly perfect.

Paper, pencils, pens.

Happy, helpful, harmonious.

Intelligent, incredible, individuals.

Respectful, responsible and ready.

Excellent, excited, experts.

Sensational, Super Sapphire’s.

Fluorite News

This term Fluorite has been learning about the properties of three-dimensional shapes. Students were given a list of properties and then created the three-dimensional shape using matchsticks and Blu Tack.

Amber News

Class Amber opened their classroom this term and students have engaged in a range of engaging activities such as creating a bush tucker garden and developing games on Scratch. We have been cooking and trying different foods such as pancakes, french toast, and scones. Students have engaged in a range of differentiated literacy and numeracy activities and are building routine and structure in our school's newest learning environment.

We are excited to welcome new students into our room next term and continue on our journey of successful learning experiences.

P&C News

 We would love to see new faces at our meetings. Our community is invited to be involved for as little or as much as they would like.

P&C News

Canteen News

The canteen is open weekly this year on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays, and if anyone is interested in helping out in the canteen to please contact Sharon, our canteen manager on 0428 259 791. 

Kind Regards


Current Canteen Menu

Please find attached the current menu. Orders can be sent to school or placed via the QKR app.

Notes that need returning

  • Updated Student Details

Please remember to...

School Calendar Events - Term 3 2024

Week 1

22 July - 28 July

  • Tuesday 23 July - First Day for Students at North

Week 2

29 July - 4 August

  • Wednesday 31 July - Parent Teacher Night
  • Thursday 1 August - Environmentors Incursion
  • Friday 2 August - Wellbeing Workshop
  • Friday 2 August - PSSA District Athletics Carnival

Week 3

5 August - 11 August

Education Week 2024

  • Tuesday 6 August - GCOPS Concert Night
  • Wednesday 7 August - Goulburn High School - Focus Day 

Week 4

12 August - 18 August

  • Friday 16 August - Wellbeing Workshop

Week 5

19 August - 25 August

Science Week

  • Wednesday 21 August - Whole School Photo Day 2024
  • Friday 5 August - Wellbeing Workshop

Week 6

26 August - 1 September

Book Week 2024

  • Friday 30 August - Wear It Purple Day

Week 7

2 September - 

  • Wednesday 4 September - Goulburn High School Focus Day
  • Friday 6 September - Father's Day Breakfast

Week 8

SASS Week 2024

9 September - 15 September

  • Wednesday to Friday - 11-13 September - Stage 3 Camp Berry
  • Friday 13 September - Roald Dahl Day 

Week 9

16 September - 22 September

  • Thursday 19 September - Talk Like A Pirate Day 2024

Week 10

23 September - 27 September

  • Wednesday 25 September - Mighty Playwrights Performance - Stage 3 Event
  • Friday 27 September - Final Day of Term 3

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