Book Week
Thank you to Ms Nicole Taylor for organising Book Week once again for the students. Thank you to all staff who provided a wide range of activities during lunch and recess time, the excitement was evident as students rushed to get their raffle tickets in for each session. The week ended with the Book Week parade in which Angaston Kindergarten joined us in celebrating. It was wonderful to see so many of our students dressed in their favourite characters. Our whole school photo highlights the wide range of costumes and the tremendous effort families went to to help their child with costumes. The beautiful weather was a wonderful way for us to celebrate the parade followed by a disco at recess time.
Mrs Argent and the choir have been working really hard to get ready for the big performance. They have been to Magic Millions to rehearse with the other schools from around the state. We know how hard they work and will be amazing on the night.
SSO Week
SSO week was the same week as Book Week. Thank you to all our SSOs who dedicate themselves to supporting the students and school. Schools are such busy places and would not function the way it does without the dedication of our SSOs. We appreciate all they do to keep Angaston Primary thriving academically, socially and visually.
Teaching and Learning
Teachers are continuing their work on Teaching Sprints using data from Big Ideas in Number to inform their teaching focus for students. We continue to support each other and explore ways to use Numicon resources R- 6 within our maths teaching. This whole school approach will support students as they move through the year levels to develop strong mathematical concepts, moving from concrete to pictorial to abstract. Our focus on Formative Assessment continue to underpin the curriculum and supports students to take ownership of learning too. The Specialist teachers are focusing on High Impact Teaching Strategies (HITS) for their teaching sprint this term, with feedback being a focus as part of the HITS.
Pupil Free Day
For Pupil Free Day our teachers were joined by Truro Primary teachers to continue work with Brightpath assessment. Glenda from Brightpath supported teachers to moderate students’ writing. The process of moderation is an important aspect of assessment as it allows us time to ensure consistency when assigning levels for students writing. From the assessments teachers spent time in PLCs analysing writing, looking for teaching points and common trends across year levels that will be used to inform teaching and learning. Glenda supported staff to look at different reports on the Brightpath platform that can be used to help students set learning goals using student friendly language. Teachers will spend time helping students to set and monitor their goals which will look different depending on the year levels.
Junior Primary Playground
You may have heard the buzz from students about the sandpit area that is starting to take shape in the Junior Primary playground area. This project has been highly anticipated with a number of hurdles that needed to be overcome to get to this point. Thankfully we have Mr Jean who never gives up! He has been working hard to build bench seating, stone steps and appropriate drainage so that this area can be safe, fun and useable. He has worked with range of students who helped to build the edges to the new play area with wooden rounds and recycle tree branches and filled in the sandpit one shovel at a time. We can’t wait for the grand opening, perhaps in time for Mrs F-B to build sandcastles with the JP on her return from leave. Thank you Del Hearnden who donated the beautiful rocks which are a feature of the sandpit.
Clare Morichauld-Shields is Acting Deputy Principal from week 5 to week 9. Claire is a familiar face as she has been our Autism Including Teachers (AIT) this year. As DP she will continue to work as AIT, supporting teachers with strategies and leading professional learning in this area. Claire also works to support student engagement and wellbeing.
We welcome back Heidi Roesler and Kim Oag from leave. We look forward to hearing about their adventures while on leave. Thank you to Dianne Emes who filled in for Kim, Dianne finished on Thursday and stepped into retirement on Friday! We wish her all the best in this next chapter. Thank to Courtnie Moulds who backfilled while Heidi was on leave.
Fundraising Events
Father’s Day Stall
Thank you to all the volunteers who organsied and set up the Father's Day stall. The students were excited to spend money and spoil their loved ones with the range of goodies available. We hope Dads, Grandads and Dad figures had a wonderful Father’s Day on Sunday.
Casual Clothes Day
SLC have nominated to have Friday 15th September for Casual Clothes Day. The gold coin donation will go towards purchasing new “big games” that can be used by students during lunch and recess times. Peer Leaders will be responsible for the setting up and putting away as part of their leadership role.
School Disco
The Fundraising Committee on Governing Council have organised a School Disco for Friday 15th September. Please refer to the poster seen on display for further information.
All this with still just under half a term to go! With all the learning and experiences we’ve had so far I leave you with this quote:
“The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.” B.B. King, musician
Sokhan Greenwood