TERM 4: | Monday 16 October - Friday 15 December |
Transition Morning Tea | Wednesday 15th November |
Assembly | Friday 17th November |
Variety Xmas Party Excursion | Wednesday 22nd November |
Causal Clothes Day "Disco Dance Party" | Monday 27th November |
Year 6 Kapunda High School Transition | Thursday 7th December |
End of Year Concert | Friday 8th December |
Last Day Of Term | Friday 15th December |
Splash Day | Friday 15th December |
Assembly @ 1:40pm | Friday 15th December |
Term 1, 2024 starts | Monday 29th January 2024 |
Hello families and welcome to our new-look newsletter. We are very excited to be able to reduce our carbon footprint by sending it to you electronically and hope you are enjoying the convenience of having information sent direct to your phone via the Audiri app. Reminders and information will also appear in the events section to help you see in advance when special things are happening at school.
This term we welcomed three new students to our school; Alice, Seamus and Ruby. If you know of any families moving into the area, please encourage them to get in touch with the school. Likewise, if you are planning a move, please let us know as soon as possible. Not only does this help us with future planning, but gives us the opportunity to celebrate your child’s time with us and say farewell.
This term we also welcomed Carli to our team as our Pastoral Care Worker. Carli is already having a positive influence in the school, helping our new students settle in and providing a compassionate ear when needed.
Unfortunately, we are no further on our journey of being able to provide an OSHC service for our families. Although the parent response was strong, we have not been successful in engaging a service provider at this stage. Governing Council has several actions in motion to continue this work and we will keep you informed along the way.
Our SRC will again host a Can Drive this year, with donated goods being collected in the front office in the three storage stools designated to our 3 house teams. This will launch at our next assembly on Friday November 17th at 2:40pm and conclude at our End of Year Concert on Friday December 8th where their team sculptures will be on display. The non-perishable food items will be packed up at the end of the concert and donated to families in need.
We have been invited to attend the Variety Kids Christmas Party again this year on November 22nd. This provides students with a unique opportunity to interact with a wide range of students from different sites across South Australia. Students see first-hand the challenges that some children face, and last year our students interacted with these children with respect and grace. This will be a whole school excursion at no cost to parents on Wednesday Nov 22nd. Consent forms will go home this Friday.
On the last day of term, Friday Dec 15th, we have organised a Splash Day excursion to the Gawler Aquatic Centre where students will meet up with children from Lyndoch Primary School. This will run similar to last year, with fruit supplied at the pool and a Pizza lunch on our return to school covered by the funds raised throughout the year by SRC for their SRC Summer Party. SRC are hosting one final Casual Clothes Day to help cover the costs on Monday Nov 27th so please support their efforts and encourage the children to dress in their disco best and bring a gold coin donation to make this a super summer party!
Also on the last day of term, we will hold our final assembly for the year in the combined class space, which will include a celebration of our graduating students and then our usual end of term early dismissal at 2:10pm. What a great way to round off the year!
On a personal note, I am taking a week's leave beginning tomorrow to attend a family wedding in Queensland. Our wonderful staff have things well in hand and I am contactable if needed. I look forward to seeing the children and welcoming our new families next Wednesday morning.
Warm regards, Ann-Marie