St Mary's Bulletin

Term 1 - Week 3 (21st February, 2025)

CSAC Meeting

Our other wonderfully committed parent group meets on Monday at 7pm for our CSAC meeting. All are welcome to attend.

P&F Meeting & Welcome Back Function

Once again, I extend my thanks to the huge turnout we had at Monday nights meeting. Our new committee have been working hard in preparation for a busy year ahead. It was also great to see several new families represented at the meeting.

The P&F have started the year off to a flying start with a very successful "Welcome Back Function" at the Merredin Pool. It was great to see so many families enjoying the night. Thank you to the Alberti family & Merredin Panel & Paint, the Herbert family & Great Eastern Freightlines, the Gray family & Merredin Treasury and the Rode Family for your generous donations of the rolls, sausages, juice boxes and condiments. Thank you also to everyone that donated to the Price Family. The P&F were able to donate $1100 to the family towards their travel costs. We wish them all the very best and keep them all in our prayers. 

Below are just a few of the P&F's major fundraisers for the year. Please support them in any way that you can and remember that many hand make light work!!!

St Mary's School Fete

We have the St Mary’s Fete in October this year and that committee is under way with their planning and Christine Johnston and her team are doing a fantastic job. Stay tuned for more updates to come soon!!

Footy Tipping

Our Footy tipping superstar Kristy Sharp has prepared another spectacular Footy Tipping Comp: the largest in the Eastern Wheatbelt I’m reliably informed and the first game is approaching rapidly, so join in the fun and join our Comp! 

See further down in the Bulletin for all the details on how to join!!

School Fees

School fees were emailed out on Tuesday.  Can you please return your payment option form by 28th February.  If you have a  current concession card, please bring it to the office and the discount can be applied to your fees.

Anyone experiencing any financial difficulties please call the office to make an appointment to see the Principal.  Any other queries please phone/email or call into the office and see Lorraine.

Canteen Is Back

I am sure many of you will be very excited to know that canteen returns this week. Hayley and her wonderful crew are bringing back all your favourites this Tuesday, so don't forget to get your orders in by 1.00pm Monday!!


Please remember that during pick-up and drop-off times the car park at the front of the school is reserved for parents with students in Pre-Kindy to Year One. All other parents are asked to use the rear car park. Also please note that there is to be NO PARKING on South Avenue during pick-up and drop-off times, as this interrupts the flow of traffic and makes visibility difficult for drivers leaving the carpark.  Thank you in advance for your co-operation. 

Labour Day Public Holiday

Just a reminder that next Monday the 3rd of March will be a long weekend due to the Labour Day Public Holiday.

God Bless

Mr H

Other News & Important Dates

Footy Tipping

Footy Tipping is back and we would love your support!! 

Please pay through the try booking link below:

It is $63 plus the trybooking fee. Or you can scan the QR code and and that will take you to the link.

If you are new to the competition, please email for the password to enter via ESPN footy tips. Search for: St Marys School 2025

Spread the Word!!

Containers for Change

St Mary's School is part of the "Containers for Change" program. Please see the poster below for all the details. If you require a green bag to collect your cans, these are available from Mrs Riethmuller at the school.

Community Notices

St Mary's School Merredin

P&F Uniform Shop

Open Wednesday: 8:30 am - 9:10 am

Online Orders:

St Mary's Parish Merredin

Mass Times: Saturday 6.30pm and Sunday 10.30am