Student Success:
Congratulations to Emily and Charlotte who competed at the State Softball Championships last week. The girls did a magnificent job of representing the Hunter and our school. Well done! Congratulations to Asher, Sofia, Charlie, Samantha, Mila, Remi, Mille and Layken who competed at the Regional Athletics Carnival last Friday. As yet, we do not have the final results, but the students had a wonderful day. Congratulations to Declan, Sophia, Audrey, Violet, Georgia, Josie, Odette and Jack who competed in the Zone Public Speaking Finals last week! All students did a fantastic job. Congratulations to the junior league team who played in a round robin last week. They won 4 out of 5 games! Mr Batchelor is very proud of the sportsmanship on the day.
Fabulous Fellas Day:
It was great to see so many fabulous fellas at our afternoon recently! We hope you enjoyed the afternoon.
Year 2 Swim School:
Year 2 swim school begins next week. All details have been sent home in a separate note.
P&C Meeting:
Our next P&C meeting will be held in the new classrooms on Tuesday 24th September at 6pm. We hope to see you there.
Driving students:
The Department of Education have new requirements when parents drive students, who are not their own, to venues for excursions and sport. Parent drivers must now hold a Working with Children Check for volunteers, provided by Service NSW. This document is free to gain, however can take several days to weeks to be finalised. Parents will need to plan for this document well in advance of any excursions where you are transporting students, other than your own by attending Service NSW in person to apply. Please follow the link for more information. A copy of your driver’s licence, and valid car registration will also need to be provided to the school office. Please note, if you are only transporting your own child, these requirements are not necessary.
Outdoor Kitchen:
A massive thank you to the P&C for our wonderful new outdoor kitchen. The kitchen was funded through a government grant and P&C funds and will be a valuable addition to our school! Thank you!
Enrolments 2025:
We are currently accepting enrolments for 2025. If you know of anyone wanting to enrol in our school, please have them contact the school office.