Reynella Primary School Grapevine

Term 1, Week 2 | 2025

From the Leadership Team

From the Principal

Welcome to the first edition of the Grapevine for 2025. We've had a fantastic start to the school year, with students settling into their new classrooms with ease. A special welcome to all new families joining the Reynella Primary School community and, of course, to our 34 brand-new Reception students as they begin their exciting school journey.

We’re also pleased to welcome three new staff members to our team in 2025:

  • Jen McEvoy – Senior Leader and Year 1/2 teacher, joining us from Reynella South Primary
  • Rob Billinghurst – PE teacher, joining us from Whyalla Town Primary
  • Mark Cronin – Year 6 teacher, joining us from Hackham East Primary

Acquaintance Night and Annual General Meeting

We invite all families to our Acquaintance Night on Tuesday, 11 February, from 6:00 – 7:00 pm. This is a great opportunity to meet your child’s teacher and connect with other families in an informal setting. Following this, our Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held in the Library at 7:00 pm, and we encourage all community members to attend.

Our Focus for 2025

At Reynella Primary, we are committed to building a culture of thinking and reflection, where students develop clear reasoning behind their learning and actions. A key focus this year is consistency of practice across the school, particularly in literacy and behaviour.

Literacy Teaching & Learning:

Our teachers are implementing a consistent approach to literacy instruction, which will:

  • Ensure all students receive high-quality, evidence-based literacy instruction
  • Provide a seamless transition between year levels
  • Support students in developing strong foundational reading and writing skills

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL):

We are also strengthening our approach to behaviour by embedding Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) across the school. This approach:

  • Establishes clear expectations and reinforces positive behaviours consistently
  • Focuses on teaching and acknowledging appropriate behaviours to create a supportive learning environment

Important Policies & Reminders

A few key policies to keep in mind as we begin the year (Please click on the links to read the policy):

✔️ Nut Awareness Policy – To ensure the safety of students with allergies, we ask that no nut products (including peanut butter, Nutella, nuts, or foods containing peanut oil) are brought to school.

📵 Mobile Phone & Device Policy – In line with the Department for Education’s policy, students must switch off and store mobile phones, smartwatches, tablets, and laptops at the beginning of the school day. Devices cannot be accessed until the end of the day.

👕 Dress Code Policy – Our uniform policy outlines acceptable school attire. Please refer to our website or contact the school for details.

We’re looking forward to a fantastic year ahead, working together to make Reynella Primary the best it can be!

2025 leadership and class structure

Leadership Team

  • Chris Tippett (Principal)
  • Anthony Parina (Deputy Principal)
  • Jen McEvoy (Senior Leader)
  • Fiona Brown (Wellbeing Leader)

Meet our new Senior Leader

Hello, I'm Jen McEvoy, and I'm excited to join the Reynella Primary School community this year. I work as the Senior Leader from Monday to Wednesday, and you'll find me in B6 on Thursdays and Fridays. I'm passionate about all things literacy and will be supporting our staff in rolling out the Department for Education Phonics, Spelling and Morphology Scope and Sequence. I'll be staying connected with you all through Seesaw, where I'll be sharing updates and communications. I look forward sharing our literacy journey with you all.

School News

2025 Staff

Classroom Teachers


  • Literacy Support: Olivia Sutton (A2)
  • Reception: Natalie Sarris (A5), Georgia Penney (A6)


  • Year 1/2: Shelley Arbuckle (B1), Cherie Clarke / Denise Patterson (B2), Annie Stiffle / Jen McEvoy (B6), Tegan Mildrum (B7)


  • Year 3: Denise Patterson / Sarah Bartlett (D1), Georgia Frangoulis (D2)
  • Ben Johns


  • Year 4: Cinzia Giglio / Emelia Marra (F1), Lisa Allen (F7), Luke Taylor (F8)
  • Year 5: Amanda Morse / Kylie Ashworth (F5), Belle Padgett / Kylie Ashworth (F6)
  • Year 5/6: Tom Clayton / Michelle Napier (F2)
  • Year 6: Mark Cronin (F3), Amy Sheppard (F4)

Specialist Teachers

  • PE: Rob Billinghurst / Paul Smith
  • PE/Performing Arts: Kylie Ashworth
  • Performing Arts: Elizabeth McDonald
  • French: Roisin Dennis

Support Staff

Admin Carly Dudley, Karina Wood

Finance: Debbie Adamson, Kay Starczak

Grounds: Mikal Grainger

IT: Phillip Hillson

Library: Wolf Norkowski

Student Support: Rebekah Brittain, Deb Giles, Desi Gonis, Jess Kincaid, Tracy McInnes, Isaac Pyman, Louise Quinn, Tanya Stephen, Karina Wood, Aaron Wordsworth

PCW: Sarah Mewett

Canteen Staff: Jillian Drury, Bec Jordan

School Absences

If your child is unwell, we highly recommend you keep them home to help stop the spread. You can either call the school to advise or there is a dedicated SMS number 0416 905 323 which you are able to message at any time with your child's name, class and reason for not attending school. Thankyou Front Office Staff


Breakfast Club will now be on Tuesday Mornings

Great news from the Smith Family.

Students starting High School in 2025 may be eligible for The Smith Family’s Learning for Life scholarship. This scholarship is to support the educational journey of students and provides monetary and program support.  If you are successful in your application, younger siblings at Reynella Primary will also receive this funding.

Currently payments start at $478 for Primary students and $772 for High School students per year.

Participating high schools are:

Wirreanda Secondary

Christies Beach High

Reynella East College

Seaford Secondary School

All Year 6 students have bought home an information envelope today.  If you would like more information please contact Fiona.

After School Sport


Co-ordinator: Mark Bennier

0419 867 389 or

It's time to submit a Commitment to Play form for your child, if they'd like to play after school Basketball for the school this year. Please see the flyer below for more information.

Once you have submitted your Commitment to Play form, please join the Audiri Basketball Group.


Co-ordinator: Nicole Roper

0479 185 939 or

Thank you Nicole for volunteering to take on the co-ordinator role this year and a huge thank you for Courtney Moule who is our retiring co-ordinator for her many years of service.

It's time to submit a Commitment to Play form for your child, if they'd like to play after school Soccer for the school this year.

The forms are on Audiri and are due by Friday 7 February 2025.

  • SOCCER Commitment to Play 2025

Once you have submitted your Commitment to Play form, please join the Audiri Soccer Group.

Important Dates and Information


Canteen News


School Communication

All school communication to parents is via Audiri, SeeSaw or text.

Audiri: To ensure you don't miss important communication relevant to your children, it is essential you have joined ALL groups relevant to your children on Audiri and have your phone notifications turned on (see Fact Sheets below) Example if your child is in year 1, join the classroom number group along with the year 1 group.

SeeSaw: this is how teachers communicate with parents. If you haven't set up your SeeSaw account, please speak to your child's class teacher.

SMS: to ensure you don't miss out on texts, please ensure you notify our Front Office if your mobile number changes. Both parents can be on our SMS data base, please let us know if you'd like to be added.

Please check the google calendar regularly to keep up to date with what's happening at Reynella Primary School.

Community Noticeboard

Leadership Team

Principal Chris Tippett
Deputy PrincipalAnthony Parina
Senior Leader (Mon-Wed)Jen McEvoy
Wellbeing LeaderFiona Brown

Reynella Primary School

55 Concord Drive,

Old Reynella, SA 5161

phone 08 8381 1493

SMS 0416 905 323

front office email

finance email

Reynella OSHC - YMCA

phone 0439 432 722
