Wambi's Wavebreaker

Term 2 Week 7 - 07 June 2023

For your diary..........

Thursday, 8 June
  • Year 3 Orienteering
Friday, 9 June
  • PSSA Basketball - Boys and Girls (Stage 3)
  • Orienteering - Year 4
Monday, 12 June
Tuesday, 13 June
  • Premier's Spelling Bee - Stage 2 and 3
Wednesday, 14 June
  • Kindergarten 2024 Parent Information Evening - 6pm
Thursday, 15 June
  • Sydney North Cross Country
Friday, 16 June
  • Premier's Debating Round 3

Relieving Principal Message

Dear Parents and Carers

It has been another busy week of learning and activities at Wamberal Public School with many opportunities for our students to participate and represent our school with pride. Thank you for taking the time to read up on this week’s information.

Debating Success

Congratulations to our Debating Team who won their first round debate this week against Chittaway Bay and their second round debate today against Bateau Bay. 

Athletics Carnival and K/1 Sports Day

We are looking forward to the upcoming Years 2 – 6 Athletics Carnival and Years K-1 Sports Day being held on Thursday 22 June 2023. All K-6 students will be attending Mingara for the events on the day.

Voluntary School Contributions

Like all NSW public schools, schools can request contributions to help provide additional education resources for the benefits of students. The contribution is set at $56 per student or $125 per family of three or more. While contributions are voluntary, student resources are maximised when each family makes voluntary contributions. Voluntary contributions can be paid via family statement of accounts available in the School Bytes Parent Portal.

Have a great week,

Jane Rees

Relieving Principal

Relieving Deputy Principal Message

School Events

In the last few weeks, our Stage 3 students have represented Wamberal Public School at a number of extra-curricular events including PSSA sports and debating. It has been wonderful to hear all about their achievements and to see our students trying their best and enjoying themselves at the same time. A huge thank you to all our parents and carers who help and support these events. 

Student Use of Digital Devices and Online Services

Stage 2 and 3 students recently brought home notes outlining a consistent framework for the safe, responsible and respectful use of digital devices and online services in our school. It sets out the shared responsibilities of school staff, students and parents and carers. It also provides a framework to manage potential risks to student safety and wellbeing.

Copies of the note are available to download from our school website.

Positive Behaviour for Learning

At Wamberal Public School, we are safe, respectful learners. This week we are focusing on being safe, respectful learners when using technology. Teachers are rewarding students with SRLs for demonstrating the school’s expectations of safe, respectful learner behaviour.

The Smiling Mind focus for the week is 'The Senses'

The Smiling Mind App is free for families to download, to practise at home. There are meditations, bedtime stories, and so much more. Further information is available in the Smiling Minds Guide for Parents and Carers.

Have a great Week 7,

Kristy Herring

Relieving Deputy Principal

Library News

Scholastic Book Club #4

Your orders are still coming in. They will be delivered as soon as we receive them. Thank you for ordering!

Student Book Recommendation

Title: Rabbit, Soldier, Angel, Thief

Author: Katrina Nannestad

CBCA Honour Book 2022

Age range: 10+

Thank you to Heidi from 6 Purple for her passionate review. 

Heidi’s review:  Rabbit, Soldier, Angel, Thief is the most beautiful and thrilling book I have ever read! When I first started to read it, it made me think of how lucky I am to live in this amazing country. This story is set in World War 2, in 1942 when the Germans invaded Russia. A boy named Sasha, full of hope and love, joins the Red Army to help as much as he can so that he and his comrades can survive in this terrible time. Katrina Nannestad, one of my favourite authors, wrote this wonderful story full of true power and love. I dearly recommend you reading this incredible book of hope! This book is a fiction book; however, it rings true about the harsh realities of war.

**If your child would like to submit a book review for the newsletter, remind them to speak with Mrs Pancia to organise. We would love to hear from them.**

Library Bags

Students in Years K-2 must bring a library bag to school to borrow during their library lesson. Sometimes students forget (parents too-lol). There are a few spare bags here that I can loan out. However, we need more. If you happen to have any fabric bags lying around that you aren’t using, we would love to have them for the library. Just send them in any day. That way, no one misses out. Thanks! 

BOOK FACE Erina: CBCA Central Coast Shortlist Event

Announcing the CBCA Central Coast Shortlist Event at BOOK FACE Erina!

Join us in store at 5:30pm on Tuesday June 13 as we celebrate the Children's Book Council of Australia shortlist! This is hosted by our friends at the CBCA Central Coast sub-branch, who will be drawing their raffle prize winner and will also be offering a lucky door prize on the night.

We hope you can join us in supporting and celebrating Australian authors through this event!

The CBCA (Children’s Book Council of Australia)

The CBCA (Children’s Book Council of Australia) has some great resources for students interested. Click here to visit Kids’ Corner where you can find out about reading, writing, ideas and information on all sorts of happenings.

They are also hosting a book club. Click here to visit the website for further details.

Have a great week,

Cathy Pancia


WPS P&C News

P&C Meeting

The next general meeting of the Wamberal Public School P&C will be held at 7pm on Monday June 19 at the school. All are welcome to attend.

Chaplain's Corner

What are the ways you love to connect with your children? What are the ways they love to connect with you? Keep in mind that they may not be the same!

I wonder if you have heard of the Five Love Languages. Gary Chapman proposed many years ago that there are five ways that we as humans connect with each other: Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time and Physical Touch. While he originally proposed this to help couples in their marriages, it has been elaborated to apply to many relationships, including parents and children. It is a key way to understand how we connect meaningfully, not just for ourselves, but also for others.

As you read that list of love languages, did you have an “Aha!” moment? A moment of “Oh yes, that’s me for sure!”? If you had to, could you articulate what your children’s language might be? Sometimes we haven’t given it any thought and assume they operate like we do. 

Connecting is such a key aspect of life. It can communicate that someone understands us and loves us. Connection offers a firm foundation for growing, learning and maturing well. It offers us a home base during development, and especially through adolescence when children are figuring out who they are and what is important to them. 

If you aren’t sure what your child’s love language is, here are some ideas to try depending on their age:

  • Aim to incorporate elements of each language into your child’s day or week (especially for younger children who may not have developed which one means most yet)

  • Have a family conversation about connecting (Or let’s be honest, it might be in the car on the way home from sports training). Ask questions like: When do you feel most loved? What helps you feel connected to your family and friends? How do you show others that you care about them? (This one is sneaky as we often lean towards showing others in the way that we appreciate.)

  • Look for clues in other ways - what are they asking for: You to do it for them? A cuddle? Presents? A compliment? Extra time with you at bedtime?

Take some extra time to connect with your children (and family) this week. Look for ways to speak their language and keep building that foundation. For more information and reading about children and love languages, check out these two articles from Parents.com and Simplyonpurpose.com

Sometimes life raises challenges. If you are finding things difficult at the moment, please reach out:  Lifeline 13 11 14 or for students https://kidshelpline.com.au/ or 13YARN for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people. 

Other News

Rugby League PSSA Classic Shield

Well done to our Stage 3 boys rugby league team who competed in a knockout gala day at Morry Breen Oval, Kanwal on 23 May.

Our first game against Gwandalan was a forfeit which meant that we won Round 1 and progressed to Round 2 against Bateau Bay.

It was a close game and although we lost 16-6, we played well as a team and everyone tried their best and were exhausted at the end.

We all had an awesome day. Thank you to Mr Smith for coaching the team and our parents for supporting us.

Riley H

PSSA Soccer Gala Day - Girls

On Thursday last week, Stage 3 girls played in a PSSA Soccer Gala Day. We were a strong team of girls ready to play. We won our first game against Brooke Avenue PS 6 to 1. This put us into the 2nd round of the competition were we came up against Terrigal PS. Unfortunately, we went down 4 to 1 but we never gave up and played our best. At the end of the day we were so proud and had a great time with our friends and coach Mr Foyel. We would like to thank all the parents and carers who were able to transport us and help out on the day.


Thank you

Annabelle H.

PSSA Soccer Gala Day

Last Thursday, we played our soccer gala day.

We had a great first game against Brooke Avenue, winning 7-0. We combined well as a team.

Then we played Terrigal, who were too strong for us on the day.

Overall, it was an awesome day and we had loads of fun.

Thank you to Mrs Arnold and Mrs Herring for looking after the soccer team and thanks to our parents who came and cheered us on.

Freddy W and Riley H

Recognising Student Achievement

We acknowledge many of our students develop their talents and skills beyond the school.Recently Addi from Year 5 competed in Hawaii in the Cheerleading Global Games with teams from Australia, Canada, USA, Korea and New Zealand. Addi’s team won both divisions they entered and Addi made the finals for individual challenges in tumbling and handstand. 

Year 6 BBQ Fundraiser

Dear Year 6 Parents,

The Year 6 BBQ fundraiser will take place on 18 June 2023 at the Bunnings store located in Tuggerah. We will be setting up a BBQ station and selling sausages, drinks, and other refreshments to customers at the store. The proceeds from this event will go towards making the Year 6 farewell a truly unforgettable experience for our students.

We understand that everyone has busy schedules, but even a few hours of your time can make a big difference. If you are available to volunteer, please click on the link below to see available shifts. We will need help with tasks such as setting up the BBQ station, cooking and serving food. Please note that all volunteers must be over the age of 15. If you have already registered to volunteer and this change affects you, can you please advise.

This is a great opportunity for parents to get to know each other and be involved in the school community. Your support would mean a lot to us and to the Year 6 students who have worked hard to get to where they are today.

Thank you in advance for considering our request, and we hope to see you at the Bunnings BBQ fundraiser.


Premier's Spelling Bee

We are holding our annual Premier's Spelling Bee on Tuesday of week 8 (13 June). Please find the link below with further details and to access the spelling lists. We are not permitted to publish the password to access the spelling lists. Please contact the office on 4384 1111 for the password. 


International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS)

ICAS tests, offered by UNSW Global, recognise and reward academic excellence.

Students in Years 2-6* are invited to complete the tests which target students’ higher order thinking and problem-solving skills in English, writing, mathematics, science, spelling and digital technologies. Please see the attached Consent Form for more information.

The tests will be held at school. Students will meet the teacher at the office at 8am.

Mitchell Stone and Rebecca Claridge


Health Notification Parvovirus B19 (Slapped Cheek)

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have received advice that students at our school in Years 3 and 5 have a case of Parvovirus B19 (commonly known as Slapped Cheek disease). Please watch out for the symptoms of Parvovirus B19 in your child, especially over the next 3 weeks. For further information please see the attached fact sheet, contact your doctor or call the Public Health Unit on 4320 9730.


School Bytes

Razzamatazz 2023

Gosford Rotary Club proudly presents Razzamatazz 2023 at Niagara Park Stadium on Wednesday 12 July.  For more information, please see the attached invitation and order form.


Go4Fun is a FREE 10-week healthy wellbeing program for children aged 7 to 13 to enjoy along with their families. Please contact 1800 780 900.

Run by top trained health professionals, it’s a fun way for kids to build self-esteem and learn about eating well, staying active and living a healthy life.

Term 3 programs will take place at:

📌 Lake Haven Recreation Centre, Tuesdays 4pm–6pm (Aboriginal program for everyone run by Bungree)

📌 Gosford Olympic Swimming Pool, Wednesdays 4pm–6pm

📌 Bateau Bay Neighbourhood Centre, Thursdays 4pm–6pm

To register, visit go4fun.com.au or call 1800 780 900.