
TERM 3 WEEK 6 - 22 August 2023

Principal Update

It was wonderful to begin this week with our Book Parade. Thank you to all of the families who attended and helped prepare costumes. Thank you also to Mrs Canham for organising the parade. We always love having family and friends visit our school. You are welcome anytime. 

Uniform Thank you to everyone who provided feedback around the proposed uniform changes. We had 84 responses to our survey which was greatly appreciated. The responses to the main questions are provided below. In addition there were 32 written comments which informed the committee's decision making. Below is a summary of the proposed changes. Please note that there is a change over period of 3 years where both uniforms are accepted.

  • Black unisex shorts will be available for all students. In addition we are looking to source a skort/cullotte option for girls
  • Long black pants will also be available in winter along with tracksuit pants and tights
  • The school shirt will remain the same
  • We will continue to offer a dress option and are looking at possible alternatives to the current dress.
  • A hooded jumper will be added to the uniform.

School Climate The School Climate team visited our school this week. We are hoping to get as much feedback as possible about our learning environment so that we can ensure we continue to meet the needs of our school community. This feedback will be used to plan future school directions and decisions so we would appreciate it if as many parents as possible could complete the survey. You can take part via this survey link or via the QR code included in the attached information. This will give you access to NSI’s website where you will then need to select ‘Start Questionnaire’ from the menu options and then enter the following access code: MPSparent. Surveys are available to complete until Sunday 27 August 2023. If you would like to discuss this further please do not hesitate to contact me. 

Drama Festival Congratulations to all students who participated in the Drama Festival last week. It was a very enjoyable performance and all students should be very proud of the skills they developed and showcased on the night. Thank you to Mrs Carly Tunnecliffe and all staff who supported the event as well as parents who assisted with costumes, makeup and transport.

Have a wonderful week.

Sarah Davis

Uniform Shop survey results

Surveys of students and parents on School Climate

Deputy Principal

Staff and our student representative groups have been talking a lot about the expectations we have of our students at school. We are all in agreement that at Moruya Public we expect our students to be safe, respectful learners.  This expectation is underpinned by the values of honesty, kindness and respect.  For our students this means making good choices, owning their behaviour and being kind to others. 

On Friday many of our classes took a moment to consider these values as we acknowledged the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence.  Students raised money towards the development of a mural that will contain not only our pledge to be kind, but also the handprint of each student in the school. It was encouraging to see so many of our school community come dressed in orange to acknowledge the day.

One of the key differences I have noticed about working at Moruya Public School is the way we acknowledge events and celebrate special occasions.  I am looking forward to seeing our school community get behind Book Week.  What a fabulous theme this year - Read, Grow, Inspire – I hope that you all can take the time to enjoy a book with your family this week.

Mrs Scobie


  • Aboriginal Student Voice high school transition - Commenced 21 August
  • Book Week - Commences 21 August to 25 August
  • Book Week Parade - Tuesday 22 August at 10.30 am
  • Indigenous Reading Project - Commences Monday 21 August
  • School Photos - Wednesday 23 August
  • Premiers Reading Challenge due date - Friday 25 August
  • School Climate Survey due date  - Sunday 27 August
  • Clontarf Academy excursion to Moruya High School- Monday 28 August 
  • Pizza Day Stage 2 - Wednesday 30 August
  • To Be or What to Be Performance - Friday 1 September
  • South Coast Athletics Canberra - Friday 1 September
  • Whole school Assembly - Friday 1 September
  • MAD Night at Moruya High School - Thursday 7 September


SCHOOL PHOTOS Wednesday 23 August





I have been working with the Lyrebirds on an artwork of a tree where each child has added their fingerprints to create the canopy of leaves which is surrounded by a jigsaw puzzle piece border. Each child is creating their own individual designed piece which will come together to create our whole border.  The idea of creating our canopy is using both left and right hands which have left a mark and together will form the  canopy leaves. Our border is both individual but connects to create a whole border and without each piece our artwork would not be complete. I wanted the experience to be fun and free so we have focussed on texture. The kids have done a fantastic job!  Joanne Tweedie.

Science Technology English Maths (STEM)

STEM Engineering Project

A group of Stage 2 students are currently learning about the work of aerodynamic engineers. They are designing and creating models for space travel and exploration!

Mrs McFarlane

Extension/Enrichment Teacher



Moruya Public School participated in the 2023 Far South Coast Drama Festival at Bay Pavilions on Monday 14 August. Students performed two plays ‘Journey through Wonderland’ and ‘Dorothy’s Magical Adventure’.

The festival was a great success and all students who participated were able to showcase their unique talents and performance skills. We look forward to more opportunities for students to perform and be creative!

Mrs Tunnecliffe


YOUNG MUSICIANS WORKSHOP for students in Year 4 - Years 12 on 27- 29 SEPTEMBER 2023

Applications are now open for the Sydney Symphony Orchestra's annual Young Musicians Workshop. Be inspired by the incredible musicians of the Sydney Symphony and 2023 Fellowship as they lead students to discover powerful orchestral masterpieces and take a deep dive into the finer elements of performing a major work.

Venue: Parramatta Marist High School

Applications Close: 11:59 pm, Sunday 13 August

Cost $150/student

Mrs Tunnecliffe

Mayor's Writing Competition

Just a reminder that the 2023 Mayor’s Writing Competition will be closing on Friday 25 August, which is fast approaching! 


Year 6 into Year 7 TRANSITION DAY at Moruya High School

Register for your parent portal to make payments and sign permission notes online


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