
Edition 17 Term 4 2024

In this edition

From the Principal

From the Deputy Principal

From Head of Curriculum 

From Head of Wellbeing & Engagement

From the Guidance Officer

Term 4 2024

Experiencing Sporting Excellence

School Values

Miles SHS Calendar of Events - 2024 - Week 3 & Week 4

Miles SHS Date Claimers/Notices

Community Events/Notices

Audiri App Instructions

School Watch

From the Principal

Welcome to Term 4 at Miles State High School

There is much to celebrate at Miles SHS as we finish off Week 2 of the last term of the year. While we have completed the Senior Leader selection process for next year, our current Year 12 students are already securing impressive pathways to start in 2025. 33 percent of our graduating students have accepted early entry into UniSQ. Congratulations to:

Adrian                Bachelor of Engineering (Mechatronical)

Tyliah                 Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical)

Nathan              Bachelor of Psychology

Tane                   Bachelor of Accounting

The school would also like to recognise the efforts of Izaya who has been successful in gaining entry in to a highly sought-after apprenticeship as a Diesel Mechanic at Hastings Deering in 2025. 800 young people applied for only three positions. The school wishes him well tonight at an awards evening where he has been nominated for Apprentice of the Year.

Once again, Miles State High School students are delivering exceptional results. We are so proud of these young people and acknowledge the work of parents, teachers, peers and the community over the last six years to get to this enviable position.

Change to End of School Process

From Monday 14 October the end of the school day will change to 2:55pm. All students will be dismissed from class at 2:55pm to allow them to collect their mobile phones and visit the toilet if they need before the buses depart. Buses will leave at the normal time. The second break has been shortened to allow for this and students do not miss any learning time. The change is to ensure a smooth exit from the school.

Pink it Up Miles

As a school community we will be supporting the Pink it Up Miles breast cancer awareness month by participating in a Free Dress Day on Friday 18 October. Students who choose to wear pink need to donate a gold coin. All proceeds will go to the McGrath Foundation.

Student Summit

During Period 3 on Friday 18th of October, Miles SHS will be holding a Student Summit. This event is about giving students a voice regarding the direction of school programs and documenting their insights into the student experience at the school. This event is intended to be a regular feature on the school calendar.

Approximately 35 students will be selected from Year 7 to 11 and they will be able to nominate themselves on Monday. The Senior leaders have raised the idea of discussing School Culture and this includes the rewards, incentives and recognition program (RISE rewards) as well as ways to improve each student’s sense of belonging. Results will be published in the next newsletter

Final week of Classes for the Graduating Class of 2024

This coming Friday marks the final day of classes for Year 12 students before the external exams commence on 21 October. As such, we will meet as a school during Care to wish them well. Miles State High School is in awe of the wonderful humans in our Year 12 group and are so proud of their work ethic and everything they have contributed to our school. You’ve. Got. This.

David Armstrong

From the Deputy Principal

Welcome to our first newsletter for Term 4.  It is difficult to believe we have already completed two weeks of our 11-week term.  We have started the term running and final preparations are underway for our upcoming Awards evening, External exams for Seniors, Valedictory, Graduation and Transition Days.

External Exams

Mock exams are occurring and feedback has already been shared in some subjects with the students.  Time has been put aside for discussions on each student in Year 12 and where they currently stand with their results, attendance and achieving a QCE prior to entering their External exam period (Week 4 -6).  We have much to be proud of with our current Year 12 students and we are so close to the finish line.

With only 12 students in our current cohort, it is exciting to share that 50% of our students have already received confirmation of their destination for 2025.  We will keep you informed of the rest of the cohort before they graduate at the end of Week 7.

Year 10 students

Our Emu Gully Camp for our current Year 10 students has been postponed until March 2025 and this will be an exciting opportunity for the Senior students to attend and develop their leadership skills.  All documentation will be sent out to the 2025 senior students before the end of Week 8.

Transition and Enrolment Advice

A reminder that if you have a child in Year 6 and you intend to enrol them here at Miles SHS for Year 7 in 2025, please book an enrolment interview ASAP.  Our transition days will be Tuesday 3rd and Wednesday 4th December for our future Year 7 students.  If your student has not enrolled prior to these dates, your student will not be able to attend the transition days and will remain back at their school.


A reminder that immunisations will be occurring on Monday 14 October for our Year 7 and 10 students, please remember to send in the necessary paperwork with your student on the day.


Congratulations to Ingrid and Gretel Young and their amazing accomplishment with the Australian School Orienteering Championship in Armidale.  To all of our students that continue to shine at national events, Miles SHS is proud of your efforts.

Our Yr 8 students demonstrated their creativity with the Farm animal cup cake challenge.  Congratulations to Heidi G, Lucy M, April S, Tai C and Lacey B. 

Raelene Bates

From Head of Wellbeing & Engagement

Welcome back to term 4! Well, we have a busy term ahead of us and it is important that we hit the ground running. To ensure that we achieve our best we need to make sure that we are looking after ourselves. 

Slip Slop Slap

The weather is warming up and it is important that we are being sun safe. This means that students need to be wearing their school bucket hat when they are in the sun. This is a required part of our school’s sun smart policy. Caps should not be worn while at school as they should have their entire head and shoulder area is protected. 

With warmer weather students also need to stay hydrated. They should be drinking on average 1.5L while at school to ensure that they are able to function clearly. To allow for this, students are encouraged to bring water bottles to class filled with water. This also minimises the amount of time that students need to leave the classroom.

Required Rest

At this time of year, it can be hard to get enough rest with the days getting longer and the end of the year approaching. It is important to remember to be successful you need to have enough rest. On average a teenager should be getting between 8-10 hrs of sleep in a 24-hour time period. Getting enough rest is not only important for our overall health but it helps us to regulate our emotions and consolidate memories. Make sure that enough time is give to sleep each day. It will help you with your results, managing emotions and social interactions.

Formal uniform

On Mondays, students are required to wear their formal uniforms. This is a traditional expectation of our school and helps student to recognise the importance of different events. Over this term students need to wear their formal for different events included Awards night. Please see below for the details of the formal uniform. 

Caleb Kuhl

From Head of Curriculum

A new term has begun and students are already deep into their learning!  Our Year 12s have begun their last ever term of their schooling lives and are no doubt filled with a range of emotions.  Students are wrapping up their vocational studies and finalising practical and theory tasks, making the most of their classroom learning before external exams begin in just over a week’s time, and undertaking their final assessment in their applied subjects.  I wish all of our Year 12 students the best of luck with their upcoming assessment, and look forward to celebrating their completion of Year 12 after exams are finished.

Our Year 10 and Year 11 students have just 6 weeks of learning left before the school year ends for them.  It is really important that all assessment requirements are met prior to students finishing at the end of Week 8.  While our vocational studies are completed over 2 years, students need to be up to date with their work and checkpoints as they arise.  Most students are on track or ahead, however there are a small number of students who are behind in their theory work in particular.  This leads to stressful situations for both students and our teachers, when students find themselves in a position at the end of the 2 years with overwhelming amounts of work to be done to meet the requirements for the qualification.  Teachers of our VET subjects are being proactive in contacting home to let parents know when students are falling behind.  We are also applying mandatory opportunities at school through task completion at first breaks to support students to get up to date.  We will be getting in touch with parents of students who are significantly behind, or who are not attending task completion to negotiate additional time, either at Friday sport or at Homework Club on Mondays and/or Wednesdays, to get up to date.

Students in Years 7, 8 & 9 are here until the end of term, and are engaged in a variety of learning opportunities in their classrooms.  We know from the research, that for students to have the best chance to learn and achieve their full potential that:

  • students attend school consistently
  • students meet due dates for assessment tasks
  • students engage in the learning and with feedback provided

It is clear from student results, that there is a direct correlation between attendance and results, and a direct correlation between positive behaviours and results.  Having clear goals also helps.  Students should be aiming for a gold, silver or bronze level of success from the results in their classes.  A bronze level is attainable for students, requiring a passing grade in English, Maths and three other subjects.  We want and expect every student to achieve their full potential, and our commitment as a teaching team, is to ensure students have every opportunity to succeed in their learning.  We contact home when we have concerns, and encourage families to make contact with classroom teachers where you are concerned about your child’s learning, wellbeing or progress. It is through the partnership with families that students are fully supported to succeed. 

Leigh Williams

From the Guidance Officer

Best Wishes to Our Year 12 Students

As your final weeks at Miles State High School approach, I want to extend my best wishes to each and every one of you. This is a significant time in your lives, and I am confident that your hard work and dedication will pay off as you prepare for your final exams and the next chapter in your journey.

To support you during this period, here are a few tips not just for our year 12 students, it is also for all our students to study effectively and retain the information you need:

1. Create a Study Plan Break down your subjects into manageable chunks. A well-organised study schedule can reduce last-minute stress and give you confidence leading into exams.

2. Active Learning Rather than passively reading notes, engage in active learning techniques like summarising key points in your own words, using flashcards, or teaching the material to someone else.

3. Take Regular Breaks Your brain can only focus for so long before it starts to tire. Work in focused blocks of 45-60 minutes, followed by a short break to refresh.

4. Get Enough Sleep Sleep is essential for memory consolidation, so make sure you’re getting a full night’s rest. Cramming might feel productive in the short term, but long-term success depends on your ability to retain what you’ve studied.

5. Stay Positive and Ask for Help Stress can affect how well you study, so remember to keep a positive mindset. If you ever feel overwhelmed, reach out to your teachers, friends, or family for support.

You’ve all worked so hard to reach this point, and now is the time to give it your all. Keep focused, look after yourselves, and remember, everyone at Miles State High School is cheering you on!

Best of luck in your final exams!

Sarah Perry

Term 4 2024

Rural Operations

A BIG thank you to Howard Coggan of Cotton Australia for coming to Miles SHS to discuss a variety of topics with our students including, chemical usage, integrated pest management, careers and paid gap year opportunities within the Cotton Industry.

Mrs Knight

Welcome to Miles SHS

We welcome to the team Mrs Jennifer Armstrong who joins us as part of the Teaching Staff and Mr James Howard who joins us as a Teacher Aide. Welcome to Miles SHS. 

Year 7/8 Maths

This term in Year 7/8 Maths, students are exploring the world of probability and chance.  Students in Years 7 and 8 will be undertaking an assignment this term, where they will calculate the probability of something happening in theory, and then undertake some experiments involving rolling dice, and compare their results with the theoretical probability they have calculated.  We are relating our studies of probability and chance to the real world, by playing a range of games based on probability and chance including Yahtzee, Greed, Sequence and Twenty-one.  This hands-on learning experience helps students understand how their studies of probability and chance apply in everyday life through games that we play, which also have a commercial application!  Students have been enjoying these hands-on activities and I am sure that students are learning while having fun!

Year 9 Maths

In Year 9 Maths this term, students are extending their learning in the area of measurement.  We have been working on calculating the area of compound shapes, and applying these calculations to the nets of 3D shapes.  We’ve built 3D shapes from nets, and used interactive 3D shapes to turn them into nets and understand the relationship between different sides.  Our next area of learning is calculating volume of these shapes, and then expanding our knowledge of right angled triangles with trigonometry and Pythagoras – which will again involve hands on learning with triangles and shapes.  Using concrete and tactile activities helps students to interact in their learning and apply their theoretical knowledge to real life examples!

RISE Mural

Today students started the painting for the RISE Mural. Watch this space!

Pink it Up Day

Experience Sporting Excellence

REMINDER: If students are wanting to participate in sport trials, forms MUST be returned by the due date and the mandatory levy payment made. The due dates are set to ensure that ample time is available for team managers to have the trial event organised and all paperwork submitted.

QSS Track & Field (13 - 19 Years)

Tim, Sienna and Izaya

QSS Cricket (10 - 12 Years)


QSS Orienteering

Ingrid and Gretel have thoroughly enjoyed the Australian Schools Orienteering Championships in Armidale.

Highlights for the week include:

Senior Girls - Ingrid was the 12th placed Australian in the Long Distance Bush event and a member of the 3rd placed QLD Senior Girls relay team.

Junior Girls - Gretel was the 7th placed Australian in the Long Distance Bush event and 9th in the Sprint.

Gretel was also awarded the Rob Simson Memorial Shield for the best newcomer at the ASOC carnival.

Congratulations Ingrid and Gretel on your amazing achievements!!

Photos contributed with thanks.

Miles SHS Calendar of Events

Term 4 Week 3

Monday 14th October - Year 7 & Year 10 Immunisations, 1:00pm - 2:00pm

Wednesday 16th October - P&C Meeting, MPA Conference Room, 4:30pm

Friday 18th October - Student Summit, 12:10pm - 1:50pm

Friday 18th October - Pink it Up Free Dress Day

Term 4 Week 4

Monday 21st October - IA4 English External Exam, 9:00am - 12:00pm

Wednesday 23rd October - Sport & Rec External Exam, 9:00am - 12:00pm

Thursday 24th October - Ignite your Future Expo (Year 9), 8:45am

Friday 25th October - World Teachers' Day

Friday 25th October - Newsletter Due

Miles SHS Date Claimers / Notices

The Electoral Commission of Queensland thinks you’d look great in a democracy vest!

The ECQ is recruiting now for the State general election on 26 October, with thousands of casual roles available before, during and after election day.

Could you see yourself helping to deliver democracy?

Working at an election is a unique experience. You’ll learn new skills, meet new people and earn some extra money. You’ll also be helping people in our community to have their say.

Our valued election officials are everyday Queenslanders from all walks of life, all working together to deliver democracy.

A bigger team, with more roles and support

There will be many more roles to fill at this election at our early voting centres and polling booths across Queensland, as we increase the size of our state-wide team.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve worked with us before. You’ll receive training for the role you’ll be undertaking and be supported in the work that you do for us.

Interested in trying a job with us on for size?

Visit our website or call 1300 881 665 to see if it could be a great fit for you.

Reminder - Homework Centre

Homework Centre is up and running, 3pm to 4.30pm every Monday and Wednesday afternoon.  Parents will need to complete a permission form from the Main Office and book on Sobs.  If unable to book on SOBS, please ring the office to confirm student attendance. 

Community Events / Notices

Reminder: Animals are not permitted on school property

Please email all planned absences to (prior to your child’s absence)

Miles State High School

Miles State High School is proud to be part of a community that embraces PARTNERS IN LEARNING together our students, their families, our wider community and our staff are committed to working together to ensure that every student succeeds.

Respect | Integrity | Safety | Engagement