Pigeon Post

2024 Volume 1 Issue 2


Acknowledgement of Country...

Useful links can be found at end of this issue of the Pigeon Post...👇

Thank you for your understanding...

From the Principal's Desk...

Happy Lunar New Year! Many thanks to our P&C for organising a fantastic event at our first Friday morning assembly! Visit Insta and have a look at the reel!

Ask and you shall receive...


The UN General Assembly declared 2024 the International Year of Camelids. The year will raise awareness, recognise and value the economic and social importance of camelids worldwide, especially for the most vulnerable. Camelids - alpaca, bactrian camel, dromedary camel, guanaco, llama and vicuña - the heroes of the deserts and highlands: nourishing people and culture.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Learning about Camelids first-hand...

Our 2024 classes have been named after these majestic even-toed ungulates...

KD - K Deer - Ms Ariana Davis (M-Th) & Mrs Felicity Bowman (F)

KJ - K Jentinki (Jentink's Duiker) - Ms Louise Jennett

1/2J - 1/2 Javan Rusa - Ms Jill Walsh

1/2P - 1/2 Pampas Deer - Ms Sophie Parsons (M-Th) & Mr Sean Baumann (F)

1/2W - 1/2 Warthog - Ms Katie Withers

3/2A - 3/2 Antilocapra - Mrs Emma Archibald (Stage 2 Assistant Principal)

3/4E - 3/4 Elk - Mr Gus Elix

3/4G - 3/4 Guanaco - Mrs Lauren Goodridge (T-F) & Mrs Stephanie Loxton (M)

5/4C - 5/4 Capriolinae - Ms Amelia Cooper (Stage 3 rel. Assistant Principal)

5/4S - 5/4 Springbok - Mr Lachlan Saville

5/6P - 5/6 Puku - Mrs Amanda Pitman

5/6R - 5/6 Royal Antelope - Ms Rose Reedy

6B - 6 Bongo - Ms Kim Barcenilla

Permissions to Publish...

PLEASE KEEP THEM COMING! We're collecting plastic bottle lids for a special project. Please wash and dry instead of recycling. There is a collection box in the foyer, outside the office. Thanks so much for your help!

Connect with Balmain PS...Wonder what's goes on at our school? Follow us on Instagram for daily content, both through posts and stories...

The week that was...

Check out what we get up to each day. Head over to our Instagram account: @balmainps

Follow us on Instagram

Keep up with what's happening @ Balmain Public School


IF YOU SEE A COLOURED CIRCLE AROUND OUR SCHOOL LOGO, DON'T FORGET TO TAP ON IT, FOR OUR LATEST STORY...you've got to get in quickly, as it disappears after 24 hours!


Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L)


Garden Party Invitation - RSVP below by 16 February

Save the Date!

Follow our P&C on Insta @balmainpspc

February meeting minutes


P&C 2024 Events Outline


To see what else we've been up to this week, head over to @balmainps!

***COMPASS IS OUR MAIN FORM OF COMMUNICATING WITH YOU***In case of urgent/important communication, notifications via the Compass app on your phone will keep you informed***

To ensure you receive all communication via Compass, please have the app downloaded on your phone, with the notifications turned ON.

Although the school pushes out notifications via the app and email, there may be times when an important message may be missed as emails may sometimes not be checked regularly.

If there were to be an emergency, (hopefully not), information would be pushed out via Compass.

From the Office

Payments online

All online payments are made using COMPASS. There is a credit card facility at the Office for in-person payment.

Dropping something off?

Please label item/s with their full name and class.


Please use the Compass app to notify your child's teacher of their absence/s.

Kindy Parents/Carers

Sometimes children have 'accidents'. Where possible, we provide them with a clean dry change of clothes. Please keep spare underpants and socks in their bag, just in case.

Emailing the school

Always include your child's first and last name, as well as class, in the subject line, so emails can be forwarded promptly.

Dropping off/collecting your child

If you are collecting your child early or dropping them off late, please come to the Office window on Eaton Street. Squeeze 'Charlie' the Chook (just once, please) and we will organise a note for the student.  Also, if you are dropping anything off for your child, please ensure all items are LABELLED with full name & class.

Change of address/contacts

If you have moved recently or changed Emergency Contacts or mobile numbers, please email the Office so details can be updated.

Financial Difficulties

If you are experiencing financial difficulties, please contact the office or Mrs Lambos.



12, 15 & 16 FEB - Stage Information Sessions


What: A celebration of the completion of Ms Pauline's Garden and a 'Thank You' to our community partners and sponsors

When: 9 - 10am (after assembly) - RSVP on Flexischools for catering - NO cost

Where: Playground near Garden

MON 4 MAR | SSC Balmain - Open Night


What: Social catch-up to welcome new and returning members of our Balmain Public School Community (parents and carers)

When: 7 - 10pm

Where: The Royal Oak Hotel (upstairs)


What: AGM, where we will provide a review of P&C activities in 2023 and elect 2024 Executive Committee Members

When: 7 - 9pm

Where: TBC

Every FRIDAY (weather permitting) | AWARDS ASSEMBLY

Please leave your furry friends at home...

Every FRIDAY | Uniform Stall

Order items online here

The best way to order new uniforms is online and they will be delivered to children's classrooms each Friday morning.

Come to the uniform stall if you need to try items on for size.

Second Chance items are available the first Friday of every month during the school term. 

If you would like to volunteer to help, please either email us at balmainpsuniforms@gmail.com or sign up via the link

Located in the Hall

Every FRIDAY | The School Canteen: Special request for parents and carers to cancel their lunch orders if their child is not going to be at school for lunch, by texting 0416 786 603 with their child’s full name and class. In return, an sms will be sent back to confirm the order has been cancelled and all monies returned in full to the child’s Spriggy school account.

P&C Meetings | via Zoom and offsite (in-person) @ 7pm | 1st Wednesday (usually) of each month within the school term

Meeting dates for 2024:

AGM - Wed 13 March


Welcome to our 29th year of the MindQuest Program. This fast-paced, academic program offers 35 exciting courses for High Potential and Gifted Students from years 1-6.

It is designed to enrich and extend children’s learning through a broad range of experiences that are one or two years beyond students’ year level and the scope of the general curriculum. These highly successful, fun-filled weekends offer students the opportunity to meet other students of similar interests and abilities. If your child needs advanced placement please call MindQuest on 02 9748 1084.

We look forward to meeting your child.

Kind regards

Shelagh Poray | Director Mindquest Program |MEd BEd Dip Teach Cert Gifted Ed



K Deer - Ms A DavisVaia V D Bher bright and happy approach to her first week of school!
K Jentinki - Ms L JennettKaterina Kbeing brave and taking on new challenges with a smile!
1/2 Javan Ruso - Ms J Walshnameupholding the values of our school by being safe, respectful and responsible
1/2 Pampas Deer - Ms S ParsonsBiko T-Wexcellent writing about his Dragon and outstanding dance moves
1/2 Warthog - Ms K WithersMiles Kshowcasing exemplary behaviour and contributing meaningfully to classroom discussions
3/2 Antilocapra - Mrs E ArchibaldTessa Jembracing the Balmain way as she settles in to her new school
3/4 Elk - Mr G ElixSkye Cstarting the year with enthusiasm for learning and always looking to help others
3/4 Guanaco - Mrs L GoodridgeSaxon Rshowing resilience and dedicated engagement in all classroom activities
5/4 Capreolinae - Ms A CooperYunxi L Rstaring the year so positively, and welcoming everyone in our new class!
5/4 Springbok - Mr L SavilleGiselle Pconsistently demonstrating kindness towards her peers and adhering to class expectations
5/6 Puku - Mrs A PitmanAndy Zeffortlessly settling into the Treehouse space and being an enthusiastic addition to our group!
5/6 Royal Antelope - Ms R ReedyVictoria Gher kind, intelligent and thoughtful approach to learning
6 Bongo - Ms K BarcenillaEirlys Jutilising a range of literary devices to showcase her powers of persuasion in her writing
Library K-2 - Ms M WhelanHazel C 3/2Aher use of the library and her focus during library lessons
Library 3-6 - Ms M WhelanFelix J 5/4Smaking a great start to the Premier's Reading Challenge


K Deer - Ms A DavisFinn Cknowing when we follow instructions, we can stay safe
K Jentinki - Ms L JennettZeke B d Mmoving around his new classroom safely and sensibly
1/2 Javan Ruso - Ms J WalshBillie Sbeing an excellent role model to her peers
1/2 Pampas Deer - Ms S ParsonsHazel Tlistening carefully and walking sensibly in lines
1/2 Warthog - Ms K WithersIsla Rmaking our classroom a safe and welcoming place for new students
3/2 Antilocapra - Mrs E ArchibaldZoe Agoing out of her way to ensure our classroom is safe and clean
3/4 Elk - Mr G ElixThomasina Daccurately identifying different ways that we can be safe in the classroom
3/4 Guanaco - Mrs L GoodridgeNico Hsharing thoughtful responses when discussing calming strategies and positive thinking
5/4 Capreolinae - Ms A CooperCooper Hcaring for our shared belongings and taking the time to organise them all effectively!
5/4 Springbok - Mr L SavilleNathaniel Jmaintaining the cleanliness and orderliness of our classroom, while ensuring our class technology is organised
5/6 Puku - Mrs A PitmanBryson Hbeing a friendly face and making our new students feel welcome
5/6 Royal Antelope - Ms R ReedyAden La commitment to keeping our space the very best it can be!
6 Bongo - Ms K BarcenillaJordan Gher considerate demeanour as she navigates the school and her positive relationships

House Points...

Best Class @ Assembly Award

Each week, a mystery teacher will choose the class that has followed the 'Balmain Way'. They will be entitled to 10 minutes extra play!

Positive Pete Winners

This week's winners...


From Friday 9 February...


Balmain Public School children are expected to wear full school uniform, including a school hat, every day. All children are required to wear full school uniform when representing the school on excursions, at sporting events or at cultural activities.