Under updated MACS guidelines, a Medication Administration form is to be completed where parents/carers request that a student is administered medication at school or during a school activity. The principal or their delegate must approve all ongoing and regular administration of medication (over the counter or prescription) by the school and in most cases, medication must not be administered to a child being educated and cared for unless this form is signed by an AHPRA registered medical practitioner or pharmacist.
The principal or delegate may agree to proceed with the authority of parent/guardian/carer signature without the authority of an AHPRA registered medical practitioner or pharmacist. This would only occur in rare cases, for example, short term (1-2 days) administration of over-the-counter medication at school or on off-site activities such as camps. No medication will be administered beyond the instruction on the original packaging unless recommended by an AHPRA registered medical practitioner or pharmacist.
Schools require written permission for students to self-administer their medication from parents/guardians, in consultation with registered medical or health practitioners to determine appropriate age and situation under which the student can self-administer their medication.
Parents/carers must ensure that medication brought to the school is in its original package with original labels. Please note, school staff will seek emergency medical assistance if there are concerns about a student’s condition following the administration of medication.
A copy of the form is attached to the Newsletter or via link
Medication Administration Form.