What's happening this week

Mon 26 - Fri 1 MarSRC Class Nominee speeches
Thurs 29 FebSchool Assembly from 2:00 pm - Swimming Carnival certificates and ribbons to be awarded 

Swimming Carnival

The 2024 swimming carnival was held at The Forum Sports and Aquatic Centre on Friday 16 February.  Students showed support for their House by wearing bright colours, displaying signs and enthusiastically participating in cheers to support their team. It was also fantastic to see so many parents and families in the grandstand making the day even more special for the students. 

It was wonderful to see so many children participating in a variety of competitive and novelty activities, having a go and enjoying the day. We have some very talented athletes that seemed to swim all day, while others chose those events that they felt they could complete and did their very best in. Swimming carnivals are not just about the place you come in your race, it’s about giving things a go, trying your personal best and learning from the experience.

A team of 16 students qualified for the Newcastle City PSSA Zone swimming carnival which was held last Friday. We would like to congratulate all those students who have qualified for the zone and will report on results from the Zone Carnival in next week's Newsletter.  

The presentation of ribbons, certificates and trophies will take place during this week's assembly to be held this Thursday 29 February from 2:00 pm. Ribbons and certificates are handed out for competitive races only. Please note that the final placings are based on times, so your child may have placed first, second or third in their heat but not overall.

Well done to all the Lambton Public students who were so well-behaved and energetic at our swimming carnival.

Library timetable 2024

All classes have been allocated a time for their weekly library lesson in the Library Information Centre with Mrs Quinn (Mon, Tues, Wed), Ms Titchmarsh (Thurs) or Mrs Saunders (Mon).

Children from Kindergarten to Year 2 will need a library bag for borrowing and returning their books. They can use the bag supplied in Kindergarten or their own purchased library bag, plastic or shopping bag.

Books need to be returned the following week in order to borrow again. If there is a problem with locating the borrowed books at home, please write a note for the teacher librarian explaining the situation.

The following table shows the weekly borrowing allowance for each year level.

If you child is an avid reader and you would like them to borrow more books, please write a note with your request.


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6








Borrowing days for classes are as follows:





3L, KM, K/6S

K/1L ,4/5N, 4C, 6CS

KE, 2/3F, 3/4M, 5/6B

1B, 1/2BF,2S

Special Religious Education (SRE) and Special Education Ethics (SEE)
Students in Years 3-6 will participate in SRE/SEE lessons during Semester One with Kindergarten - Year 2 students participating in Semester 2. 

Classes are determined by the number of available volunteers for each SRE/SEE provider.

SEE - Ethics commenced last week with currently only one volunteer available teaching a group of Year 4 students. Ethics classes are restricted to 22 students only resulting in a handful of Year 4 wishing to participate in Ethics on the waiting list until another volunteer becomes available.  We currently have 2 parent volunteers completing their training and hope to be able to offer Ethics to 2 more grades during Term 2. 

SRE - Students moved to their 2024 SRE groups last Thursday and SRE lessons will commence this week. 

If you would like to change your child’s SRE/SEE option, you may do so at any point in the year by simply sending the office an email requesting an update to your preferences. Notes will be sent to Kindergarten families later this term in preparation for them commencing SRE/SEE in Semester 2.

For more information about Special Religious Education (SRE) and Special Education Ethics (SEE) please visit this link.

Thank you for your donations

A big thank you to our fabulous school community for your donations of wool and yarn.  Watch this space for details of how students can get involved in our lunchtime craft activities with Mrs Cashman. 

As mentioned earlier this term, we are looking to instal raised garden beds adjacent to the canteen and around the school in which to grow fresh produce. Donations of bags of potting mix, garden soil or fertiliser and tubs of seedlings would be greatly appreciated and can be left outside the office. 

We hope to establish our gardens very soon and students to be involved in planting and maintaining our produce. 

Additional RAT tests

The school has a supply of RAT tests available. Families are encouraged to contact the school office by phone or email or simply pop in should you wish to obtain some additional kits to have at home. 

These tests are to be used when your child presents with flu-like symptoms and may help identify an infection early which is important if you are in contact with people at greater risk of serious illness if exposed to COVID-19. 

Parents and carers are required to notify the school if their child tests positive and keep students home until they are no longer displaying symptoms.   

Your school canteen LPS Eats is run by two canteen supervisors Barb and Deb and a roster of amazing volunteers who work hard to ensure the canteen is providing a range of menu items that are tasty, nutritious and meet the needs of our school community.

Can you help?

We are calling out for your help in 2024 to ensure we can continue to operate 5 days a week.  The canteen relies on volunteers so that we can offer pre-order recess and lunch, as well as breakfast, recess and lunch service. Full shifts are 9.30am - 2.30pm, but we can always work with your availability to do shorter recess only or lunch only shifts.

You can volunteer weekly, fortnightly, monthly or even have your name on our emergency list so we can contact you as a once off if we are urgently in need of canteen help!

Please contact us Lambtonpscanteen@gmail.com to put your name down to help in any way you can.

How to order

You can place a canteen order online through My School Connect (through the website https://myschoolconnect.com.au/ or download the app), or directly at the canteen window.

Order cut off time is 9am daily.

If you need a hand placing your first order come and see the friendly canteen staff, or contact us through the P&C Facebook site.

Old School Uniforms 

Families with old school uniform items can drop them into the school canteen any morning before the bell. 

Families desperate for different sizes of the old uniforms between now and when new uniform stock is available are encouraged to visit the canteen to see if there are any available to take home.