Our Lady of Lourdes Primary Newsletter

Term 2 Week 8, 16th June, 2023

Key Dates

Sunday 18th June9.30am Year 4 Family Mass 
Thursday 22nd June6.15pm Band Concert
Monday 26th June Parent Teacher Interviews Commences 
Tuesday 27th June2.15pm Principal and Citizenship Awards
Friday 30th June 

Dance Fever 

Last Day of Term 2

Monday 17th JulyStaff Development Day 
Tuesday 18th July1st Day Term 3- Students return
Tuesday 18th to Wednesday 19th JulyYear 6 Peer Support training
Thursday 20th - Friday 21st July Year 6 Canberra Excursion

Eleventh Ordinary Sunday 18 June 2023

The Gospel (Matthew 9: 35 - 38)

Jesus made a circuit of all the towns and villages. He taught in their meeting places, reported kingdom news, and healed their diseased bodies, healed their bruised and hurt lives. When he looked out over the crowds, his heart broke. So confused and aimless they were, like sheep with no shepherd. “What a huge harvest!” he said to his disciples. “How few workers!” On your knees and pray for harvest hands!”

... On the way to Mass

What are some gifts that you receive daily from God?

On the way home from Mass ...

How can you give without cost the same way you have received without cost?

The Prayer

You name us, O God, with grace we do not fully understand; for you call us to love as we have been loved. You send us, O God, to persons and communities in need; for you call us to see and respond with loving compassion. In following your generous call, strengthen us to follow your example in Christ Jesus. 


The Question of the Week


What responsibility do you have to the less fortunate, and how actively are you meeting it?

Primary Students

In what ways can you be generous to others this week?

The Action

There is no one single answer to age-old questions about suffering: what is it; why is it; does it serve any purpose? The ancient stories of faith, however, bear witness to God’s presence in the midst of suffering, and to the enduring and surprising nature of God’s promises. 

In Paul’s letter to the Romans, suffering is given a clear context: when suffering is endured, it produces character, and “character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us”. Suffering doesn’t build character; what does build character is hope, and hope is possible because, “God’s love has been poured into our hearts”. When our suffering makes us feel empty, if we can know that our hearts are full of love, this offers hope and with hope we can endure.

Sacramental Preparation

Staff On Leave

Mrs Neylan will be on leave during the last two weeks of this term. Mrs Conn will be Acting Assistant Principal in Mrs Neylan's absence.

Miss Wakim will be on leave for the last week of this term and the first week of term three.

Year 4 Elizabeth Farm

"This Wednesday, on the 11th of June, Year 4 went on an excursion to visit Hambledon Cottage and Elizabeth farm. Each class was given a tour around Hambledon Cottage and learnt about the similarities and differences of how the English settlers and the indigenous Aboriginal’s lived. We all even got to dress up as the English women and men! At Elizabeth farm, we experienced a convict’s work by learning how to wash clothes and build fireplace structures, as well as signing certificates of leave, which means a convict is free of working. Year 4 also had a tour around the main house, including rooms like the kitchen, women’s sitting room, the main dining room and the bedroom. Then, we were shown useful resources that the indigenous aboriginals used for hunting, fishing and shelter. 

Year 4 had a wonderful experience on our excursion! - Chanel Tran 4W

Parent Teacher Interviews

Parent/Teacher interviews for Kindergarten to Year 6 will be held in Week 10 (week starting 26th June) of this term. 

However, Parent/Teacher interviews for 4W will be held in Week 9 (week starting 19th June) of this term. 

At these 15 minute interviews, parents will receive their child’s school report which explains his/her progress in the Key Learning Areas of:

  • Religious Education
  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Human Society and its Environment
  • Science and Technology
  • Creative Arts
  • Personal Development
  • Health and Physical Education.

The reports using the E-A scale are for Years 1-6 while Kindergarten uses a three point scale report.

The process for booking a parent/teacher interview is outlined below:

· Please go to:    www.schoolinterviews.com.au

· Enter school event code: 8nh6w

· Enter your details: Full Name, Email Address, Child’s name and surname. (this is the only information required for your child). 

Please ensure you book an interview time with the correct classroom teacher and allow 15 minutes (1 time slot) between bookings if you have more than one child.

The interview is of 15 minutes duration and if you need to discuss your child’s work further, an extra appointment will need to be made for a later date.

Parents are invited to bring their child to the interview to take part in the report discussion. The aim is to encourage students to take responsibility for their learning

Compasss Reports

Your child's semester one report will be available via the Compass parent portal from next Friday 23rd June.

If you have not already downloaded the app, please download to access the report.

Download Report

Reports E-A Scale

School Fees Instalment 2 - Due Now 31st May 2023

School Fees Instalment 2 payment was due on Wednesday 31st May 2023.

If your school fee account is outstanding and you are not on a flexible payment arrangement, please finalise your account now.

School fee accounts on a flexible payment plan arrangement, please check your scheduled payments are paid accordingly and there are no missed payments. Thank you

International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS)

International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) is an independent skill-based assessment test of six competitions for primary and secondary school students.

This year we will be offering students from Year 3 to Year 6 the opportunity to sit the ICAS assessments. These are optional assessments that students can sit depending on their interest and ability.

To purchase one or more of these assessments, please see the payment details below. We will not be accepting any payment through the school, it is strictly through the ICAS Parent Payment Portal. Please see the closing dates indicated in the table below, these dates are set by ICAS and are not negotiable.

Parent Payment System

Payment Portal  for assments closes 31st July

Your school access code is: XHT679
Your parent page link is:https://shop.icasassessments.com/pages/pps

Uniform Price Increase

Please see uniform price list effective 1st July 2023.


Updated Term Planner for Term 2

Sports News

Rugby League

On Thursday our school entered three teams in the Parramatta Eels Cup. Two under 10 teams and a team in the Under 12 division. We were very proud of how well all teams played on the day, while playing many games. I am sure all the players had a great day.Thank you to Mr Essey and Mr Hassarati for coaching the teams. We appreciate your support.

Parish News

Children's Rosary Movement

Children’s Rosary participants gather together to pray the Rosary every Monday during the school term. Parents need to accompany children. 

Bring your Rosary beads and spend some time in prayer.

Where: OLOL Church

When: Monday (school term only)

Time: 3:30pm

Contact: anitamolina@hotmail.com

Community News

Ambrose School Age Care - Pupil Free Day Booking Form


No Parking Zones