FPS Newsletter

2023 Term 4 Issue #10

From the Principal

Dear families & friends, 

This term we have been working on a short intensive Inquiry “What’s the go with H2O?”. This is a chemistry-based inquiry with a focus on water and states of matter. We will then do a one week Home Group Arts intensive where students have an Arts lesson every day and then will perform to one another at the end of the week. This is a great way of us assessing how students are using the skills and processes they have learnt over the term and allows us to free up the last couple of weeks to focus on swimming and end of year celebrations.


End of year Learning Summary reports

End of year Learning Summary reports will go home to families at the end of week 5. Parents will be able to then book an optional interview time with teachers if they wish to.



Lauren has returned from her maternity leave working on Wednesday to Friday alongside Emma. This has been a very smooth transition and we are excited to end the year for J1 with some consistency. The students were very excited to see her back!  Teaching positions for 2024 have been advertised and are now under a panel process. We are hoping to have the outcomes of these soon so we are able to announce all staff positions for 2024 before the end of the term.


NAPLAN Survey for parents

Have Your Say On NAPLAN 2023

The Federal Government is keen to hear from parents and carers, principals and teachers about their NAPLAN experience.

They would particularly like to understand your views on the earlier timing of NAPLAN (March instead of May) and  the new proficiency standards.

Click here to take the survey!

Cheers Skye :) 

Felixstow Notices

Dates For Your Diary

Reception to Year 5  Swimming,  All week, 4th Dec - 8th December, Norwood Pool,  $20 cost  - volunteers will be needed.

Year 6 Aquatics Day at West Lakes, Tuesday 5th December,  All Day,  $10 cost.

Whole school excursion to The Adelaide Zoo,  Thursday 14th December,  no cost  - volunteers will be needed.

Term 3 Learning Expo

World Teacher's Day

On Wednesday 25th October we celebrated and thanked our wonderful, dedicated team of teachers for making our school the special place that it is.

They really appreciated the students dressing up as one of them and the notes and mementos they received.

RAA Road Safety

On Wednesday 1st November, Sue from  RAA Street Smart visited our school to teach students how to keep safe on the roads. Some of the safety awareness students learned was how to cross a road safely and how to be safe when on wheels.

Volunteering at Our School

We would like to acknowledge and thank our volunteers who have  contributed their time and energy to help with a variety of tasks throughout the year. We really appreciate all that they do for our school, they are a valued part of our community.


Breaktime Clubs

Coding and Environment Clubs

Both clubs have commenced again for term 4 on the following days:

Coding Club is on Mondays at first break

Environment  Club is on Thursdays at second break

Felixstow Highlights


Hi from Primary 1!

In P1 we have been busy investigating data for our maths inquiry, with a class survey into how we would like to use our reward time at the end of the year. A number of options were brainstormed, and then we had a look at the data, and determined the most popular option. In our writing we are busy writing a narrative revolving around Halloween, and have made a start on out novel study, revolving around the Australian classic, Storm Boy. We have had a look at the setting (The Coorong) and this week will be taking a closer look at the characters and the plot. In addition, we have all been enjoying a close look at water and the states of matter in inquiry, with a number of fantastic experiments taking place in the classroom last week. Plenty of melting, evaporating and freezing of various substances was taking place!

Hello from P2!

We are very excited to be starting persuasive texts in P2. We have began the writing process by thinking about all our prior knowledge about persuasive texts. Some students used examples of texts they had written previously to help them map all their ideas. We worked in pairs to complete a bus stop activity, this is where students spend time at each station adding to the previous groups ideas. When we looked at all the information we had collated we realized how much knowledge we already have. Our next steps will be to choose a moral or ethical issue we feel strongly about and the writing of a first draft to use as a base for the rest of the term .

P2 Student Teacher

Hello, my name is Anthony and I will be completing my placement at Felixstow Primary School for the next few weeks as I work with Laura. My first week here has been amazing and I have loved getting to know all of the students in the class. I’m eager to share my love of arts and maths with the students and help make their final term of the year fantastic.

Year 6 Excursion

On Thursday 26th October, the Year 6 students went on an excursion to the Adelaide Festival Theatre and participated in a Paper Sculpture Workshop as part of the Oz Asia Festival.


Hello from Emma and Lauren's Juniors

This term our Inquiry Central Idea is What’s the go with H20? We have been conducting experiments looking at the different states of matter that is water. We predicted how long it would take for an ice cube to melt in our hands, on a stove, with a hairdryer and in the fridge. We discovered that the fridge was the slowest and the stove was the quickest. We did an experiment to discover how water becomes steam. Some of us finally had the answer to why when we shower, we can write on the shower screen.

Our Investigations this term is also centred around our Inquiry. We are exploring sand and water in the sandpit, small world play with animals that live under water, water colour painting to see how water and paint interact, floating and sinking with different objects and detectives which is a continuation on some learning from last term.


Nicole's 2s

For Inquiry we have been looking at the different ways matter can change, specifically water. Last week both Junior's classes buddied up to conduct an experiment to see which way an ice cube would melt the fastest. Before the experiments, we had to make a prediction and put the four ways in order from the quickest to the slowest way. These were; on the stove, in a hand, by a hair dryer and in the fridge. The ice cube on the stove melted the fasted, and the ice cube in the fridge melted the slowest.

Art and HPE

Art: Visual Arts


Primary students have been experimenting with ink, adding salt and dish liquid to see how water changes as a mixture. They have been inspired by aerial photographs of water systems.

Health and Physical Education

This term in Health and Physical Education, students will:

  • Explore different movement concepts through game situations while solving a variety of movement challenges. They will apply rules and scoring systems to promote fair play and perform a range of roles during team movement activities E.G. timer, scorer, referee.
  • Identify health symbols, messages and strategies in their community that support their health and safety (Juniors)
  • Recognise how media and important people in the community influence personal attitudes, beliefs, decisions, and behaviours.  They will also identify and describe how media impacts one's health and well-being (Primary) 


Resource Hub

Premiers Reading Challenge

The 2023 Premiers Reading Challenge was another success with Felixstow Primary School being one of 693 schools in South Australia that took part in the challenge. This year was the PRC's 20th anniversary with an additional (optional) challenge offered to students.  We had 59 students who participated in the Challenge who will be receiving their certificates or medals later this term. In addition, 5 students completed multiple PRC record sheets with the following students reading greater than 20 books each:  Stella (P1), Tori (J2), Thomas (P2), Eva (P2) and Alfio (J1).

Also, congratulations to Cuba (P2) for receiving the Hall of Fame certificate, as he has participated in the Premiers Reading Challenge every year from Reception to Year 6.


After School Sport


“We had a cricket match on 28th October and we won our first game, winning by 50 runs! The match was near Waterfall Gully. We had a student from another school as wicket keeper and then Thomas (P2) for the next 10 overs.” Guru (P1)

Important Dates

Updated: September 2023


WkTerm 4Event
4Friday 10th NovemberRemembrance Day
5Friday 17th NovemberCrazy Hair Day
6Thursday 23rd NovemberHome Group Performances
7Monday 27th NovemberPUPIL FREE DAY
7Tuesday 28th NovemberGoverning Council
8Monday 4th - Friday 8th DecemberSwimming (Years R - 5)
8Tuesday 5th DecemberYear 6 Aquatics
8Thursday 7th & Friday 8th DecemberYear 6 Transition
9Monday 11th DecemberFamily Picnic
9Thursday 14th DecemberAdelaide Zoo (whole school excursion)
9Friday 15th DecemberLast Day of the Year - EARLY DISMISSAL AT 2.10pm

Community Notices

Contact Information

Out of School Hours Care (OSHC)

A reminder that OSHC is available for families for after school care (ASC).

ASC is open 3:10-6:00pm

Bookings are essential.

Hannah Gustard is our OSHC director and can be contacted on


Felixstow Primary School is truly an extraordinary place of learning. Our talented and dedicated staff provides each student with rigorous care, challenge and support academically, socially and emotionally.

Respect | Responsibility | Compassion