St Luke the Evangelist School Newsletter

15 March 2024 - Issue #4


School Term Dates 2024

Term 1 29 January - 28 March

Term 2 15 April - 28 June

Term 3 15 July - 20 September

Term 4 7 October - 20 December (last day of school year TBC)

Wednesday 13 March to Monday 25 MarchNAPLAN
Thursday 21 MarchHarmony Day / P&F Colour Run
Friday 22 MarchRide to School 
Thursday 28 MarchStations of the Cross 8.30am - 9.00am
Thursday 28 MarchEnd of Term 1 - 1 pm finish
Monday 15 AprilTerm 2 Day 1
Wednesday 17 AprilYear 6 Confirmation Reflection Day
Friday 19 AprilSchool Cross Country
Tuesday 23 AprilYear 6 - ANZAC Day Ceremony
Tuesday 23 AprilP&F meeting at 7 pm
Thursday 25 AprilANZAC DAY - Public Holiday
Friday 26 AprilSchool Closure Day
Tuesday 30 AprilSAC 7pm

A message from Clare

Namaste Families and Children,

It is GREAT to be back, to have so many children greet me and ask how my holiday was and to chat with many of you. Our children really are exceptional and such a great reflection of you- parents, siblings and grandparents. Theirs, and your enthusiasm and joy in each day has been lovely to return to- thank-you.

India was as incredible as ever and in our three weeks, we got to see the Taj Mahal, do an eight day road trip in Rajasthan, visit the lake palaces in Udaipur, explore magnificent forts and castles, and roam the streets of many new cities and villages. We also achieved a goal set when we left India in 2011- to go back one day to visit the Golden Temple in Amritsar- the most sacred site for Sikhs where the sacred texts are held. We finished our holiday in Srinagar which is at the foothills of the Himalayas. Absolutely wonderful, memorable and a privilege to be able to visit this most incredible part of the world,again. I’ve popped a few photos in…

Thank you to Julie Inglese and the staff team for their care and attention to all things school, in my absence…it is so reassuring knowing that things will run so smoothly under Julie’s direction.

I haven’t officially congratulated our winning EGAN team for their efforts in this year’s Twilight Sports. What a great achievement after DECADES of waiting. Congratulations to our Egan House Leaders- Max and Nathan for leading the team so well. This will go down as a momentous win. Our thanks to Domenic De Leo for organising the event, to the staff for their support and enthusiastic participation and to all of our family volunteers. It just can’t be as successful without a team approach and every year, it’s an overwhelming success.

In my absence, Julie has welcomed many prospective families to St Luke’s for school tours. It is heartening to sense that the word is out there… St Luke’s is a ‘must go and see’ school. If you have a child who is due to start Prep in 2025, please get your enrolment form in as soon as possible. If you can spread the word to other families who are looking for a school for their child, Prep or for other years, please do so. I will be working on getting some new promotional material out and will need lots of families to do some letter drops. Our kinder visits are due to start and Emily Chlebica is on the social media trail posting two to three times a week to build our presence out there. Thank-you Emily. PLEASE sign up and like our posts on Facebook and Instagram so that this starts raising our profile.

Our COLOUR RUN is well and truly on the move. It’s only six big sleeps away!  We have many people who have signed up but many have not started collecting sponsors yet. This is a P&F organised event and Shelley McCaul and the team have been working arduously to ensure a great event. Please sign up, collect sponsors to raise money for the rejuvenation of our sensory garden. We are very excited at the prospect of getting an Aboriginal artist to work with the children to paint the totem poles and mural on one of the breezeway walls. Even if your child cannot participate, we are hoping they might still sponsor the event.

Times for Harmony Day- Colour Run:

9.00 am to 12.20pm: Footsteps Dance Company workshops 

12.45 pm: Early Lunch and play for children

1.20 pm: Gates open for families to join us on the oval & Children gather on oval

Dogs on our school property are welcome… as long as they are:

  • On a leash at all times,

  • Their poop is picked up and disposed of in one of our blue bins

  • Not a threat to others.

There have now been several occasions when l have had to dispose of poop on the hill… where our children eat… If you bring a dog onto our premises after school, please ensure you note the above requests. I would love to think we could encourage our pawfect friends to continue joining us.

FETE news: We had our first Fete 2024 meeting last night. Thank you to the many people who came along for the brainstorm session. Sonya O’Farrell is such a gem to work with and her energy and enthusiasm is amazing. Please think outside the square about how your family might support this exciting school-parish community extravaganza. We will need:

  • Sponsors

  • An army of volunteers

  • Donations of goods for raffles, stalls, set-up

  • Contacts of people/businesses who may be able to donate goods, their time etc…

  • Our next meeting will be on Thursday, 18th April at 7 pm in the hall kitchen. Laughs are guaranteed! You may be able to join us OR you might like to join friends who are running a stall… every little bit helps.

Please contact me at if you have ideas to share or can offer contacts, would like to be involved or have donations for a stall.

We are still looking for Parent Representatives for Year 6 please. We have the other classes covered. Thank you to those volunteers. I will be in touch.

Finally, l have had several children approach me about selling some crafts at recess or lunchtime. To create a simple structure around this, l have suggested we could begin a Market Week in the last week of each term. Children need to discuss this with me and show me samples of their craft. I think to make it accessible to all, items should be priced at gold coin prices or up to $5 per piece. A 10% donation from the profits, to a charity or Mini Vinnies would be requested. If your child is interested, please ask them to talk to me. If we have too many requests to sell their craft, we will pop them onto the future term’s Market Week roster.

Have a lovely weekend ahead. The weather looks like it will be beautiful. Enjoy!  



Faith & Mission News

The Stations of the Cross, also known as the Way of the Cross, is a devotion that reflects on Jesus’ final days on Earth - from being condemned to death to dying on the cross and being placed in the tomb. 

The Stations of the Cross consist of a series of 14 artistic representations that typically line the interior walls of every Catholic Church. It’s often said that you must walk a mile in someone’s shoes to understand what they are going through. The goal of this devotion is to “walk” in Jesus’ shoes by praying and meditating on each of the events (stations) that Jesus experienced.

On Thursday 28th of March, our school community will journey through our own Stations of the Cross. Each of the 14 stations will be created by a class, capturing key moments during Jesus’ journey to His death on Good Friday. 

Parents and Carers are warmly invited into the school for this outdoor event from 8.30am to 9am to participate in the Stations of the Cross, guided by your own child/ren. 

We ask that you please remember this is a solemn occasion and Stations of the Cross is a special prayer in which you will be participating.

We look forward to seeing many of you on Thursday 28th of March.


Each year at St. Luke’s, many of our students are involved in our Sacramental program. Due to Father Gerard leaving and the transition of the caretaker priest, some important dates are yet to be confirmed. However, we can offer the following: 

Grade 3s - Reconciliation - TBC

Grade 4s - First Eucharist: Sunday 25th of August 2024 @ 10.30am

(Commitment Masses will be held on the weekend of 10th / 11th August - more information to follow).

Grade 6s - Confirmation: Friday 17th of May 2024 @ 6pm

(Commitment Masses will be held on the weekend of 27th / 28th April - more information to follow).

Nina Grieve

Faith and Mission Leader 

Parents and Friends Association News


The colour run is only 7 days away and the students are getting excited.  Get your donations rolling in asap to ensure you don’t miss out.

There will an announcement at assembly on Monday for the top fundraising class/student.

So far we had raised $5,391 with a big shout out to PG Keeghan Custom Home Builders for their business sponsorship.

If everyone who hasn’t yet signed up raised a minimum of $20 we will smash our target of $6000, so let’s get out there.  Every bit helps raise funds for the school.

Also if anyone knows any other business that may like to donate this can be done at:

Remember to have your white t-shirts ready for Thursday 21st March. Please ensure that these are worn on the day along with swim shorts or shorts you don’t mind getting wet or coloured. 

If your child would like to dress up they are also welcome to do this.

Please remember to pack/bring a change of clothes for afterwards, if required, along with school hats and water bottles.

All children will receive a zooper dooper on the day. 

Note: There will be a non colour obstacle course before the races with the powder. 

Any child who wishes to run in this race, please let their teacher know on the day.

Thanks for all your support 

St Luke’s P&F

Music Bus

JOIN NOW!  The Music Bus runs lessons each week at our school.

Lessons are available in:

    • Keyboard (Prep - Year 6)
    • Ukulele (Prep - Year 6)
    • Drums (Year 1 - Year 6)
    • Guitar (Year 2 - Year 6)

If you wish to register an interest to join please complete the following online form:

Camp Sports & Excursion Fund (CSEF) Financial Assistance

The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities. If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. A special consideration category also exists for asylum seeker and refugee families. The allowance is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities for the benefit of your child.

If you wish to apply for CSEF please contact the school office to request an application form.  Forms must be submitted before 28 June 2024.

Kelly Club

This term has flown by fast, and it’s hard to believe that in a few weeks we will finish term 1.  I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for a wonderful, productive term 1.

Our planners for the final weeks of Term 1 are attached to your newsletter.

Holiday Program

We are here to offer you a place for a holiday program at Our Lady of Pines in Donvale.  Please see the brochure for our exciting program.

If you are enrolled at Kelly Club St Luke's and wish to be a part of our holiday program, please let us know asap.   We will be able to clone your enrollment from St Luke's to save you time.

All new children who wish to join the holiday program, will be required to be enrolled at St Luke's Kelly Club.  Please complete the enrollment form using the following link:

For all registrations for the Holiday Program, an expression of interest form is required.  Please see form attached to the newsletter.  Completed forms are to be returned to , please complete and return to

If you have any questions, please contact Elena prior to the end of the term.

Holiday Program applications will close on the 27th of March.

During the holiday program, St Luke's email and phone will be unattended.  Please use contact details in the holiday program to contact Elena at Our Lady Of Pines for any enquiries during the holidays.  

Elena Michaelides CoordinatorSt Luke's Kelly Club

Community News

High School Open Day and Information Sessions

School Housekeeping


Please check the lost property cupboard in the office foyer if you are missing uniform or food containers.  


We are now wearing the summer uniform.  Please apply sunscreen in the morning before school.  School hats are compulsory. Term 1 = SUNHATS!  Please make sure your child has a school hat to wear EVERY DAY or else, No hat, No play.


As part of our wellbeing care of children at St Luke's, every class engages in a morning routine at 8.50 am.  This quiet, calm time allows children to gather together in a circle, to greet each other by name, to pray and/or enter into some Christian meditation and get ready for the day.  Please make sure you allow enough time to get your child to school BEFORE 8.50 am.

If children arrive after the gate and student entry doors are locked, parents/carers are required to walk their child/ren to the school office and sign them in on the VPass iPad.

If leaving early (before the end of the day), parents/carers are required to sign their child/ren out on the VPASS iPad.


Allergic reactions to food… can be harmful to our children. For that reason we ask parents to think carefully about what they are packing in their child’s lunch boxes. Occasionally, something might slip through and once aware, we take precautions to ensure the safety of every child. As stated in the Family Handbook 2024:

We are an EGG and NUT free school due to the allergies of children within our community.  We ask that parents respect this request and the potential harm this could do to children if brought to school.

Thank you for your care and attention to this.

Buy/Sell second hand uniform:

Join the St Luke's Primary School Blackburn South Buy/Sell Uniform group on Facebook to buy/sell uniform with other parents. 

Friday - School Lunches

Friday lunches can now be ordered from Classroom Cuisine. There are many options and varying prices. Orders are made and paid for on-line and delivered straight to school. 

For details on how it works, pricing and to create an account please visit

School Uniform - Spartan School World

School Uniform is to be worn at all times.

Online orders placed by midday on a Monday will be included in the school delivery the next day.  Any orders placed after this time will be delivered in the following weeks run.

Store opening hours Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm and the 1st Saturday of the month 9am-12pm

Kelly Club

Kelly Club run programmes before and after school that our children love.  If you have any enquiries regarding availability, booking and cost, please contact Elena

Proudly acknowledging great sponsors of our Parish/School

We are St Luke's.  A community of faith, learning and partnership.

Journeying together, we strive to live the gospel so that all may enjoy the fullness of life.

We look with wonder at our world and embrace learning through inquiry, through action, through reflection to realise our potential.

We celebrate diversity and we welcome the opportunity to live and work together.

We are companions on the journey, now 60 years on ... guided by the Holy Spirit, inviting the participation of everyone.