The Pocket Public School Newsletter

Term 2, Week 8


Thursday 20 JuneCoffee MorningAll parents 
Thursday 20 JuneDorroughby Incursion - Food MilesYear 5 & 6
Tuesday 25 JuneVoSS Athletics CarnivalK-6
Tuesday 2 JulyBIREN Cultural DayK-6


Winter Festival

Wow! What an epic day we had on Sunday at The Winter Festival. Now, those that have been at an end of year awards ceremony would know that if I was saying this out loud, I would be crying!

We are a tiny school in the middle of farmers fields, probably pretty insignificant to most people. And yet, look at what we have been able to create not only for our small community but for the surrounding community that drive from afar to share in such a special day.

This event obviously started as a much needed fundraising boost for the P &C, however it has morphed over time to be an inclusive event for all members of the community to come and have a family friendly day without breaking the bank!

Having said that, even with a couple of stalls down due to last minute changes, it appears as though the P & C have done an incredible job of raising money from this event.

To all the parents who gave so much of their time – cooking, making, painting, creating, crafting – to ensure we had everything we needed to have a successful day, thank you. To those parents that were at school from 6am some mornings to those that didn’t leave until well gone 9pm (sometimes these were the same parents!). This includes those parents that were doing exactly the same thing but, in their kitchens, cooking curries, bean mix and cakes! To those parents that shared Facebook Posts or invited extended family along, thank you.

There are far too many people to name individually, and no doubt I would miss someone, so a special mention to all those that did so much – you should know who you are.

And on top of that, to those people that don’t even have kids at our school but still put in time to help set up, on the day and pack up. To Bruce and John for manning the BBQ and to the Becks for their help, we are always grateful.

To those staff members that were invested in the lead up and on the day, I am forever grateful, I know how busy you all are during this term with parent teacher interviews, budgeting, report writing and the demands from your roles. So thank you to those that gave up weekends, evenings and all hours to support this event.

Of course, I have to mention a couple of people.

Emma – The artistic super star who brought together a team to paint dinosaurs and space themed props. To staying well into the freezing night to set things up, as always, you are spectacular.

Jade, none of this would happen without Jade. She is the heart and soul of The Winter Festival. Volunteering all hours, having long, boring meetings with me, and no doubt worrying about how everything is going to come together on the day. You have pulled off another incredible event that saw people come from far and wide and leave with a smile on their faces.

And no doubt, both of these amazing humans will brush off this thank you as “Team Work” or I didn’t do much, but let me tell you, they did!


Cross country

Congratulations to those students who went off to represent headlands last week, what a bunch of super star runners.


Well done to Mia, Marlow and Rudi for making the Headland’s team. Rudi and Marlow have advanced to make the Far North Coast Team. They will be heading to Coffs Harbour to trial for the North Coast Team.

Our boys and girls soccer teams headed off to a gala day last week where the girls won one and lost one. The boys won both games and have advanced to play Byron Bay Public School. We are currently trying to lock in a date and time with Byron.


The VoSS athletics carnival is next Tuesday. It is set to be an amazing day, parents are more than welcome to attend. A note will come out tomorrow with all the details.

Spelling Bee

Our classes have been wrapping up their Spelling Bee finals this week, we can’t wait to hear how they do. The winners will join other Far North Coast schools to see who will be crowned champion!

Staff Leave

Rhianon Glasson will be on leave from Monday 1 July to Monday 12 August. Rhianon will be replaced by Emma Rowley, a long term casual that has worked with kindy throughout the year.

Will Glasson will be on leave from Monday 1 July to Monday 12 August. Nikki Perin will be relieving principal. Peta Jones and Mitchel O’Connell will back fill against her classroom roll during this time.

As Nikki Perin is the Assistant Principal, she will be backfilled by Holly Stanton on Tuesday and Wednesday. Robyn Rowland will therefore teach Year 4 on these days.

Chenoa will be on leave during week 10.

NAPLAN Results

We have had many parent enquiries about NAPLAN results, as soon as they are released we will let parents know.


School reports will go out in week 10.

The Pocket Stars

Music Tutor - Maryse

Music Tutor - Jo

Safe on Social - Social Media Challenges

Check out the file for more information.

Safe on Social - Online Image

Messenger for Kids