FPS Newsletter

2024 Term 1 Issue #1

From the Principal

Dear families & friends, 

Welcome back to Felixstow Primary School 2024!

It has been an exciting, busy and positive start to the year at Felixstow. We welcome all our new families and hope you have all settled into life at Felixstow.

With our year 3 – 6 students already attending camp at Narnu Farm, it has been a whirlwind first 3 weeks! Camp provides an experience for students to establish and develop relationships, team work and connections with each other and staff.

I want to take the opportunity to thank all the staff who volunteered their time to take students on camp, and to families for the support to make sure every child had a positive experience and opportunity to grow in independence and inner strength.

The first four weeks of the year we always have a focus on building our school and classroom culture. This year we have started with a strong focus on building our Berry St practices with a focus on developing predictable learning routines, along with revisiting growth/fixed mindset thinking, zones of regulation and global competencies! We will be sharing some of this learning at our Acquaintance night and throughout the year with families.

Acquaintance night & AGM

We are looking forward to seeing everyone at our Acquaintance Night and AGM this week, Tuesday 20th February. Based on previous feedback we have decided to try a new format that allows additional time for families to mingle and get to know each other. The evening is planned as follows:

        Evening Agenda:

        5.45—6.45             Free Sausage sizzle and time to catch up with and meet each other and staff (on the green)           

        6.457.00             Official welcome to everyone, and general information from Skye.

        7.00 – 7.30             Meet with class teachers in their class to find out more about your child’s class

        7.30 – 8.00pm       Meet in Primary 2 room (yr5/6 room) for our A.G.M.

Traffic update

Thanks to the work of Governing Council and staff last year we have finally had some supports and agreements, from local council and the Way to Go initiative, in making our school and road safer. You will have noticed the traffic speed indicator at the front of the school to remind everyone of our 25km/hour speed limit. This will remain in place for approximately 3 more weeks. We have had approval for a dedicated pedestrian crossing area to be installed directly out from the front gate and additional signage approved.

We want to remind and encourage everyone in our own community to be practicing and demonstrating safe road use at all times.

This includes:

·       parking on the correct side of the road

·       Passengers only exiting vehicles from the curb side

·       Walking on pathways (ie not down the driveway)

·       Use of the Turner St carpark and entering the school from the oval gate (there are over 100 parking spots available in this carpark)

·       Reminding and demonstrating safe ways to cross the road with our children (including holding hands, looking in both directions, no jay walking)

·       Following road speed limits and signage

·       Only using the drop off area if children can independently enter and exit the car.

·       No parking or leaving your vehicles in the driveway in the drop off zone (2 minute max limit)

We want to continue to improve the safety in our area so our students are safe.


in Year 3 & 5 will sit these assessments over week 7 and 8 in Term 1. Information will be sent home to families soon. Please email Skye with any questions or concerns.


We are excited about the year ahead for our volunteer program. Keep an eye out for regular updates via Audiri and SeeSaw about opportunities to get involved.

We look forward to a positive and productive year ahead with everyone and hope to see many of you brave the heat to come to our first event this week. 

Cheers Skye 😊

Felixstow Notices

Finance news from Gillian

2024 Materials & Services Fees are now open for payments.  You should have received your invoice via post  for school fees and the annual excursion levy.  Included is instructions to apply for the school card scheme if you are eligible. Go to the website to see if you fit the criteria.

School fees are due by the end of term 1 as this is the money we need to apply to your students learning.  The Government $100 rebate is again in effect this year.   This amount is not available if you are eligible for school card.

If you are not able to make the full payment by the due date please speak with Gillian to organise a payment plan.

Payments can be made in instalments via internet banking straight to the school account.

Felixstow Primary School

BSB 105 010

Account 115 989 440

Just make sure you state what the payment is for and students name.

Cash and EFTPOS payments are also available but not the preferred method.

Any questions  about fees, payments or school card please do not hesitate to  contact Gillian.

Acquaintance Night and A.G.M: Tuesday 20th February

Acquaintance Night (5.45pm - 7.30pm)

Come along and celebrate the start of the year with a free sausage sizzle and time to catch up with families, friends and staff. Followed by a time to hear from teachers about your child's class this year.

A.G.M. (7.30pm - 8pm)

Evening Agenda



5.45pm – 6.45pm

Time to catch up with each other and grab a free sausage

6.45pm – 7pm

Whole school information and introductions on the Green

7pm – 7.30pm

Meet with class teachers in the class spaces

7.30pm – 8pm

Meet in Primary space for A.G.M.

Kickstart For kids Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club has recommenced for the year. It is open from 8.30am to 8.50am, Monday to Friday in the OSHC kitchen. All students and their families are welcome, just drop on by (there is no need to book a place). 

Breakfast may include:

Toast and various spreads




Tea/Coffee (for adults)

Its a great opportunity to have a bite to eat and socialise with other students/families. 

We are also looking for volunteers so if you are interested please let Kelly, Di or Gillian know.

Volunteering at Our School

Volunteers are a vital part of our school community and we are very lucky to already have some dedicated and talented people who provide our students with amazing support in many different ways, however, we are always looking for more volunteers. 

We will be providing information and volunteer packs at Acquaintance Night and also holding coffee and information sessions in week 6 on Friday 8th March and week 9 on Friday 5th April from 9.45am, following Banba Ban Balya (assembly).  

Volunteers make a difference! 

Looking forward to seeing you at our information sessions. 


Breaktime Clubs

Coding and Environment Clubs

Both clubs will be recommencing this term on the following days:

Coding Club is on Tuesdays at first break.

Environment  Club is tbc.

Craft Club

Craft Club will be taking place On Fridays at 2nd break. We had our first session today making dragons in celebration of the Chinese New year.

Felixstow Highlights


Primary students go on school camp!

For 3 days in week 2, both primary classes went on school camp to Narnu Farm on Hindmarsh Island. Students attended various sessions such as butter churning, making and cooking damper over a fire,  rope and mudbrick  making, orienteering and feeding the many animals. The camp also provided students the opportunity to develop their independence, resilience and to build relationships with others. The students had a great time in a beautiful setting.

Student Camp Reflections


Hello from Emma's Juniors

In J2 we have been looking at emotions through the zones of regulation. The zones are divided into colours which match how we might be feeling during the day. We have been discussing and recognising how we might be feeling at different parts of the day through using a wellbeing check in.

Juniper's Juniors

Children have been moving from independent play to co-operative play. When constructing the marble run, they help each other construct, offer suggestions and celebrate  their results.

Art and HPE

Visual Arts with Camille

R/1s have been having lots of fun exploring how to mix primary colours to create secondary colours. 1/2/3s have been creating backgrounds for a Basquiat style art piece. Both groups are also exploring visual representations of the emotions in the 'zones of regulation'. Primary students have started looking at symbolism in illustration. With the storybook 'The shadow that follows' as a provocation, they have been creating their own symbolic illustrations for various emotions.

Health and Physical Education with Leigh

What a fantastic start to the term it has been! It has been great to see the students giving everything their best go to start the school year. In years R-2, we have been focusing on understanding the rules of some different games that are focused on being aware of the people and the space around us. We've also added in some simple throwing and catching elements. In years 3-6, we have focused on games that foster communication and teamwork with all members of the class. The students have had some great reflection on how we can continue to work as a team. We also have some exciting events coming up so please keep an eye out for communication.


Resource Hub

About the Premier’s Reading Challenge

The Premiers Reading Challenge is a literacy engagement program that was introduced by the Premier in 2004. Its aims to encourage children to read more books, to improve literacy skills and to just enjoy reading. The challenge requires the child to read 12 books from the start of the school year until early September. Children who complete the challenge are then awarded a certificate or medal depending on the number of years they have participated. For more information see the attached brochure or go to the Premier’s Reading Challenge website: https://premiersreadingchallenge.sa.edu.au/


The Primary class students and Emma’s class can begin the Challenge from Day 1. Forms can be downloaded from the above link. If you have a problem accessing the form then paper copies are available from school. Juniper’s class will receive their forms in Term2. The final day of the Challenge is Term 3, week 7. Record sheets must be handed in to Kelly or Gillian no later than this date and can be handed in any time before if the student has completed the Challenge. Awards are given to students who have completed the Challenge (once the school has received them) at an assembly in Term 4.

Breaktime Activities

The Resource Pod is now open for one breaktime a day, offering students a variety of activities to participate in or just a safe space to relax and read a book. We will be holding some themed sessions in the near future and welcome any suggestions the students may have. 

Borrowing/Returning Books

Students have the opportunity to borrow books from the Resource Pod during scheduled class times and when the Pod is open at break times. All books are on loan for two weeks and the due date can be found on a slip attached to the inside back cover of the book or on a book mark. Please return the books by the due date or before if finished, as other students may be waiting to borrow them. 

Resource Pod Breaktime

Scholastic Book Club

Thank you to the parents that have placed their order on this Issue of Book Club! There is still time to order if you haven't already as orders are due in by end of the school day on Monday 19th February.  

Orders can be made on the Scholastic website   (https://www.scholastic.com.au/LOOP) or by downloading the LOOP app.

All orders earn our school rewards which are then used to purchase more books for the Resource Pod which are much appreciated by our students. 

Below is a link to Scholastic's Parent Guide to Book Club which you may find useful.



Important Dates

Updated: February 2024






Tuesday 20th February

Acquaintance Night & A.G.M.


Monday 11th March

Public Holiday (Adelaide Cup)


Thursday21st March

Harmony Day


Friday 22nd March

Ride to School Day


Tuesday 26th March

Photo Day


Friday 29th March

Public Holdiay (Good Friday)


Monday 1st April

Public Holiday (Easter Monday)


Thursday 11th April

Learning Expo


Friday 12th April

Last day of term (EARLY DISMISSAL at 2.10pm)

Community Notices

Contact Information

Out of School Hours Care (OSHC)

A reminder that OSHC is available for families for after school care (ASC).

ASC is open 3:10-6:00pm

Bookings are essential.

Hannah Gustard is our OSHC director and can be contacted on


Felixstow Primary School is truly an extraordinary place of learning. Our talented and dedicated staff provides each student with rigorous care, challenge and support academically, socially and emotionally.

Respect | Responsibility | Compassion