Bulletin šŸ“Œ

End of Year Information & Reminders


What you'll find in the End of Year Bulletin:

  • From the Principal
    • Class Placements are now finalised
    • Reports
    • Leadership and Teaching Staff 2024
    • Save the Date - AGM and Meet the Teacher Evening
    • Uniform Information
    • Parents & Friends 2024
  • Thank you Deidre
  • End of Year Reminders
    • Parish Christmas Events
    • Lost Property
    • 2024 Documents - Please return
      • Back to School Information
      • Student Insights Survey
      • Expression of Interest: Instrumental Tutoring Program 2024
      • Expression of Interest: After School Sports 2024
    • Student Update Form
    • School Fees
    • Download your Seesaw Learning Journal
    • OSHC Communications

Class Placements are now finalised

As I have communicated several times via newsletters this term, the teachers and leadership staff have worked tirelessly and carefully to balance the needs of all students, including ability, gender, year level and friendship needs, to construct the classes for 2024. For this reason, requests for class changes will not be considered.   

Whilst we acknowledge that there can be disappointment when students do not get the news they had been hoping for, rest assured that we will continue to support them to feel comfortable and ready to learn in their 2024 class groupings.  


Semester 2 student reports were sent home yesterday.  Please take the time to read the report and to discuss it with your child/ren. I urge you to remember the formal report is just one way that we communicate with you about your childā€™s learning progress. Across the year, families have the opportunity to meet with the teacher at any time, as well as at the formal parent teacher interview meetings. You also receive ongoing information about your childā€™s learning through Seesaw, and through incidental conversations throughout the year. Should you have any queries regarding your childā€™s report, please contact your childā€™s current class teacher.

Leadership and Teaching Staff 2024

Yesterday students had the opportunity to spend some time with their 2024 teachers and classmates, getting to know each other and getting a feel for how their new class group will operate.  Unfortunately, due to some late staffing changes, we are still in the process of appointing our remaining Year 3 / 4 teacher.  This information will be passed on as soon as possible.

Teaching and specialist staff for 2024 are as follows:

Leadership Team


Marianne Farrugia

Assistant Principal Learning and WellbeingRita Garreffa
Leader of RESeva Maitianos

Teaching Staff

PreschoolEmily Quigley / Kim Williams
ReceptionDiana Comitogianni
ReceptionTherese Slattery
Reception (Mid-Year)To be appointed
Year 1/2Catherine Batty
Year 1/2Cadia Rosato / Kim Williams
Year 1/2Natasha Marshall
Year 3/4To be appointed
Year 3/4Stephanie Iannotti
Year 3/4Bianca Annese / Matthew Baird
Year 5/6Jemma O'Neill
Year 5/6Danielle Dedic / Celine Grandioso
Year 5/6 

Jessica Taormina

 Specialist Teaching Staff

Physical EducationMatthew Baird
STEMThis will be introduced as a new specialist lesson in 2024Bianca Annese 
ItalianAntoinette Di Paolo
Performing ArtsReanna Arthur
EALD / LiteracyCeline Grandioso

A full list of all staff, including Curriculum and Administration Education Support Officers, will be provided in the new school year.

Save the Date ā€“ AGM and Meet the Teacher Evening

The Annual General Meeting of our School Board will be held at 6:15pm on Monday 12 February 2024.  This will include elections for our new Board Members. This will be followed at 6:50 pm by an opportunity to meet your childā€™s class teacher. A further session will occur at 7:20pm for those who have more than one class to visit. The evening will conclude at 7:50pm.

Uniform Information

Based upon feedback received from the community in relation to uniform satisfaction, the School Board has recognised that there is appetite for some closer consideration of our school uniform policy in the coming year.  In the interim we wish to clarify some aspects of the current uniform that are causing confusion, and advise of some slight changes that have been agreed by the School Board.

Of note is the following:

  • Either the school zip up sports jacket or navy woollen jumper may be worn as a part of the formal summer and winter uniform.
  • Sports shoes must be either predominantly white or predominantly black. Fluoro or bright neon colours are not permitted.
  • Either black or navy closed shoe sandals can be worn instead of the black school shoe when wearing the summer formal uniform.

By way of reminder, it is our expectation that:

  • The uniform is worn correctly, respectfully, is clean and in good repair
  • The sports uniform, included sports shoes, is only to be worn on the days designated by the class teacher 
  • Shoulder length or longer hair is tied back at all times
  • Nail polish, make up, jewellery, temporary tattoos are not permitted at school. Exceptions are only plain stud or sleeper earrings, subtle religiously symbol worn on a chain around the neck, a medic alert bracelet and analogue or digital watch (no smart watches).

Parents and Friends 2024

At this stage we do not have someone who is willing to take over the coordination of our Parents and Friends Committee in 2024. As communicated in my letter earlier this term, Bek Walton is stepping down from this role after several years of wonderful service. Thankfully, we have a number of people in our community who are willing to help out at P&F supported events such as the Motherā€™s and Fatherā€™s Day Stalls, catering for special days etc.  Unfortunately, these services cannot occur without a committee to plan, purchase supplies and coordinate volunteers.  If you are considering joining the committee to take leadership in this space ā€“ please contact the front office as soon as possible.

Wishing all of the St Josephā€™s School families a very blessed Christmas season.

šŸ¦‹ šŸŒ± Thank you Deidre šŸø šŸ›

Our commitment to Nature Education at St Josephā€™s School Hindmarsh, began a few years ago when Deidre transformed our school garden into a biodiverse habitat for butterflies, bees, birds and frogs. Many small hands across several classes, helped Deidre create a much loved and carefully designed school garden and respected biodiverse environment for children to enjoy.  

Sadly, we say farewell to Deidre Knight, our schoolā€™s Sustainability Educator, who has been diligent and instrumental in her work at St Josephā€™s with the ā€˜Bring Back the Butterfliesā€™ project and more recently, the Kaurna Food & Fibre project spanning two years.

Deidre has been working within and outside our school community for approximately 5 years.

 While Deidre has had the opportunity to work with a number of children across the year levels in our schoolā€™s garden, she has, over the past two years, devoted her time and commitment to leading, guiding and patiently teaching twenty five keen and interested Year 5/6 students, on  weekly basis, about endemic plant species and the skills of cutting, propagating, designing, seed collecting  and planting through the ā€˜Kaurna Food & Fibreā€™ project in 2022 and 2023.

Whilst it has been a tremendously long and productive 2-year journey, Deidreā€™s gentle nature and passion for visualising and planning around sustainable management of endemic plant species and their ecosystems on Kaurna country, has proven to be an invaluable educational experience for the Year 5/6 students, who one day, we hope, will be able to impart their knowledge and skills with those around them.

We would like to extend our deepest gratitude and appreciation for Deidreā€™s outstanding work in our schoolā€™s native garden and wish her well in her future endeavours as she continues to make a positive difference towards maintaining a healthy and sustainable environment.

End of Year Reminders

Parish Christmas Events

We are very lucky to be involved with a very welcoming and busy Parish Community. Below are some upcoming events with the Church that are being held over the weeks leading up to Christmas.

Parish Christmas Carols in the Courtyard

Sunday 17th December6pm - 9pmSacred Heart Church Courtyard**Bring own chairs and rugs **

Christmas Eve

Sunday 24th December6pmOur Lady of the Manger, Findon (Childrenā€™s Liturgy) **
7pmSacred Heart Church, Hindmarsh (Children's Liturgy) **

Sacred Heart Church, Hindmarsh (Carols at 11.30pm followed by Mass)

** Children are encouraged to dress in costumes appropriate to the season e.g. angels, shepherds, wise men/women- etc.**

šŸ‘• Lost Property

Still haven't found your missing hat, container or jumper? It might be in our Lost Property.

Our Lost Property is located on the left of the MacKillop Centre of Learning entrance. Be sure to have a look and hopefully you find what you're looking for. 

Any uniform items that remain after the last day of term will be added to the school's spare clothes collection. Any containers or other items will be donated to Vinnies.

2024 Documents - Please return to Front Office

Back to School Information

Yesterday our Back to School Information went home to families with your child's school report.

If you haven't done so already, please scan the QR codes or head to the digital form using the links below, to provide the school with valuable insights about your child, express interests in our instrumental tutoring and after school sports programs for the 2024 academic year.

Student Update Form

If you haven't already could you please return your child's 'Student Update Form' by Wednesday 13th December.

Please check the information and make any corrections that are necessary on the form. It is important that student records are kept up to date throughout the year. Should there be any change to address, contact, medical or access restriction details please advice the school as soon as possible.

School Fees

Please finalise your school fees by the end of this week unless you have a direct debit instalment arrangement in place. If you are unable to make payment or require an extension please contact Jo Puccetti accounts@sjsh.catholic.edu.au

2024 School Fees Information

Please return your 2024 Payment Plan Agreement Form and Direct Debit form (if thatā€™s your preferred method of payment). 

šŸ‘‰ Download your Seesaw Learning Journal

Don't miss a memory! Save your child's learning journal from Seesaw.

After the last day of term we will be archiving all classroom learning journals to get ready for 2024. 

Saving your memories is easy, click here and follow the steps

šŸ’¬ OSHC Communications

During Vacation Care, OSHC will continue using Audiri as their form of communications.

If you need to get in contact with the OSHC team you can reach them via phone or email.

šŸ“ž 0408 809 107
āœ‰ļø oshc@sjsh.catholic.edu.au

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year