School Newsletter

Edition 24: Term 2, Week 6

See you at International Day on 26th June!

What you'll find in this week's Newsletter:

  • From the Principal
    • Strength Switch Parenting Course - Advance Notice
    • Swimming R-3 Update
    • Lock-In Procedures
    • International Day - June 26
  • From the APRIM - Religious Education News
    • Mini Vinnies
    • Vinnies Winter Appeal
    • Children's University
  • Visible Wellbeing Project
    • Learning about Emotional management in Year 3/4
  • National Reconciliation Week
    • Video - We made a GIANT Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flag
    • Preschool - Reading 'Somebody's Land' by Adam Goode and Ellie Laing
    • Reception - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flags
    • Year 1/2 - Hibiscus Flowers 
    • Year 3/4 - Reading 'Sorry Sorry' by Ann Kerr
    • Year 5/6 - Exploring the significance of 'Country'
  • School News & Reminders
    • International Day Information
    • SAPSASA Footy Carnival
  • OSHC News
    • Vacation Care Program - July School Holidays
  • Parents & Friends News
    • P&F Meeting - New Date & Time

Diary Dates

 Term 2

Wednesday 12th June💬 P&F Meeting at 2.15pm
🎒 Transition Visit #3 in Preschool & Reception
Wednesday 19th June🎒 Transition Visit #4 in Preschool & Reception
Wednesday 26th June🌏 International Day
Friday 28th June🧤 Last day to collect Vinnies Winter Appeal donations
Friday 5th July⏰ Last day of Term 2, finish at 3.00pm
Monday 8th - 19th July😎 Vacation Care: July Holidays
Monday 22nd July🏫 First day of Term 3
Tuesday 20th August🗣 Session 1: Strength Switch Parenting Course
Tuesday 27th August🗣 Session 2: Strength Switch Parenting Course
Wednesday 4th September🗣 Session 3: Strength Switching Parenting Course

Term Dates

Term 2Tuesday 30th April - Friday 5th July
Term 3Monday 22nd July - Friday 27th September
Term 4Monday 14th October - Wednesday 11th December

From the Principal

Strength Switch Parenting Course – Advance Notice

We are very pleased to be able to offer this course FREE OF CHARGE to our families in Term 3 thanks to the receipt of a Parents in Education grant.  This series of workshops will help parents of any aged child to adopt or improve their strength-based parenting. A strengths-based approach to parenting has been linked to:

  • Increased wellbeing and life satisfaction
  • Improved grades and academic achievement
  • Lower rates of depression and anxiety
  • Increased parent satisfaction

This course, facilitated by Courtney Quigley, Visible Wellbeing Facilitator and Coach, will complement the whole school learning your child has been doing as a part of our Visible Wellbeing project. It has been developed by Professor Lea Waters, pioneer in the field of positive psychology and is based on her book ‘The Strength Switch’.

📅 The course will occur over three sessions here at school on

Session 1: August 20
Session 2: August 27 
Session 3: September 4

🕡 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. 

👉 Please get in early to secure your place at no cost! Book here.

Swimming R-3 Update

The current closure of the Thebarton swimming pool, along with the closure of the Adelaide Aquatic Centre, has had a significant impact on our ability to secure a booking/program for our R-3 swimming in Term 4. We will continue to try to secure our preferred program, however, we will not receive confirmation or otherwise until much later in the year. The four-day swimming program for Reception to Year 3 is a part of our yearly routine and provides an extracurricular activity that we know is valued by families, however it is not a part of the curriculum for primary students.

Lock-In Procedures

From time to time, we have cause to call a lock-in whilst we manage a situation that could potentially cause a threat or harm to those in our school community. Following such an event, I, or the leader in charge, will communicate with families to provide what information we can in order that you can know in advance of your child coming home for the day.

Following this communication, we often have families phone the school to find out if their child has been affected by whatever has occurred.  Whilst I understand that parents are concerned for their children when such a notice is received, I wish to assure our school families of the following -

  • Our lock-in procedure, and indeed our evacuation procedure, are well drilled. Our staff and students know what to do and can do what is required quickly and calmly.
  • In a lock-in situation, the procedure requires that students go into their own or the nearest classroom and follow instructions.  Teacher lock external and internal doors and office staff call each room to account for each student and adult. This process can take a little time and students know to be patient and to wait for the all-clear or for further instructions.
  • Generally, if something happens to your child in a situation like this, we will call you as soon as possible before we let everyone know that a lock down has occurred.
  • We believe it is important to act quickly to keep everyone safe, then we can lift the lock-in conditions once we understand the situation better and once we deem it safe to do so.

If you have any further questions about our procedures, please don’t hesitate to ask.

International Day - June 26

St Joseph’s School is a multicultural community, and we are very grateful for the many people who belong to our community and share with us their cultural and faith experience.  Engaging everyday with people whose cultural experience is not the same as our own helps us build empathy, cultural understanding, and respect as well as important skills of perspective taking and mindful communication.  This year, to help us celebrate the many different cultures that live, learn and play together at St Joseph’s School, we will be holding an International Day on Wednesday 26 June.

Families might like to take this opportunity to invite grandparents to this event as this will take the place of our annual Grandparents Day with a view to including our grandparents in our International Day festivities and giving them opportunity to celebrate the rich, diverse nature of our community. Students, parents, and grandparents are encouraged to dress in their national costumes or in the colour of the flags of their cultural or ancestral country. A parade will feature on the day, followed by a morning tea for visitors.  Our Parents and Friends group are currently arranging for a special lunch opportunity for students on the day. Please contact Andrea Boseley ( or Seva Maitianos ( if you can help to coordinate either the lunch for students or morning tea for visitors on the day.  We are reliant upon your contribution to help make this special day possible. Further details of the day to come!

Wishing you and your family a wonderful week.

Marianne Farrugia

Religious Education News

From the APRIM

Mini Vinnies

On Tuesday 28th May, Sandra our Minnie Vinnies representative joined our Minnie Vinnies meeting and bought little gifts with her. She presented each child with a prayer book and Ava led us in prayer to start our meeting. Sandra then presented each child with a beanie and told the children to wear their beanies with pride as leaders advocating for those in need. Then, the moment that everyone was waiting for, the presentation of the badges. The children eagerly put their badges on as a symbol of their leadership.


Sandra also helped us change our language “for the poor” to “people who are disadvantaged at this time”. Sandra explained that sometimes people need help for a short time depending on their circumstances such as losing their job. Rose prepared a beautiful pot with rosemary that Mayom presented to Sandra to thank her for supporting our Minnie Vinnies group. Sandra was extremely grateful and excited to receive such a thoughtful gift.

Vinnies Winter Appeal

This year, St Vincent de Paul Society are focusing on the issue of the working homeless. The lack of affordable housing and increased demand for rental properties in Australia means that even those working can’t afford a roof over their heads. As a result, more and more Australians are being forced into homelessness – ‘the working homeless’.

Meeting basic needs such as food, water and a place to sleep can be the most important daily priority for people experiencing homelessness.

Our school’s support of the Vinnies Winter Appeal will allow specialist homelessness services, Members and Volunteers on the frontline, to support people who are already, or at risk of experiencing homelessness, by providing access to practical and emotional supports

👉 Your child can take donations to their classroom. We will be collecting donations until week 9, Friday 28th June.

Children’s University

 On Tuesday the 4th of June Emma from Children’s University visited our school and invited the children to join in a lunchtime activity of Domino Dash. The children had a fun afternoon engaging with the domino challenge exploring cause and effect and patterns. Here is what the children thought of the activity:

It was a fun activity. It was trial and error. We made some mistakes but with patience and persistence we were able to be successful. 
- Nikolai and Abel

We made a dominoes golfing set. The dominoes knocked the ball into the hole. It was hard but it was worth it. 
- Hamish, Christian and Elliott

We rolled the ball on the ramp, and it pushed the dominoes to the other ball which went into the hole. It worked the first time. We were happy. 
- Mel and Lucas

We learnt that dominoes are very slippery, and they don’t stand up straight. It was lots of fun playing with our friends. It was a good Children’s University activity because we were excited that our challenge worked. Our second challenge worked better. This taught us to never give up.
- Bruk, Erin and Sofia


Visible Wellbeing Project

Learning about Emotional Management in Year 3/4

The 3/4 students have dived into their learning regarding emotional management. We began exploring all emotions and brainstormed how we could manage this emotion. The students then made flash cards for each of these emotions, one sided with a picture of the emotion and the other with a strategy how to manage that emotion. The cohort then began making an emotion strategy wedge. Lastly, we connected our emotions learning with the zones of regulation. For each zone we analysed what it would look like, feel like and sound like.

National Reconciliation Week

27th May - 3rd June

National Reconciliation Week

St Joseph’s, Hindmarsh celebrates ‘National Reconciliation Week.’

This year’s theme: ‘Now More Than Ever.’

“Now More Than Ever,’ we need to continue to build greater connection, we need to show greater respect, we need hope, and we need to work for positive change.

“Now More Than Ever’, we need to work towards a reconciled Australia. 

The week-long celebration is an important opportunity for all of us here at St Joseph’s School, to recognise, work together, engage in and more importantly, use our ‘voice’ to positively & actively celebrate ‘National Reconciliation Week’.

As a Catholic school community, we will continue to work together to join in the reconciliation effort to build a more united Australia.

Let’s walk through the door of a few classrooms to see how the children celebrated this very significant Indigenous event. Enjoy!

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Reading 'Somebody's Land' by Adam Goode and Ellie Laing in Preschool

To acknowledge National Reconciliation Week, we shared Somebody’s Land with both Preschool classes. The children shared their knowledge about the land we live on and how we can show belonging with the Kaurna people. 

The Preschool Blue group made paper people, showing how we all belong together on Kaurna Land, while the Preschool Gold group created Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags after discussing the meaning of each of the colours and sections of the flags. 

On Friday afternoon, Preschool Gold also had some fun singing songs with Uncle Tamaru, who also taught us a great new Acknowledgement of Country in Kaurna language.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flags in Reception

Hibiscus Flowers in Year 1/2

In Year 1/2 we learnt about the native hibiscus flower which is a symbol for Sorry Day. It can be found throughout the country & is able to survive in our harsh climate conditions, therefore the native hibiscus flower It is an important symbol to the Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander People as it represents resilience and strength.We used various mediums to decorate our hibiscus flowers including collage, oil pastels, soft pastels and paint.

Making our Hibiscus Flowers

Reading 'Sorry Sorry' by Ann Kerr in Years 3/4

Last week was Reconciliation Week, a time when we honor not only the rich cultural history and contributions of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples but also actively engage in initiatives promoting unity and mutual understanding. This time of reflection and learning reminds us of our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, furthering reconciliation in our country.

In our pursuit of a deeper understanding during this week, we read 'Sorry Sorry' by Anne Kerr. This powerful work of literature was selected as an invaluable resource to help us deepen our understanding and respect for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures. The book played an instrumental role in educating us about the nuances of these cultures and their importance.

Exploring the significance of 'Country' in Years 5/6

In Religious Education, our year 5/6 students have been exploring the significance of ‘country’ to Australia’s First Nations People. During National Reconciliation Week, they investigated the spiritual connection the First Nations people have with the land and everything it encompasses. Focusing specifically on Kaurna country, they began researching the culture and traditions of the Kaurna people and deepening their understanding that connection to country began during the Dreaming and continues today. 

School News & Reminders

International Day

St Joseph’s School International Day is not too far away!

📅 When: Wednesday, 26 June, 2024

🌏 Theme: ‘Celebrating Cultural Diversity~ Everyone belongs!’

We are very much looking forward to a wonderful celebration that reflects the ethnic diversity that makes St. Joseph’s Hindmarsh, so unique.

We welcome families within our school community to join us on this day to help celebrate cultural diversity and acceptance.

On this day, there will be a:

  • Morning Assembly
  • Cultural costume parade
  • International lunch menu
  • African performance

Stay tuned for further details in the next newsletter

We look forward to seeing you there!

SAPSASA Footy Carnival

Last week, Savva had an absolute blast at the SAPSASA footy carnival! He played his heart out, and the Western team scored big by winning two out of their three games. Go team!

OSHC & Vacation Care News

Vacation Care: July Holidays

✅ Bookings OPEN: Today!

📆 Vacation Care Dates
Open: Monday 8th July - Friday 19th July

🕘 Operating Hours
Monday to Friday, 7.30am - 6.00pm

💰 Cost per Child
$65 - IN Day

Childcare Subsidy will be applied for eligible families

🤔 How to Book into Vacation Care?

  • Collect your printed program and consent form from OSHC.
  • Make a booking for your child/ren using the SPIKE app
  • Return your signed consent form to OSHC. Please note bookings will not be accepted until the consent form has been returned.
  • Booking confirmation will be sent to families once the consent form has been received and bookings have been made via the SPIKE app.
  • 🤩 These holidays we have lots of FUN activities planned:

    🌈 Mon 8th July - Colour Run (Incursion)
    🫧 Tues 9th July - Marty McBubble (Incursion)
    🏰 Wed 10th July - Inflatable World (Excursion)
    🌏 Thurs 11th July - Culture Day (In Day)
    🎥 Fri 12th July - PJ & Movie Day (In Day)

    🏅 Mon 15th July - Sports Day at OSHC (In Day)
    🌱 Tues 16th July - Para Wirra (Excursion)
    ☃️ Wed 17th July - Winter Wonderland (In Day)
    🧪 Thurs 18th July - Nitro Nat (Incursion)
    🚲 Fri 19th July - Wheels Day (In Day)

    🆕 Using Vac Care for the first time?

    Families using our service for the first time will need to complete an OSHC Enrolment process before care can be provided or bookings accepted. Come and speak to someone on the OSHC Team to learn more.

    😊 If you have any questions please contact the OSHC team in person, via phone on 0408 809 107 or email 

    Parents & Friends News

    P&F Meeting - New Date & Time

    Please note that the date for our upcoming meeting has been changed. The new details are:

    📅 Wednesday, 12th June
    🕑 2:15 PM
    📍 Staff Room

    Additionally, with International Day approaching on 26th June, we are looking for 2-3 volunteers to assist for two hours during the day.

    We've been asked to advertise the following:

    Exciting news for all aspiring coders and tech enthusiasts!

    The Charles Sturt Library is thrilled to introduce Fiero Code, an innovative e-learning platform designed to turn you into a coding pro. Whether you're starting from scratch or looking to enhance your skills, Fiero Code offers a comprehensive curriculum in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, and more. It's gamified, self-paced, and perfect for all ages—from kids to adults. Access Fiero Code from home with your Library membership!

    It's gamified, self-paced, and perfect for ages 8 and up - kids and adults! Start your coding adventure today and unlock endless possibilities!

    Sign up for free now using your Email and library membership number.

    If you don’t have a library card already they can join online:

    The website to access Fiero Code is Digital library | City of Charles Sturt. You just need to make an account with Fiero Code and then you can get started.

    Happy coding!

    Did you know our Newsletter can be translated?

    Our eNewsletters have the ability to be translated into over 100 languages. 

    Follow these steps to have your Newsletter translated:

  • Open the Newsletter
  • Scroll to the bottom of the webpage
  • select the language in the drop down menu
  • It will automatically refresh and translate the Newsletter into the selected language
  • St Joseph's School Hindmarsh

    At St Joseph’s Hindmarsh, learning is co-constructed and dynamic.  Learners are encouraged to IMAGINEDISCOVER and CREATE and to make meaningful connections with their world.  

    As capable learners they are given opportunities to develop capabilities that build their confidence and skills to engage with the curriculum and ACHIEVE excellence.