Blaxland Public School

Term 4 Week 4

Thought for the Week

“Be the best version of yourself, not a copy of someone else”

Important Dates

Week 5

Tuesday 7 November

  • Touch Football Free Clinic K-6
  • Year 6 Fundraiser - Ice Block Day

Thursday 9 November

  • Miniroos Soccer After-School Program K-6
  • Years 3-6 Olympian Talk - 9:30am-10:30am
  • Aboriginal Education Awards - Springwood High School
  • Film by the Eucalypt

Week 6

Tuesday 14 November

  • P&C Meeting 7pm - Zoom

Wednesday 15 November

  • SRC Ice Cream Day

Thursday 16 November

  • Miniroos Soccer After-School Program K-6

Week 7

Tuesday 21 November 

  • Blue Mountains Public Speaking Finals - Winmalee Public School

Thursday 23 November

  • Miniroos Soccer After-School Program K-6

Friday 24 November

  • Year 6 Fun Day

Message from Mrs Ellis

This week, I had the pleasure of attending the Lower Blue Mountains Rotary Awards night in recognition of a student who has made a consistent contribution to the school culture. Congratulations Niah! Your leadership qualities in the school, reliability in completing tasks and extra responsibilities, support and encouragement of others, respect for teachers and students and your diligent approach to learning and a desire to strive to be best version of yourself makes you a well-deserved recipient of this award. 

K-6 Assembly

This week, 3/4H performed The Gruffalo at the K-6 Assembly. Congratulations 3/4H and Mrs Lowcock. Your performance was very entertaining and showcased the hard work that you have been working on with Mrs Lowcock.

Tim Harris- Author Visit

This week, Tim Harris visited Blaxland Public School and spent some time with the students in the library sharing his journey in becoming an author and the tools and processes required for writing and publishing books. Tim Harris is the award- winning bestselling author of many laugh out loud series for kids including Ratbags, Mr Bambuckle’s Remarkables, Toffle Towers and Exploding Endings. Tim was Mr DeMattias teacher in Year 5!

School Bytes

The school has now moved to the School Bytes platform for parent payments. There is a parent portal app that you can install on your device to make it easier for you to make payments. 

Swimming Scheme

This week, Blaxland PS students in Years 2-6 have had the opportunity to participate in the NSW Department of Education School Swimming Scheme at Glenbrook Pool. In a short time, all students have achieved their personal goals and acted upon the feedback given to them in each lesson. The swimming teachers were so impressed with our school and commented to the Blaxland Public School staff each day about how amazing our school is at listening to and following instructions.


Blaxland High School Year 7 2024 - Orientation Day

The Blaxland High School Orientation Day is taking place on November 28th 2023 for Year 7 students attending BHS in 2024. 

Kindly see the attached notes for more information.


SRC News

Blaxland’s Got Talent

In the last week of term, the SRC is running a school talent quest. Students are busily co-ordinating their acts and are asked to ‘sign up’ by filing in their details on the sheets attached to the windows of Mrs Cooke’s room.

Acts could include singing, dancing, comedy, skits and music performances.

Students who have indicated their interest will be given an audition time. These auditions will be held during recess and lunch times throughout Weeks 6, 7 and 8. Students will need to be prepared for their performance accordingly. This includes any props required, including instruments. Costumes are NOT required at this stage. Students will need to know the name of their song so that it can easily be found on YouTube. Please ensure lyrics are school appropriate.

Ice Cream Day

Due to the surplus from our Community Fun Day, the SRC will be holding an Ice Cream day in Week 6 - Wednesday 15th November.

Ice creams will include: Paddle Pops, Magnums, Connoisseurs, Live Savers Iceblocks.

Prices to be advised next week.

Lego and Drawing Club

Our Monday lunchtime activities have continued to be popular this term. All students are welcome to come along and relax and create!

Coming Soon!!!!

Craft Club….do you like using bibs and bobs to create interesting things? We will be starting a craft club during a lunchtime each week. More news about this exciting new activity will be released soon.

I Hear You

The talking and listening group is a chance for students to chat about issues that concern them. Many children feel that they are not ‘heard’ and just need to be given an opportunity to talk, bounce ideas off others and be reassured by the responses they receive. The ‘I Hear You’ group meets each Wednesday at recess in Mrs Cooke’s room.

Until next time,

Mrs Cooke & the SRC 

Olympics Unleashed – Jasmine Locke

Jasmine Locke is connecting with Years 3-6 students at Blaxland Public School on 9/11/2023 at 9:30 AM as part of the Olympics Unleashed program.

Olympics Unleashed connects athletes with schools across the country to inspire students to find and follow their passion and provide lessons in goal setting, overcoming challenges and developing resilience.


Jasmine Locke will be drawing on their Olympic journey and overcoming challenges to compete in their chosen sport at the highest level to help inspire the students at Blaxland Public School to be the best they can be – whether that’s in school, at home, on the sporting field or with friends.

For more information on Olympics Unleashed visit

Red Cross Pillowcase Project

P&C News

Throughout the year the P&C organise fundraising events. This year, the profits raised from our events will go back into the school to help fund updating and adding to the playground markings.

Thank you to the BPS families, students, and staff for supporting our fundraising events.

Contact The P&C

Message the P&C through the Blaxland Public School Families Facebook page


In The Garden

I wish to thank the new families for coming along to our garden club, many hands make light work and there is always a lot of work to do in the garden. The school garden is looking beautiful at the moment. We encourage everyone to wander around the garden and check out what is growing.

Come and join us on Monday afternoon 2:30 - 3pm for GARDEN CLUB with the amazing Theresa.

Student Travel Term 4 Information - Opal Cards

A Calendar of School Excursions and Events

We have two calendars available to view our School Excursions and Events that are happening throughout the year.

For all notes sent home, please see either the School Website or SkoolBag.


To find the Events Calendar in SkoolBag:

  • Click our School Emblem - found under My Schools & Services.
  • In the blue bar at the bottom of the screen click Events.

School Website

For upcoming excursions and events on the School Website, they can be found either at the bottom of the Home page or on the Events page

School Planner 2024


Student Awards - Term 4 Week 4

Silver Awards

  • Xavier
  • Grace

Assistant Principal Awards

  • Jack
  • Hume
  • Cora
  • Xavier
  • Maddie
  • Aria

Awards for Attitude, Commitment and Effort Awards (ACE)

  • Beatrice
  • Elsie
  • Eli
  • Bella
  • Chloe

Merit Awards


  • Patrick
  • Marcus


  • Arthur
  • Ava


  • Sophie
  • Zoe


  • Jack
  • Josie


  • Wolfie
  • Michael


  • Oliver
  • Abby

Thank you to the generosity of the local Box Divvy organisation for their donations of fruit and vegetables every fortnight. We greatly support your generosity. If interested, click on the website link to find out more information about Box Divvy.

Box Divvy Blaxland currently have 5 available spaces, join the community food hub and start saving money!

Blaxland Public School Proudly sponsored by