Dear Parents and Community Members,
Welcome to the 2024 School Year
It is with great pleasure that I write to you following my short personal leave at the end of last year. It has been such a pleasure to reconnect with many families and thank you for your concern for me. I want to reassure that I am doing okay, and I am very excited to be back and do what I love.
We have had a great start to the school year with children settling quickly and excited to be back at school.
I would like to welcome our 57 new Reception with both existing and new families, joining our other 28 Reception who commenced in Term 3 last year. I would like to also welcome new children and their families in other year levels who have joined us from other schools:
· Year 1 Evan D, Ivy G, Miranda C, Logan M
· Year 2 Freddie H
· Year 4 Jaxon J
Welcome to our new staff
This year we welcome:
· Bianca Holler (Transition teacher) - Fridays
· Hannah Dalidowicz (Reception Teacher) - Full-time
· Maree Conte (Year 1) - Full-time
· Kelsey George (Year 4 Teacher) - Thursdays and Fridays
· David Monti (Year 5 teacher) - Full-time
· Matthew Hiern (Year 6 teacher) - Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays
· Bethany Gibbons (Performing Arts Teacher) - Thursdays
· Pauline Tirimacco – Finance Officer
· Hannah Davies – Library ESO – Thursdays and Fridays
· Anne-Marie Kennedy (Admin/Curriculum ESO)
Masterplan Update
Over the holidays, most of Stage 1B of the Masterplan was completed with only a few jobs to finalise. We have moved in our new Canteen, Library, Performing Arts Room, Instrumental Rooms, Science Room, Staffroom and new office areas which include a new First Aid Room.
This means that the Tenison Building which housed the old canteen, old toilets and 4 classrooms is now obsolete ready for demolition sometime later this year as part of Stage 2 of the Masterplan. Stage 2 is all about creating more play space for the children and planning is underway.
School Captains and Performing Arts Leaders
At Whitefriars Catholic School, children who demonstrate caring leadership qualities in Year 4 and 5 are named by all staff throughout the two years. All staff vote for the 8 captains which includes one boy and one girl from each House Team.
At our first assembly this year, we presented the Year 6 senior students to the school community, and they received the Year 6 Jumpers and we also presented to the School Community the 2024 School House Captains:
Patrick Team: Greyson E (6C) and Zoe H (6LH)
Tenison Team: Biong A (6GH) and Daisy P (6LH)
MacKillop Team: David J (6C) and Stella R (6C)
Joseph Team: Eithen J (6C) and Amelia O (6LH)
We also presented our 2024 Performing Arts Leaders:
6LH Ivana C, Elmira S, Ben H
6C Bethany S, Nicolas C
6GH Jacqueline N, Yshmael A, Parker B
Congratulations to all our children who have been selected in these formal leadership roles.
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Our Annual General Meeting reporting on the 2023 school year will be held on Wednesday the 21st of February 7-9pm in our new staffroom.
Each year at the Annual General Meeting we farewell School Board members who are ending their time on the School Board and welcome new School Board Members.
During the year our School Board meets eight times a year in Weeks 3 and 8 of each term on a Wednesday from 7pm to 9pm.
If you would like to join the School Board, please see attached ‘School Board Nomination Form’.
Thank you for being a caring school community and look forward catching up with you in the yard.
Kind Regards
Frank Congedi
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School Board Nomination FormDownload |
With the return to learning for all students, we wish to remind families of the road safety measures that help keep all members of our community safe.
Parking Zones around the school are put in place to ensure pedestrian safety. Children
are in danger near schools because:
• Their small size makes it hard for drivers to see them between traffic, parked cars, stobie poles and other obstacles.
• They are easily distracted and may not be aware of traffic.
• They may suddenly run onto the road - e.g. to meet a parent.
Some road rules you particularly need to be aware of are:
• You must not stop in a No Stopping Zone, even for a few seconds to pick up your child.
• You may stop in a No Parking Zone / Kiss & Drop Zone for 2 minutes only to pick up a child who is already waiting nearby. You must not linger in this zone in wait, park, or leave the vehicle.
• You must not Double Park, or stop in the line of traffic, to pick up or drop off a child.
• You must not stop within 20 metres before a crossing or 10 metres after a crossing.
• You must not stop within 10 metres of an intersection or junction without traffic lights.
In addition to the information above, as provided by City of Charles Sturt, Whitefriars would further wish to request that drivers please be mindful of our neighbours in:
• Not pulling into, or parking across driveways or no standing zones.
• Not making U Turns at busy pick up/drop off times. This obstructs the flow of traffic and may endanger children crossing the road. Please drive around the block.
Please be mindful of your own behaviour around schools, whether in relation to where you park or the respect shown to those trying to ensure pedestrian safety - you are our children’s greatest role model.
I would like to welcome all of our students, families and friends to the 2024 school year. I hope everyone had a wonderful break, enjoying the warm weather and having some quality family time. This year promises to be another busy year full of learning, having fun and continuing to make memories.
A warm welcome to all our new students and families who have joined Whitefriars for the first time – may you always feel loved and welcomed, and we look forward to sharing in your Catholic Education with us.
A Prayer for the New School Year
Dear God,
Our creator, our saviour, our companion, bless this journey of a new school year that we had undertaken this week.
We welcome those who are new to this community and ask that you strengthen them to share the wonderful gifts you have given them.
Allow us to experience Your presence in the many blessings You put before us.
Open our eyes to the new challenges and exciting opportunities that this new school year brings.
Open our heart and mind to new friends and new teachers.
Give us a generous spirit to be enthusiastic with our studies and courage to accept new opportunities.
Help us to be attentive to one another and let us experience Your presence in our new friends.
Jesus, inspire us to do our best, to flourish and excel in all that we do.
Community Prayer in Term 1
Community Prayer will continue to be held on Monday mornings in the Mary MacKillop Hall from 8:45am once the bell has gone.
We invite all students and their families to make your way over to the hall to join together in prayer.
Each year level unit will lead one Community Prayer each term. The roster for Term 1 is as follows:
Week 3 – 12th February – Led by Year 3 Unit
Week 4 – 19th February – led by Year 4 Unit
Week 5 – 26th February – led by Leadership Team
Week 6 – 4th March – led by Year 2 unit
Week 7 – 11th March – No Community Prayer – Adelaide Cup Day
Week 8 – 18th March – led by Year 6 Unit
Week 9 – 25th March – led by Reception Unit
Week 10 – 1st April - No Community Prayer – Easter Monday
Week 11 – 8th April – led by Year 5
Class Masses in Term 1
This term the Year 3, Year 4 and Year 6 classes will participate in a Parish Mass, and our Year 5 unit will lead our Whole School Mass for St. Joseph’s Day. Our Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 classes will prepare a unit liturgy (times and dates to be confirmed.) Parish Masses are held on Friday mornings in the Mater Dei church beginning at 9:15am. Our classes attend Mass and are involved in sharing the readings, choosing songs to sing, and running the Powerpoint. All families, grandparents and friends are invited to attend Mass – and your child can either sit with you, or you are welcome to come and sit with them within their class, or in the pew behind their class.
The timetable for Parish Masses we will attend this term are:
Week 5 – 1st March – Year 4 Unit
Week 6 – 8th March – Year 3 Unit
Week 7 – 15th March – Year 6 Unit
Upcoming Whole School Celebrations –
This term will be busy with regards to whole school celebrations as we participate in Lent, in preparation for Easter with Holy Week occurring in Week 9 of this term.
In Week 3 – Shrove Tuesday
- On Tuesday the 13th of February we are celebrating Shrove Tuesday. I will be cooking pancakes for students and parents on the school BBQ.
- The pancake batter ingredients that will be used are: self-raising flour, milk, salt, and eggs. Children will be asked to bring in their own individual toppings on the day (please avoid peanut butter/nutella due to nut allergies), and I will supply a compostable plate, and cutlery.
- Children who have been identified as having an allergy to milk, egg or gluten will be supplied with a pancake (as per last year) that uses the following ingredients (gluten free flour, bi-carb soda, baking powder, salt, sugar, water and vegetable oil). I will be in contact with parents of these students.
- Before school – parents are welcome to come and receive a pancake (butter, jam, cream and maple syrup will be provided). A Project Compassion box will be available if you wish to make a donation.
- I will be cooking the pancakes on the BBQ, however I am after some parent support – if you have a current police clearance and would be free to assist making pancake batter, or cooking on the day please let me know either personally, via email ( or by letting the office staff know. Cooking will begin around 7:30/8am and should be finished by approximately lunchtime – any time you can give would be greatly appreciated.
Ash Wednesday
- On Wednesday the 14th of February we will celebrate Ash Wednesday by having a Whole School Mass in the Mary MacKillop Hall at 11:45am. All parents, and grandparents are welcome to attend.
- Ash Wednesday is one of the most important holy days in the liturgical calendar and symbolises the beginning of Lent. The Season of Lent is a season of penance, reflection, and fasting which prepares us for Christ's Resurrection on Easter Sunday, through which we attain redemption. Ash Wednesday occurs 46 days before Easter Sunday, and is chiefly observed by Catholics, although many other Christians observe it too.
- During our Mass – all attendees are invited to come forward to receive the ashes, however this is not expected of those who are not of a Catholic/Christian faith. Please have a chat with your children about the significance of this celebration, and if you would like your child to receive the ashes then inform them then when invited during Mass/liturgy to come forward.
- If you have any queries or concerns regarding the receiving of the ashes then please do not hesitate to contact me.
In Week 8
- Tuesday 19th March – Whole School Mass in Mary Mackillop Hall (led by Year 5 Unit) – time to be confirmed
In Week 9
- We will celebrating Holy Week during Week 9 this term with a Whole School Liturgy acknowledging the main events of the final week of Jesus’ life – which will also incorporate the Stations of the Cross. More details to follow in future newsletters.
I hope everyone has a wonderful start to the 2024 school year, and I look forward to working in partnership with you this year, as we encourage and support your children to flourish in all that they wish to achieve.
Reception Unit
Last week we welcomed the new Reception students into the Whitefriars Community. It was a busy week getting to know our teachers, new class mates, learning new routines and navigating the school yard.
Coming together to have a Teddy Bears Picnic was a great way to celebrate the end of our first week of school.
Each year we have over 100 registered volunteers who help our school in so many different ways, contributing to our school and supporting children and staff. Registered volunteers contribute to the school community in just some of the following ways:
All volunteers are required to obtain appropriate clearances, including a Department of Human Services (DHS) Clearance and Catholic Clearance.
Once submitted, clearances may take up to 6 weeks to process.
When you receive your clearance or card please bring this into the office for us to update to the Volunteer Register.
If you would like to volunteer, please see staff in the front office for a Volunteer Information Pack and support in registering as a volunteer.
Please see below for current volunteers wanted in our school.
Whitefriars will be hosting a ThinkUKnow presentation on Tuesday 13th February and all parents, carers and teachers are encouraged to attend.
ThinkUKnow Australia is an evidence based education program delivered nationally to prevent online child sexual exploitation.
ThinkUKnow Australia is a partnership between the Australian Federal Police, Microsoft Australia, Datacom and the Commonwealth Bank of Australia. The program is delivered in collaboration with policing partners New South Wales Police Force, Northern Territory Police, Queensland Police, South Australia Police, Tasmania Police, Western Australia Police, as well as Neighbourhood Watch Australasia.
The presentation will be delivered by a local law enforcement member and an industry volunteer. The presentation is pro-technology and addresses topics including self-generated child abuse material, online grooming, sexual extortion, and importantly encourages help seeking behaviour.
This is a fantastic opportunity for you to learn more about young people and the online environment, and how you can help them to be safe and responsible users of technology.
For more information, you can visit or contact Mr Frank Congedi or Catia Frasca.
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Student - Extended Leave FormDownload |
If you child/children will not be attending school for an extended time (more than 5 days) please complete the above form and return to the Front Office in advance.
Please note a form must be completed for each child.
Thank you
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OHSC - Enrolment InstructionsDownload |
In All Things Kindness
Principal: Frank Congedi
Deputy Principal: Catia Frasca
APRIM: Joshua Page
OSHC & Vacation Care:
YMCA: 8200 2516
OHSC: 459 988 149 (only in opening hours)
Croydon Park Parish Office: 8346 0944
We acknowledge and pay our respect to the Kaurna people as the traditional owners of the land of Mikawomma on which Whitefriars Catholic School is located. We come with open hearts and minds to listen and learn from Elders - past, present and emerging.