Dear Parents and Caregivers,
School Photos
School photos will be on Friday 12th May (week 4) for all classes. Please ensure Prep - year 10 students are in formal uniform. Kindy students do not wear a uniform. If you would like your child to have an individual photo, please message/email Mrs Romaso-Daimol or come into the office -
High School Parent Meeting
Thank you to the high school parents / carers from years 8 and 10 who attended our meeting. It was good to have almost every parent in attendance. If parents would like further information on the topics discussed, please contact your child's teacher.
Parents / carers are reminded that the morning bell goes at 8.10am. All students should be at school ready to start the day by 8.00am. Recently we have had instances of lateness from students residing in both Townsite and outside. Lateness disrupts learning and should only occur in exceptional circumstances.
Screen Time
Many parents are concerned about the amount of screen time their children have on various devices. Recent studies have outlined several detrimental effects that too much screen time can have on children and adolescents. The Australian Institute for Family Studies screen time guidelines recommend:
- no screen time for children younger than two years
- no more than one hour per day for children aged 2–5 years
- no more than two hours of sedentary recreational screen time per day for children and young people aged 5–17 years (not including schoolwork).
The links below in the Toksave have more information on the guidelines and the effects of too much screen time.
LIS PNG Independence Celebrations 2023
Thanks to those parents who attended the initial meeting last term. The next meeting will be advised by the committee once a date has been confirmed.
Mr Greg Neville