Drummoyne Public School

Term 1 Week 6 Newsletter - Friday 7 March 2025


Dear Drummoyne PS Community,

Celebrating Pride Month & International Women’s Day

This month, the Department of Education is recognising and celebrating Pride Month, reaffirming its commitment to diversity and inclusion. It’s wonderful to be part of an organisation that publicly supports and celebrates difference, helping to lead the way toward a more inclusive and accepting future for our students and school communities. At Drummoyne Public School, we are fortunate to be part of a diverse community and we deeply appreciate your ongoing support in making our school a welcoming and inclusive place for all.

Today, we also celebrated International Women’s Day (Saturday 8 March), recognising the incredible contributions of women in our families, school and the wider community. Like many of you, almost all the teachers I had throughout school were women and the same has been true in my career. I’ve been lucky to work alongside so many talented, dedicated and inspiring female colleagues who have influenced the educator and principal I am today. On a personal note, I have been profoundly shaped by the care, strength and resilience of the women in my family - my mother, who came to Australia as a refugee from Vietnam and worked tirelessly to build a better future for me and my sister; my sister, who is about to embark on the journey of motherhood herself as she prepares to welcome her own daughter; my partner, who somehow manages to keep me organised (and in line!) while juggling everything else in our family’s life; and my own daughters, who remind me every day of the bright future ahead and the importance of fostering equality and opportunity for the next generation.

To mark Pride Month and International Women’s Day, our school hosted a morning tea for staff today which was a wonderful opportunity for us to come together and celebrate the incredible women in our lives and the diversity of our community. I hope you are also able to take some time to reflect and celebrate, either on Saturday or throughout the remainder of the month. 

Zone Swimming Carnival Success

I was lucky enough to attend the Zone Swimming Carnival for a little while last week and was incredibly proud to see our swimmers (in their new Drummoyne PS swimming caps!) giving their best and representing our school with such pride. Congratulations to all our swimmers and best of luck to Olivia D, Nick Y, Adem Y, James W, Jake L and Will H who will be representing Drummoyne and the Inner West PSSA at the Regional Carnival at Sydney Olympic Park on Monday.

Ramadan Mubarak

To all in our school community observing Ramadan, we recognise this important time of reflection, prayer and kindness. Wishing you and your families a peaceful and blessed month - Ramadan Mubarak!


John Nguyen


E: john.nguyen34@det.n​sw.edu.au 

Upcoming Events

Term 1 2025
Monday 2nd half lunch11.50am Stage 1 Choir with Ms Buchanan

8.30am Recorder Ensemble with Ms Sole

11.50am Ukulele Club with Ms Sole & Mr Neufeld

Nude food Day - Please food for your child with no disposable packaging

Thursday Mornings

8.30am Stage 2 choir with Ms Champion

8.30am Stage 3 Choir with Ms Xenos & Ms Cantlay

Week 7

12-24 March

NAPLAN for all students in years 3 & 5
Friday 14 MarchPSSA Gala Day #2

Week 8

17 March

Stage 1 Kaleidoscope Science incursion

18 March

2.35pm Years 1-6 Assembly - Swimming Carnival Ribbons being presented

7.30pm P&C AGM meeting

Friday 21 MarchHarmony Day
Friday 28 MarchWhole School Photo Day
Tuesday 1 April2.35pm Years 1-6 Assembly hosted by our prefects
Friday 11 AprilLast Day of Term 1

Term 2

Wednesday 30 April

First day of Term 2 for students
Friday 2 MayKindy & Stage 1 Excursion to Riverside Theatre
Friday 9 MayCross Country Carnival
19-23 MayHealthy Harold visiting the school
23 JuneSports and other groups photo day
25-27 JuneStage 3 Canberra Excursion
25 JuneKindy Calmsley Hill Farm Excursion 


Leadership Training Day 2025

Last Friday 28 February, 33 student leaders met to learn more about what leadership means at Drummoyne Public School. Those students included our 2025 Year 6 Prefects and each of the newly elected Student Government representatives from each class in Years 1 to Year 6.

The day was highly successful as students engaged in collaborative activities and workshops lead by the Year 6 Leaders. The workshops focused on communication, problem solving and collaboration. Our Year 6 Prefects dis an outstanding job of organising and coordinating each workshop.

The leadership team worked on brainstorming practical solutions to improve everyday aspects of Drummoyne Public School such as how to save water, how to save energy, and improvements to the school playground. Their collaborative efforts are displayed near the Front Office hallway for the school to see.

Other activities included communication games and challenges that encouraged the students to work as a team to find solutions and reach a consensus. It was great to see so many happy and engaged students excited about the difference they can make for our school and their peers.

Our new Student Government will be meeting formally for the first time on Thursday, Week 7 to begin applying their new leadership skills to make Drummoyne Public School an even better place to learn and grow.

Stay tuned!

Mr James Roche and Ms Sam Davis

Student Government Coordinators

Clean Up Australia Day - Reflection

Last Friday the entire school participated in Clean Up DPS Day.

Our eight Environmental leaders split up into six sections across the school and on South Street helping students collect rubbish. Year 6 students led by Evin, walked the outside perimeter of the school starting from South Street. 

 In total we collected nine bags of rubbish and seven bags of recycling. The most rubbish was collected on South Street and the least amount of rubbish collected was from the North Playground.

Clean Up DPS Day was initiated last year and this year’s Environmental leaders are hoping that we can have it on every term.

In conclusion this term’s Clean Up DPS Day was very successful and we hope to have one like it again next term.

 By Tom S on behalf of the other Environmental Leaders - Auley, Evin, Mackenzie, Micha, Ruby and Sam

Connecting to Country – K/1W

Class K/1W have enjoyed reading Welcome to Country by Aunty Joy Murphy and Lisa Kennedy. We have been learning about how our First Nations People connect to Country and how we can connect to our own Country - Drummoyne Public School.

We took the time to sit outside and connect with Country, feeling the sunshine on our hands, the wind blowing in our hair, listening to the crows and rainbow lorikeets, and looking at our beautiful Australian native trees that provide the shade we need to stay sun-safe.

Back in the classroom, we described our surroundings using adjectives before creating beautiful artworks using printing techniques and drawing. We also collected fallen leaves and sand to add texture to our collages. We are learning to respect our school and our Country.

Suzy Sole

CAPA & K/1W teacher


Principal's Awards and Principal's Badges

Students receive values certificates from their teachers throughout the year for demonstrating our values of Respect, Responsibility & Resilience

Once a student receives 5 values certificates, they are able to trade them in at the school office for a Principal's Award.  The 5 values certificates can be a combination of the 3 school values and come from any year the student has been at DPS.

Once the student has received 3 Principal's Awards, they can bring them to the school office and choose their Principal's Badge from one of the 3 values.  

Principal's Awards

Respect awards - Rawson says congratulations to:
  • Havana F - 1/2P
  • Thomas S - 3/4A
  • Torsten U - 3/4C
  • Charles H - 5/6O
Responsibility awards - Monty says congratulations to:
  • Alex T - 1/2A
  • Maya S - 1/2M
  • Jonny E - 1/2P
  • Jon H - 1/2W
  • Sienna U - 3/4X

Resilience awards - Bretty says congratulations to:

  • Layla Z - 1/2M
  • Alfa A - 1/2P
  • Ellie T - 3/4A
  • Sophie S - 3/4R
  • Rafi B - 5/6C
  • Diego S - 5/6C
  • Isaac N - 5/6O
  • Micha I - 5/6P

Principal's Badges

Mr Nguyen says congratulations to:

  •  Astrid L - 3/4R - Respect
  • Nicky P - 3/4R - Respect
  • Rafi B - 5/6C - Respect
  • Micha I - 5/6P - Respect
  • Thomas S - 3/4A - Responsibility
  • Torsten U - 3/4C - Responsibility
  • Sophie S - 3/4R - Responsibility

Assembly this week was hosted by our prefects

Positive Behaviours for Leaning (PBL) Tokens

Tokens are handed out to students who demonstrate our school values of Respect, Responsibility, and Resilience. Students post the tokens in the collection tubes divided by house teams. The tokens are counted at the end of each week, and the ongoing totals are displayed on our school notice board outside the office.

Term 1 Week 6 House Points


Harmony Day

Harmony Day at Drummoyne Public School will be celebrated on Friday 21 March.

Harmony Day is a day to recognise and reflect upon the diversity and the cultural backgrounds of our school. It is a day that promotes inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone.

Students at Drummoyne Public can join the celebration by wearing something orange or wearing the national dress of their cultural background.

Please help keep the Drummoyne Public school community a place where everyone belongs this, Harmony Day!

Tuesdays @ DPS are Nude Food Days

In an effort to reduce the amount of landfill the Environmental Leaders would like to re-ignite Nude Food each Tuesday.

Student leaders will be checking in with their classmates at eating time and the start of recess to record who has brought food that is not in packaging (something they have to throw out).

Please support your child(ren) to bring a Nude lunch and recess each Tuesday. This will go a long way to help reduce the landfill waste at DPS.

Michelle O'Dowd

Assistant Principal



Congratulations to Owen C and Lachlan S who have been selected to participate in the Sydney East PSSA Regional AFL Championships next Tuesday, 11 March 2025 at Wagener Oval. We wish them good luck!

Leah Pegler

Stage 3 Class Teacher & Sports Coordinator

Swimming Carnival Results

Please open the attachment below for a list of our place getters and Age Champions for our 2025 DPS swimming carnival that was held on Tuesday 18th February. 

Ribbons and Age Champion trophies will be given out at the Wk 8 Assembly - Tuesday 18th March.

Good luck to the students who will be representing DPS & IWPSSA at the Sydney East swimming carnival next Monday.

Amanda Champion

Sports Coordinator


Zone Swimming Carnival student recount

The Zone swimming carnival, which was held in Week 5 at Ashfield Pool, was a massive success. Drummoyne had 27 students competing and although we didn't win any shields, we all tried our best to represent our school well knowing everyone was counting on us to win our races. Thank you to Mrs Pegler and Ms Champion for all their work for this carnival.

The Regionals swimming competition at Sydney Olympic Park, Homebush is on the 10 March. Congratulations to Jake Luciano, James Worden, Will Howard and Adem Yavuz who are competing in the Senior Boys relay. Olivia Doughman will be swimming in the 50 metres freestyle, backstroke and breaststroke. Nick Young will be competing in the 50 metre freestyle.

We wish them well at the next level of competition.

James and Jake 5/6O


Dragon Adventures!

At the start of the year, I asked Lucy and Gemma, two of our amazing and creative staff members, if they had any ideas for a library display. Well, of course they did!

Over the last few weeks, they have been working hard to bring this amazing library dragon to life. The dragon’s body is made up of over 420 scales that have been decorated by all our students and today they are adding some 3D legs and horns!

Our dragon is nearly complete, but still doesn’t have a name, so next week, students can take part in our name the dragon competition! Stay tuned to find out what our dragon will be called!

Joe Neufeld

Teacher Librarian

Scholastic Book Club

Book Club has arrived! Look out for your copy of Book Club coming home in your child's schoolbag! It's packed with hundreds of books from just $3 to help you on your child's reading journey. Click the below link to see a preview of the latest catalogue.


Please order via the Scholastic Book Club LOOP. Instructions are attached below.

Book Club Ordering Instructions



Ukulele Group Update!

Our first ukulele session was a great success! The students had a fantastic time strumming along and learning their first chords. It was wonderful to see their enthusiasm and teamwork as they played together.

Ms Sole & Mr Neufeld


Expression of Interest for Year 6 to Year 7 transition - portal now open!

Information for Year 6 Parents

In NSW Government schools, moving from primary school to high school is called the 'Year 6 to Year 7 transition'.

If you would like your child to attend a government high school in 2026, you will need to complete an online expression of interest for Year 6 to 7 transition. The expression of interest lets you indicate which school(s) you would like your child to attend in Year 7. After you submit this expression of interest and it has been assessed, your child will be offered a place at a government high school. 

The EOI process is now available online. Applications opened on  Monday 3 March and close on Friday 28 March 2025

If your child will not be attending a NSW Government high school next year, please let us know by completing the online Placement Not Required form.

If you are unsure whether they will be attending a NSW Government school (you’ve applied for a private school, or you are moving interstate), we ask that you still complete an EOI and follow up with your school once a decision has been made.

The online process will guide you through your options and collect the information required to make the process as smooth as possible.

All year 6 families are asked to complete an EOI or a PNR application for their child.

For parents/carers who are not able to complete an application online, a paper EOI form can be collected from the school office.

For more information about moving to high school and to apply online, visit Moving into high school EOI

Leigh Russ

Assistant Principal


Stage 2 Structures

Stage 2 have been using divergent thinking skills to solve problems. Here, they have collaborated to build structures using natural debris from around the school grounds.


School Photo Day - Order online now

Our School Photo Day this year will be held on Friday, 28th March and we’re excited to announce that the ordering process will be completely paperless! Parents can easily order their child’s photos online by following the link below or scanning the QR code attached. Sibling photos can also be ordered through this same system.




Special Group photos will be taken later in the year and ordering for these will be handled separately.

If you prefer to pay with cash, please feel free to collect an ordering envelope from the office prior to Photo Day.

If you would like your children to have a sibling photo you can select this option on page 3 of the online ordering system.

Important information if your child travels to school by bus?

From 24 February to 21 March 2025 Transport for NSW will be focusing on school student Opal tap data to help plan better bus services. It’s vital that your child remembers to tap on and tap off their Student or Child/Youth Opal card during this time – and every time they travel by bus.   

Why is tapping on and off on the bus important? The use of Opal cards is the primary way bus operators and Transport for NSW analyse demand for bus services. When students don’t use their Opal cards, their trip is not recorded. Therefore, buses may appear underutilised. Tapping on and off provides better data to plan better bus services.

How can you help? Please remind your child to tap on and off and ensure your child has a valid Opal card (either a School or Child/Youth Opal card) and remind them to tap on and tap off on every trip.

To apply for a school Opal card, visit https://transportnsw.info/school-travel-apply.  Students may see onboard bus posters and Busways Community Relation Officers at afternoon loadings.  Together let’s get students into good habits of tapping on and tapping off with their Opal card. 


P&C Easter raffle - Tickets going home next week

P&C AGM - Save the date

An important part of next month's meeting will be the election of the 2025 P&C executive, as all positions will be declared vacant. This is an excellent opportunity to become involved at the start of the year with our P&C executive and team.

The P&C AGM will be held on Tuesday 18th March from 7.30pm in the Library. We hope you can plan to join us.

P&C Roles needed at 18 March AGM

Vice President (Canteen) Role

If you'd like to have a say in how our school canteen runs, consider taking on the role of Vice President in charge of canteen. As the contact person for our two paid canteen staff members, you will bring canteen feedback and ideas on menu and pricing to the P&C meetings, and report on the canteen budget with the help of our Treasurer. The P&C would like to invite anyone interested in being in charge of canteen to come and have a chat! Dee Elalingam has held the role for three years and wishes to step back. The role can be done remotely, you are not required to be in the actual canteen.

Secretary Role

If you're organised, would like to contribute to the school but are not available in working hours, this role is a great way to be involved in P&C! Run our monthly meetings, take minutes, distribute notes and follow up action items each month. Tim Counter has held the role for three years and wishes to step back. 

For anyone who has been wondering what roles are available and what is involved, please click the below attachment to read. Any more questions? Please get in touch with:

P&C Committee

P&C Role Descriptions


Contact our P&C

Please follow us on:

Instagram @drummoynepublic.pandc

Facebook @drummoynepublic.pandc

And on our Facebook Private Group - for community members only. Please request access to join.


Uniform Shop Opening Hours - Now open on Mondays!

From Term 1 the uniform shop will be open for face to face sales on Monday mornings from 9am - 10am.

We are currently out of stock of size 8 & 10 short sleeve polos, stock is due to come in first week of March :)

All uniform shop orders are now to be placed on Flexischools.

Summer uniform is worn in Term 1.  Please register and order uniforms online at: 

If you need to contact the uniform shop volunteers please email:



Thank you to the volunteers for this past week.....Christine Gunn, Sarah Amirkulova, Hugh Treseder and Sarah Kennedy.

New Canteen Items

I have made Banana Icecream: frozen bananas, cinnamon and a touch of honey. Limited supply $1.00.

Lime Grape Sorbet: frozen grapes and lime juice and a touch lime peel.Limited supply. $1.00.

Please look at the following calendar to see if you are able to help out. We have had quite a few new faces volunteering which is fabulous!!


Monday 10th: 10:30am-11:00am- Christine Gunn

Thursday 13th: 9:30am-10:30am.....1. 10:15am-11:15am.......Christine Gunn

Friday 14th: 9:30am-10:30am.......1. 10:15am-11:15am.......2

Monday 17th: 10:30am-11:30am.......1

Thursday 20th: 9:30am-10:30am........1. 10:15am-11:15am........1

Friday 21st: 9:30am-10:30am........1. 10:15am-11:15am........2

kind regards,

Canteen and P&C Committee

To register to volunteer:



Band Monday and Friday am

Contact Directions in Music on 9662 2211

Keyboard & GuitarTuesday and Thursday pm

Contact David Koh from VIP Music on 9411 3122

Greek Classes – Monday, Tuesday, Thursday pm

Contact Charoulla Themistocleous on 0411 137 266

Turkish Language Class – Thursday pm

Omer Can 0418 695 766. Enrolment forms and detailed Information on ataturk.org.au/okul

Art on Canvas for Kids - Mondays pm

Contact Tahlia 0424 093 991. Email:Artoncanvaskids@outlook.com 

Top Serve Tennis Academy - Friday pm

Phone: Neil or James 0434 845 925 Email: fivedock@topserveta.com

Golden Kick Soccer Academy - Monday pm

Phone coach Oz 0434 845 918 or Email: goldenkicksa@gmail.com

Make Believe Drama Club - Tuesdays & Wednesdays pm

Email makebelieveaustralia@gmail.com

Skill Samurai Lane Cove - Tuesdays & Wednesdays pm

Buy Term 1 2025 Pass

Register Here 

Email: aatc@khorliving.com.au

No 1 Draft pick basketball academy - Monday am

Email: info@n1dp.com.au


To book Gowrie NSW - enrolment forms can be found on the Gowrie website:


Contact Rekkha for more information on 0436 616 744.


The following notices are listed as a service to the community and are not endorsed by the school


Autumn Vacation Monday 14 April – Thursday 24 April 2025

Staff Development Days Monday 28 April & Tuesday 29 April 2025

Students return on Wednesday 30 April 2025

Winter Vacation Monday 7 July -  Friday 18 July 2025

Staff Development Day Monday 21 July 2025

Students return on Tuesday 22 July 2025

Spring Vacation Monday 29 September – Friday 10 October 2025

Staff Development Day Monday 13 October 2025

Students return to school Tuesday 14 October 2025

Last day for students for 2024 - Friday 19 December 2025

Summer Vacation Monday 22 December 2025 – Monday 26 January 2026

Staff Development Days Tuesday 27 January to Friday 30 January 2026

Students return & Kindergarten commence on Tuesday 2 February 2026

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