Blaxland Public School

Term 3 Week 6

Thought for the Week

“Try to be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud”

Important Dates

Week 7

Monday 28 August

  • Blue Mountains Dance Festival Rehearsal
  • Final payment for Stage 2 Zoo Snooze due
  • Father's Day Breakfast notes and payment due

Tuesday 29 August

  • NRL League Stars After School Program
  • Kindergarten 2024 Transition

Thursday 31 August

  • Zone Athletics Carnival

Friday 1 September

  • Father's Day Breakfast and Stall
  • Final payment for Stage 3 Canberra Camp

Week 8 

Monday 4 September

  • Blue Mountains Dance Festival - Matinee

Tuesday 5 September

  • Girls Soccer Gala Day
  • Kindergarten Transition
  • Blue Mountains Dance Festival - Evening Performance
  • NRL League Stars After School Program

Week 9

Tuesday 12 September

  • Kindergarten Transition
  • NRL League Stars After School Program
  • P&C Meeting 7pm - Zoom

Thursday 14 September

  • Stage 2 Zoo Snooze Camp

Friday 15 September 

  • Stage 2 Zoo Snooze Camp

Permission Notes and Payments

The School’s preferred method of payment is online via the School Website.

For all notes sent home please see either the School Website or SkoolBag.

The school has a $50 voluntary contribution. Any payments made are greatly appreciated and go towards resources for the students and the school.

Message from Mrs Ellis

This week, The Blaxland Public School Community Fun Day Saturday 14th October was launched with the students and families. This day promises to be an exciting day and there is a hardworking team of parents working behind the scenes to ensure a fun day for the school community. We look forward to welcoming the community into our school.

Blue Mountains Dance Performance

The time has arrived for our dance groups to perform at the Blue Mountains Dance Festival at the Joan Sutherland Performing Arts Centre. The students are very excited, and the dances look amazing. Rehearsal will be on Monday 28th August, Matinee Monday 4th September and Evening performance on Tuesday 5th September.  The dance groups will also be performing at the Community Fun Day on Saturday 14th October.


Last week, the students in Years 3-6 participated in a webinar focusing on being cyber smart when using technology. It stressed the importance of being safe online, communicating and gaming with only people you know and stressing the importance of seeking parental/ adult support when you feel uncomfortable and unsafe. Please read the attached information for parents outlining ways that parents can support their children at home. A useful link for all parents is the Australian Government eSafety Commissioner with invaluable resources and support to assist you in being aware of the latest advice available. 

Zoo Snooze

Years 3 and 4 will be attending Zoo Snooze on the afternoon of Thursday 14th September and Friday 15th September. All payments and notes must be returned by Monday 28th August. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mr Demattia or Ms Hinde.

Canberra trip and PACER

Years 5 and 6 will be visiting Canberra on Wednesday 18th October – Friday 20th October, undertaking an education tour of the national capital. Students will be given the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy.

The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship Education. To assist families in meeting the cost of the excursion, the Australian Government is contributing funding of $30 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate (PACER) program towards those costs. This rebate has been included in each student’s individual payment to reduce the overall cost of the trip. The rebate is paid directly to the school upon completion of the trip to Canberra.

All notes and final payments need to be made by Friday 1st September. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mrs Shaw.

Kindergarten Transition

2024 Kindergarten Transition will be starting on Tuesday 29th August at 9:30am in the kindergarten room. It is an exciting time, and we look forward to meeting our new students and their families. Kindergarten Transition dates are:

Tuesday 29th August

Tuesday 5th September

Tuesday 12th September

Tuesday 10th October

Tuesday 17th October

Father’s Day Breakfast and Stall

We will be holding the Father’s Day breakfast on Friday 1st September starting at 8:00am on the basketball court. All orders need to be returned to school by Monday 28th August. Late orders will not be accepted due to catering organisation. Students will visit the Father’s Day stall with their class teacher later in the morning.

Zone Athletics Carnival

Congratulations and good luck to all students representing Blaxland PS at the Zone Athletics Carnival on Thursday 30th August at the International Athletics Centre at Blacktown.

Staffing News

Mrs Cooke will be on leave for the remainder of this term. During this time, Mrs Mendham will teach K/1C and Mrs Ellul will be the Relieving AP. Mrs Hall will also be on leave for the remainder of this term. Both staff members will return to school at the beginning of Term 4.

Girls Football Gala Day

Mr DeMattia will be taking a senior girls’ team from Blaxland PS to participate in the Girls Football Gala Day at Jamison Park Penrith on Tuesday 5th September. Good luck to all participants!

AECG Online Camp

Day 1

On Monday morning the senior Aboriginal students participated in the AECG/Blackfit Fitness Online Camp where they viewed how a coolamon is made.  Coolamons are made from the smooth soft bark from a moist eucalyptus tree.  They are used to carry babies, objects and food.  The speaker, Joshua Toole, mentioned that he often uses them in smoking ceremonies.  He also showed us a didgeridoo and various artworks that he has made or is in the process of making.  Josh's video link is  There are other videos made by Josh that are worth viewing as well.

The Aboriginal students attended the second AECG online camp today where they continued to learn about the construction of a coolamon.  Did you know that it is quite a lengthy process that involves many intricate stages?  Josh from Black Fitness showed a video of himself making coolamons in his backyard with handmade tools.  He then showed the students how he decorates them with his artwork.  Mrs Johnson brought in coolamon which was interesting to touch and feel.  We look forward to learning about more tool construction in next fortnight's session.

Reading in K-2 Classrooms

With the introduction of the new English curriculum in K-2 this year, reading has been revised and refined to incorporate the most up-to date evidence-based strategies to explicitly teach our students to read. As part of my role, I am in and out of each class during the week, involved in literacy or numeracy lessons. I thought it might be a great idea to share with you what we are learning in our classes and an insight into the vocabulary that we use when teaching students to read. This week I thought I might start at the beginning.

What are phonemes and graphemes?

Students start by learning phonemes. Phonemes are the smallest unit of sounds in speech. Graphemes are the letters used to represent these phonemes.

An example of this would be d/o/g – 3 phonemes or d/u/ck – also 3 phonemes, it is not determined by the number of letters but the sounds that are produced. The final grapheme in duck is ‘ck’ which produces the ‘k’ phoneme.

Another example of this would be ‘th’ – this grapheme has 2 letters, but the phoneme is pronounced as ‘th’ (as in thin). The word ‘thin’ has 3 phonemes and graphemes th/i/n.

As students, learn more phonemes, they come to realise that some phonemes can be represented by multiple graphemes and some graphemes can be represented by multiple phonemes – what a confusing language we learn!

An example of this would be the phoneme ‘i’ (as in pie, cry, night, time, trifle) or the grapheme ea (heal, head, break)

Students learn these phonemes from K-2, increasing in complexity. They learn to blend these phonemes to read words and segment phonemes to spell words in their writing. Each class teacher in K-2 explicitly teaches new phonemes each week and revises phonemes taught throughout the year. Students apply this knowledge to their reading and writing every day.  

Ask your child, which phoneme they have learnt today?


Cheryl Wacker

Assistant Principal, Curriculum & Instruction

P&C News

Throughout the year the P&C organise fundraising events. This year, the profits raised from our events will go back into the school to help fund updating and adding to the playground markings.

Thank you to the BPS families, students, and staff for supporting our fundraising events.

BPS Community Fun Day

BPS P&C will be hosting a Community Fun Day on Saturday 14th October from 10 – 2pm.

Lock the date in your calendar, tell your family and friends!!

Please follow the link to purchase raffle tickets. There are over $7000 in total prizes.

If you can help with the running of this wonderful fundraising event, see Theresa on the front lawn at school pick up 3:05pm on Tuesday and Thursday.

P&C Coffee and Treat Stall

A big thank you to everyone for supporting the P&C Coffee and Treat stall. We raised $474 during the book parade this term. All money raised will go towards funding our upcoming Community Fun Day.

Father’s Day Stall

Next week, Friday 1st September from 9:30 – 11:30, the P&C will be running a Father’s Day stall. Gift will range from $3 - $6. Please help our students to remember to bring money on the day to buy something special for their fathers, carers, uncles, grandparents, and other important adults in their life.

Trivia Night Cancelled

Sadly, due to low numbers, we decided to cancel our Trivia Night. Thank you to all everyone who offered to help and were interested in attending. We will review and rethink trivia nights at BPS and aim for a Trivia Night next year. Thank you to the local business who donated prizes and who are also happy for these prizes to be used at our upcoming Community Fun Day. 

Book Club

Scholastics Edition 6 Catalogue was sent home this week. Please place your orders online using the Book Club Loop. The cut off date is Friday 1st September.

Your purchases will help fund new books and resources for our school.

 Coffee & Play

Enjoy a coffee or hot chocolate by Trev from Brewed Awakening. Every Friday afternoon from 2:30. Then stay and play on the top over until 4pm.

Contact The P&C

Message the P&C through the Blaxland Public School Families Facebook page or come and talk to us at school pick up or drop off.


Our next P&C meeting will be held on Tuesday 12th September (Term 3, Week 9) at 7pm via zoom. Everyone is welcome !!

In The Garden

I wish to thank the new families for coming along to our garden club, many hands make light work and there is always a lot of work to do in the garden. The school garden is looking beautiful at the moment. We encourage everyone to wander around the garden and check out what is growing.

Come and join us on Monday afternoon 2:30 - 3pm for GARDEN CLUB with the amazing Theresa.

Check out these beauties growing in our school garden!! 

Student Awards - Term 3 Week 5

Silver Award

  • Eden

Assistant Principal Awards

  • Abigail
  • Edie
  • Naomi
  • Susanna
  • Aalia

Awards for Attitude, Commitment and Effort Awards (ACE)

  • Ella
  • Cora
  • Josie
  • Charlotte
  • Oliver

Merit Awards


  • Oliver
  • Amelia


  • Amelia
  • Max


  • Rachael 
  • Cleo


  • Lachlan
  • Maddie


  • Grace
  • Marcus

Thank you to the generosity of the local Box Divvy organisation for their donations of fruit and vegetables every fortnight. We greatly support your generosity. If interested, click on the website link to find out more information about Box Divvy.

A Calendar of School Excursions and Events

We have two calendars available to view our School Excursions and Events that are happening through out the year.


To find the Events Calendar in SkoolBag:

  • Click our School Emblem - found under My Schools & Services.
  • In the blue bar at the bottom of the screen click Events.

School Website

For upcoming excursions and events on the School Website, they can be found either at the bottom of the Home page or on the Events page

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