Term 2, Week 1- Tuesday 16th April 2024

Dimboola Primary School is a Child Safe School

"We strive to empower our students to reach their potential in a safe and inclusive school and live by our school values"


School Principal: Greg Sampson   President: Isaac Eldridge  

 Vice President: Josh Cook  Treasurer: Peter Down  DET Rep: Kelly Henderson  Secretary: Duanne Corbett Vice Secretary: Hannah Schwarz

Parent Reps:  Chris Avery, Ashlee Baker, Erin Wallace, Jenny Hauselberger

Dimboola Primary School would like to acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the Wimmera Mallee area:

the Wotjobaluk, Jaadwa, Jadawadjali, Wergaia and Jupagalk peoples, and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging.

Principals Desk


I trust that people had an opportunity to connect with loved ones and recharge their batteries. The weather was beautiful with ample chances to explore the great outdoors. This term is an eleven week term with lots of things to look forward to including:


·       Leadership Day for our school leaders on 23rd April

·       ANZAC Day – students with badges of leadership along with any other interested students are invited to attend a walk to the cenotaph at DMSC (details to follow).

·       The Dimboola Primary School Cross Country – Friday 3rd May. Little Desert Cross Country at Nhill Racecourse on Monday 13th May.

·       Whole of school professional development with 300 teachers and education support staff attending on Tuesday 7th May – the presentation done by Adam Voit. This is a student free day.

·       23rd May - Cinderella – Cultural Performance

·       Monday 10th June – King’s Birthday Public Holiday


Grade 6 (Peter Wren) and Grade Prep (Tayla Stielow) welcome two pre service teachers to Dimboola Primary School. Both students are currently completing their masters of teaching at Deakin University and will be with us for four weeks. I hope that their time here is filled with learning and cements their decision to be training to become a teacher. I thank Ms Mitchell and Mrs Salmon for hosting these two student teachers.



Jumping, running and throwing filled our lives on **** as students participated in the Dimboola Primary School Athletics Carnival. The level of participation was pleasing with lots of children giving it their all which was highly pleasing. The results from the day were:

First – McCann 24.2 points

Second – Watson 23.06 points

Third – Hinchley 22.3 points.

The day was a wonderful success with so much participation and enthusiasm and I acknowledge without the assistance of so many the day could not have run. Thank you to the parent volunteers who kept the show running along with the teachers for their efforts. The next stage of competition is the West Wimmera Athletics Day which will be held in Term Three at Warracknabeal’s ANZAC Park. The team is currently being worked on, with consideration being given to the students who were unable to attend due to attending Somers Camp.


Thanks to the fundraising efforts of the parent’s club we have been able to purchase some new seating outside the decking area of the Grade 1 and 2/3 classrooms. The aluminium seating makes life a lot more comfortable for the students. We spent approximately $1500 on the new seats. Thanks to the Parent’s Club for their efforts. If you are interested in volunteering to be a part of the Parent’s Club please speak with Leigh Corbett or express your interest at the front office. 


Student safety at Dimboola Primary School is our highest priority and the safe and appropriate supervision of students is an important element of our duty of care to students. Part of this duty is ensuring parents and students are aware of our student supervision arrangements before and after school.

Before school: School grounds are supervised at 8:30 am

After school: School grounds are supervised 3:25 pm.

Students on school grounds outside these times will not be supervised (unless they are attending a before or after school care program or supervised extracurricular activity).

Parents/carers are requested to ensure that students do not attend school outside of these supervised times unless they are attending before or after school care, or a pre-arranged supervised activity (i.e. sports practice).

For a copy of our school’s Yard Duty and Supervision Policy through the Dimboola Primary School Website or contact the school office. This policy includes Dimboola Primary School’s student supervision arrangements across the school day, including before and after school.


A reminder about the importance of safety around students who have severe food allergies. We currently have one student who has anaphylaxis to nuts. This student is in Grade 2/3 so we ask parents to be mindful of lunches and snacks that contain nuts particularly in this classroom. Students are reminded not to share food with classmates.

Please refer to our Anaphylaxis Policy attached to this newsletter for further information.


Orders must be completed before 8.40 each Tuesday morning.

Lunches using the school app.

Please remember to bring the lunch wallets in on the Tuesday. If YOU have ordered on line using the QKR APP - You only need to write the CHILDS NAME ON THE LUNCH BAG. (Not the order)

If you are still paying CASH please Have the order written on the lunch wallet.

Thank you 

Bus Notes

Just a reminder that if your child is normally a bus traveller please let the office , or the teacher on bus duty know when your child will NOT be going on it. Makes it very tricky for teachers duty of care, when a child is expected to be there but is not.

Thank you 

Updated Uniform Price List

Arriving at school in the mornings

Can Students please be reminded that you are to be at school before the morning bell goes at 8:55am. Classes start at 9:00am

This allows all students to complete their morning routines before the bell goes.

Thank you 


The Victorian Government has announced new Child Safe Standards to further strengthen child safety across organisations, including schools. The new standards recognise the critical importance of families and the broader school community in maintaining and promoting child safety and wellbeing.

Dimboola Primary School has reviewed and updated our child safety policies and procedures to ensure they meet the requirements of the new standards. These are available to view on the Dimboola Primary School website or available at the front office

We are committed to continuous improvement in our approach to child safety and wellbeing and welcome feedback from families and members of our school community on ways we can further strengthen our child safety policies, procedures and practices.

If you have any suggestions, comments or questions, please contact Greg Sampson, principal.


School fees for 2024 for essential education items are to be $125. This pays for your son/daughter to have books, pencils, glue sticks, scissors, photocopying. This is a voluntary payment

A $40 cultural performance fee, per child, for 2024 is required for your child to participate in the performance. Those that do not pay up front will be asked to pay per performance of $10.00. Those who do not pay will not attend.

New Bank Account Details

Due to New Department Regulations we have changed banks.

Below is a copy of our new account details

BSB -  063 000

Account Number -  14162144

Thank you 

EFTPOS is available in the office for your convenience


Please call into the office if you require a form to fill out

Thank you 

CSEF FORMS- Please click on this link to fill out the forms

We are currently updating our working with children check list, if you have a card that has expired and have a new one sent out please provide the new details to the front office asap. For those wanting to apply for one please use the link. 


With school returning it would be a timely reminder to all that:

o Drivers need to give way at school crossings until the pedestrians are well clear of the crossing

o Park in designated spots so as not to create ‘black spots’ for other drivers

o The ‘Kiss and Drop Zone’ at the front of the school is for a quick drop off or pick up.

o Obey the 40kmh speed limits around the school.

o There is a large ‘drop off’ zone in Wimmera Street that has a gate to allow children to walk across the big oval if it is too congested at the front or back of school.

o Bike riders will dismount from their bikes at the front gate (Hindmarsh Street) or the back gate (Church St) and wheel their bikes to the racks.

o Please assist with the education of your child by using the school crossing. Near misses have occurred due to people taking short cuts.

o Bike/scooter riders are to dismount prior to using the school crossings.






Child Safety responding and reporting obligations


Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy


Child Safety codes of conduct


Complaints policy


Privacy collection notice


Student Mobile Phone Policy


Camps and Excursions Policy



The Department of Education and Training (which includes all Victorian government schools, central and regional offices) values the privacy of every person and is committed to protecting information that schools collect. Further details may be found at:


Monday Onwards - 8:30 am in the main building at the canteen.

Thank you to the volunteers for making this possible.

Lost and Found

There are a number of items in the main building near the canteen that have been found in the yard. If you have lost something please go and have a look to see if it belongs to you.


Could parents/carers please check your child's hair regularly and treat when needed. Thankyou 

Parents Club Meeting All Welcome - This Friday 19th April at 3:30pm in the staff room

Birthdays for April

To, Eli, Grace, Indie, Narli ,Pippa, Molly, Kate, Aoife, Sebastian, Billy, Alfie, Charlie, Paddy & Bede.

Wishing you all a very Happy Birthday

The SkoolBag app is the easiest way keep up with school events, last minute notices, newsletters and all school communications.

Make the switch

Please find attached a Canteen Menu for Term 2. Canteen lunches are provided by DMSC on Tuesdays.


Congratulations to the students who showed some of our school values during the week. It is wonderful to have your efforts recognized. Keep up the great work.


Tuesday 23rd April – Leadership Day for our student leaders

Thursday 25th April – ANZAC DAY - students with badges of leadership along with any other interested students are invited to attend a walk to the cenotaph at DMSC (details to follow).

Friday 3rd May – The Dimboola Primary School Cross Country. Little Desert Cross Country at Nhill Racecourse on Monday 13th May.

Tuesday 7th May – Whole of school professional development with 300 teachers and education support staff attending on Tuesday 7th May – the presentation done by Adam Voit. This is a student free day.

Thursday 23rd May – Cinderella – Cultural Performance

Monday 10th June  – King’s Birthday Public Holiday – student free day