
11th April 2024

Dates For Your Diary!

15 AprilSchool Holidays Commence
29 AprilTerm 2 School Development Day
30 AprilFirst day of Term 2 for students
1 MayP&C Meeting 6:30pm
2 MaySportspro Program begins K-6
9 MayMother's Day Stall
10 MayCross Country Carnival 
13-15 MayYear 5/6 Point Wolstoncroft Camp
*Dates subject to change. Please ensure you regularly check for updates.

What's Due?

Activity AttendeesPayment and Permission Due Date 
Point Wolstoncroft CampYear 5/6

*OVERDUE* - Thursday 28th March

School Fees All YearsFriday 10th May
Sportspro Sports Program Term 2All Years Wednesday 8th May

From the Principal

I would like to take the opportunity at the end of the term to congratulate the students of Telopea on a successful term of learning. At our assembly yesterday, I was immensely proud to present 34 merit awards to students with 100% attendance in Term 1 and another 41 merit awards to students with attendance above 95%. This is an incredible achievement. The more time your child attends school the greater their opportunity to learn, create social connections and improve their wellbeing. Keep up the great work in Term 2!

As we reach the end of the school term, I would like to wish the students, staff and community of Telopea Public School a restful break. I would also like to wish our Muslim families a happy and prosperous time during the Eid celebrations this week. 

Mrs Erin Dooley

Principal (Relieving)

Uncle Chris Tobin visit

Last Wednesday we welcomed Uncle Chris Tobin to our school to talk to our students about Aboriginal Histories and Culture. Uncle Chris is a researcher, educator and artist and a proud Darug Elder. He gave an engaging talk about his experience as a Darug man and about what traditional life was like for Aboriginal people. The children were able to see some interesting artefacts and learn about how Aboriginal people have lived in and cared for Country for over 65 000 years. We learned some very important lessons about how we can care for Country today. Thank you Uncle Chris!

Opportunity class (OC) applications opening

OC Year 5 entry in 2025: Applications are open 4 April-20 May 2024

What are opportunity classes? Opportunity classes are one of the ways the NSW Department of Education supports high potential and gifted students. The classes help students learn by:

·                grouping them with other gifted students

·                using specialised teaching methods so students can learn concepts in more detail and more quickly

·                supporting their wellbeing needs.

Most students in opportunity classes enjoy learning with peers who have similar abilities and interests. Opportunity classes are not zoned.

Where are they located? There are 86 primary schools with opportunity classes in NSW each year.

·                54 schools are located in metropolitan Sydney

·                31 schools are located in rural or regional centres

·                a virtual class, Aurora College, for rural and remote students is available in over 600 authorised host schools.

Students successfully placed attend the opportunity class full time in Years 5 and 6 at the relevant public school.

In most cases, students who have accepted a place in an opportunity class will leave their current school to attend the school with the opportunity class.

Should you apply? If your child learns with greater ease and speed than their classmates, they may benefit from placement in an opportunity class. High potential and gifted children need to be challenged so they remain engaged with their education. Discuss the opportunity with your child and look through the information together on Opportunity classes – Year 5.

If you would like to discuss whether you think you should apply, please contact your child’s teacher.

Equity provisions The Equity Placement Model helps to make access to opportunity classes fairer for the following under-represented groups:

·                students from low socio-educational advantage backgrounds

·                Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students

·                students from rural and remote locations

·                students with disability.

The Equity Placement Model holds up to 20% of places at each school for students from these groups to support an increase in their participation.

Students from these groups may be considered for equity placement if their test performance is within 10% of general applicants for each school. Learn more about the placement process and the placement test at Opportunity classes (Year 5 – 6).

Ready to apply? Apply online at:

Unexplained Absences

You may have received recent communication regarding unexplained absences. Could you kindly update reason for absence via the School Bytes parent portal or email the school. 

Thank you for your cooperation. 

School Fees

Recently the Statement of Accounts containing the school fees have been emailed out. Could you kindly review any outstanding payments. 

SRC Fundraising

Easter Hat Parade K-2

A wonderful morning was had at the Easter Hat Parade. It was marvelous to see so many amazing and creative hats on display. 

Library News

Dear Parents,

During Term 2 we will be having an exciting competition in the library! If your child brings their library bag and returns their books each week, they will go in the draw to win some great prizes. Your child could win a new book, some handy stationary or even a zooper dooper to have at lunch time!!

You must be in it to win it! Please encourage your child to read their books at home and pack them in their library bag ready for school on either Monday or Wednesday. They may win a great prize!!

Monday – Kindy, Year 1 and Year 2

Wednesday – Years 3, 4 and 5/6

Thank you 😊

Mrs Ramsey

Cross Country Carnival

The Cross Country Carnival for students turning 8 and older in 2024 will be held at school on Friday 10th May. This year, we will be running a competitive event with the view to sending representatives to the Zone Carnival later in the term. Please take the opportunity during the school holidays to practise your long-distance running. Juniors will be running 2000m and Seniors 3000m on the day. 

Home Readers

May we kindly ask that any home readers you may have at home to be returned to the school by the end of the Term for stocktake.

This month, all classes have been conducting scientific experiments. K-2 grew sugar snap pea seeds in ziploc bags to observe the sprouting of a seed and learn about the needs of plants – water, sunlight, air and soil. We then planted the seeds into soil so they can continue to grow and hopefully produce some peas. Years 3-6 investigated the soil quality in our garden and conducted a fair test to check which soil was most successful at growing the sugar snap peas. We will amend the soil in the garden beds by adding more organic matter, to give our future seedlings the best chance at life.

March 22nd was the Big Vegie Crunch day where everyone was offered a variety of vegetables to try at recess time. Thank you to Tarina from the P&C for helping to hand out veggies. It was nice to see so many students enjoying the vegetables and talking about healthy eating before the event and coming back for seconds and thirds. Keep eating the rainbow!

We have been harvesting cherry tomatoes, cucamelons, some potatoes and we found a watermelon and honey dew melon hiding amongst the weeds. They made a great treat for crunch and sip! A special harvest this month has been the midyim berries which are a native bush tucker plant. Some students have found the subtle and sweet eucalyptus flavour of the berries pleasant, but some don’t quite agree! At least everyone is having a taste of something new!

Mrs Andonenas


What's Happening Year 2 Bandicoots

This term Year 2 have been very creative in the classroom.  Students have been exploring a range of artistic techniques.In this artwork 'Year 2 blowing bubbles' students created self-portraits, using a variety of mediums. They paid particular attention to scale, colour and patterns. Can you spot your little artist?

Mrs Wallace

Year 2 Bandicoots

TPS P&C Association

Did you know our school now has a Parents and Community Association (that’s P&C for short folks!) Volunteering with the P&C is a great way to meet new people, help the school, feel part of the school community, and experience the satisfaction of doing something worthwhile.

Membership is just $1 and while we are new there are already several ways you can get involved from attending meetings, to donating items or helping at the upcoming Mother’s Day stall on Thursday 9 May or Bunnings BBQ later in the year.

To join the P&C simply complete a membership form available at the school office, or at our meetings and bring it and your gold coin along to our next general meeting on Wednesday 1 May at 6:30pm or give it to one of our committee members if you cannot attend the meeting.

To request something added to the P&C agenda including questions for the Principal please submit these in writing to our email address 10 days before the meeting. You can email the P&C at telopeapsp&

We are also still looking for someone to take on the role of P&C Secretary. If this is something that interests you, please get in touch!

Our committee members are:

President: Tarina Popham

Vice Presidents: Victoria Govers, Jessica Lee

Treasurer: Scott Wymark

School Bytes Parent Portal

School Bytes is our student management system. 

School Bytes allows for a simplified finance system for both you and the school as well as provide access to online payments, statements of account, digital permission notes and attendance information.

Please follow this link or scan the QR Code on the following page to register;

Canteen - Lunch Orders

Canteen orders are available on Mondays and Fridays. You are able to order up to 8am on these days. 

Please ensure that you have updated your Flexischools account details with your childs correct class. This will make the process of delivery smoother. 

If you are interested in placing a lunch order, this can be done via the Flexischools app and connecting to Telopea PS.

Important Reminders


A reminder that if you have made arrangements for someone to collect your child/ren that is outside of your normal arrangements, please ensure that you have notified the office so we are aware and can let other staff members know in a timely manner.  This applies to leaving early and for the end of the day. 


A reminder to all students and parents that entry to the School is via the Pedestrian gate on Chestnut Ave located near Block D. This is for everyone's safety. If you require disabled access there are two entry points into the school via the ramp into the school office and via the gate on the corner of Sturt and Manson Streets. 


On occasion important notes will be sent home. Please ensure you remember to check your child's bag each day.


Here at TPS we enjoy celebrating student’s birthdays. You are most welcome to bring in something to celebrate but we ask that individual store bought small bite size cupcakes or individually wrapped sweets are brought in to school as this makes it easier for the students to eat. A large cake makes it difficult to distribute to their classmates. 


There are a number of items in the Lost Property box which do not have names on them. If your child is missing an item, please check this box which is located in the D Block breezeway.


Please ensure that your contact details are up to date. It is important that the School be able to contact you in case of your child being ill, a child not being collected from school or in case of emergency etc. If your family circumstances change, please also provide the school with any updated documentation. 

You can notify the school of any changes or updates via written confirmation or complete the template form located in the office foyer. 


If you require your child to carry a mobile phone/device, you will be required to complete a permission note (please see the school office if you require this note). Student mobile phones/device are to be turned off and handed to the school office during school hours in the morning. Mobile phones/devices will be returned to the students at the end of each day. 

Schools as a Community Centre

Hi TPS and Telopea SaCC communities,

This term has certainly been fun filled!

The Breakfast Club feeds close to fifty students every session. Total breakfast served this term 1100!....toast, fruit, canned peaches, cereal and Milky drinks. 

Thank you to Foodbank for funding the program but a special mention is extended to Tarina and Kamal  (Aydin and Idrys' mum and dad) and Jessica  (Veronica's mum) for helping with the business of the morning. It is my pleasure supporting the school with this program to ensure our students are starting their school day energised and ready to learn.

Telopea Public School Choir

The TPS Choir was established this term with a good number of students keen to join and share this time together. 


We are lucky to have engaged an experienced Choir Master, Miss Emma, who is working wonders bringing our voices together. We look forward to sharing our Choir with the whole school community in the not too distant future. 

Supported Playgroup

The structured environment engages all early childhood developmental areas and with the active involvement of the parents/carers we have managed to mimic a day at preschool. The environment set up looks like 'child's play' and that is exactly how children in this age range based learning. They master tasks, develop social confidence, build cognitive skill, learn to share and take turns, build independence and most important develop a love of learning. The environment also provides opportunity for parents to engage wholly with their child without distraction.... children learn with greater depth when they play with their parents.

The Big Vegie Crunch

Thank you Mrs Antonenas for organising the event. And thank you to our school leaders Lanlalin, Ava and Ellie for joining us at playgroup and distributing the rainbow of colours on the vegie platter...YUM!

Wishing our TPS Community a safe and fun filled Autumn school vacation.

Please call or email if you would like to chat with Pip about any programs.


Phillipa (Pip) Martins


Telopea 'Schools as Community Centres' (SaCC) Project

C/- Telopea Public School

Chestnut Ave

Telopea NSW 2117

Ph: (02)9898 3448



Community Notices

FREE NRL Come & Try Clinic at Telopea Public School

Parramatta Junior Eels JRLFC will be hosting a Come & Try clinic at Telopea Public School in the School Holidays. Scan the QR code to register for this fun, free activity.

FREE Quadball Clinic at Telopea Public School

The City of Parramatta Council will be hosting a free Quadball clinic at Telopea Public School in the School Holidays. Scan the QR code to register for this fun, free activity.

ANZAC Day Services