Issue 10 Thursday 26 October 2023

We learn on the lands of the Ngadjuri Nation

GPS Sports Day - Friday 27 October. Do not come to school. All meet at the Greenock Town Oval. Please refer to the information sent home on the Audiri App.

Some Important Dates ..............

TERM 4:Monday 16 October  -  Friday 15 December
Sports DayFriday 27 October
Pupil Free Day Monday 27 November     
Kindy TransitionsTuesday 7, 14, 21, 28 November
School ConcertThursday 30 November
Year 6 GraduationThursday 7 December

From The Principal


Time is flying by! We are already into Week 2 of Term 4: before we know it, Christmas will be upon us. This term will be a busy one, with all the end-of-year activities and Santa-related excitement. However, teachers will be working hard to keep the children focussed on their learning and ensuring that every day counts. When I visit classrooms, I see the students are engaged with their school work and are making genuine efforts to keep on improving. It is a delight to see this.


Friday 27th October isn’t just Sports Day, it’s also World Teachers’ Day. I know that all parents and caregivers will join me in thanking our wonderful, dedicated teachers. Every day, I see our students thrive and grow: in their learning, confidence, emotional regulation and social skills. This is due to the expert guidance and care of their teachers. The outstanding expertise of our teachers doesn’t ‘just happen’. It is the result of many hours spent in the evenings and on weekends: researching, preparing, making. I feel honoured and fortunate to work with such a hardworking and empathetic team, here at Greenock.


The long-range predictions are forecasting a hot summer this year. This means that hats and sun-safe clothing will be extra important. I’ve noticed a lot of students wearing borrowed hats: now is the time to make sure that your child/ren have their own hat/s - and that they have their name on them! It’s also a good time to check and see if last year’s shorts still fit. Most students will have grown taller over the winter months, which means their shorts may no longer be knee-length. It is important that children’s thighs are covered when they’re out running around in the sun. Unfortunately, due to manufacturing trends, it can be quite difficult to find girl’s shorts that are knee-length. However, I do encourage you to persevere with this, so that our girls can be as sun-safe as our boys.


Next Tuesday will be a big day for our Year 6 students with their Transition Day at Nuriootpa High School. The following week, we will be welcoming our Kindy kids here for the beginning of their transition days. This marks the start of some very big changes for some of our students and their families. Other children in the school may also start to feel the impact of change, as they realise that older students will be leaving and that they, themselves, will likely be changing classes and teachers for next year. With the additional heightened state associated with Christmas and extra-curricular events, some children can experience anxiety and nervousness about what next year may bring. Once we have worked out our classes for next year, we will have some transition lessons for all students, so that they can visit their new classrooms and meet their teacher. We hope this will help them with their transition into next year. If you think your child needs extra support, please make sure you contact their class teacher, so that we can all work together to provide the best experience for them.

Gail Holland

School Routines and Procedures – Update for Term4

Front Office Hours:

The school reception area is staffed between 8:30am & 4:00pm (open term time only)

Contacting the School:

You can contact the school by phone or email (details at the bottom of this newsletter). 

*On a day where there is only one staff member working in the office or if you call outside of school hours, the answering machine may be on.  Please leave your name, number and a short message with the reason for your call.  If you ask for a call back, we will respond as soon as we are available to do so. All messages are passed on to the relevant staff member.

Staff in the Front Office:

·         Monday         -      Gail  *

·         Tuesday         -      Liz (am) & Gail

·         Wednesday   -      Mari & Gail

·         Thursday       -      Mari  *

·         Friday            -       Mari  *

Uniform Purchasing:

Uniforms can be purchased on Monday – Wednesday.

If you are unable to come into the office you can also order over the phone and quote your EFT payment reference number.  Please see Gail A.

Uniforms cannot be purchased outside of these times.

Preferred payment method is by EFT or Credit Card and uniforms will not be issued until payment is received.

Drop Off and Pick Up Times  -  Drive with caution:

Remain in your car and move off after your child has left or entered the car.

These are very busy times of the day and we ask for your cooperation so that our students and the school community can come and go safely each day.

Remember to drive slowly .


School Supervision  -  Yard Duty:

Yard Duty begins at 8:30am each morning.  Please ensure children arrive after this time.  Staff will be on duty until 3:30pm each afternoon and children will be supervised within the JP playground area until they are picked up by their adult.

Please arrange to collect your children at 3:10pm each afternoon and contact the school if you are going to be late.

If you are having difficulty with these times,  the Before/After School Care service, Happy Haven, operating from Nuriootpa Primary School, is available for you to use.  Phone 81555 444 to book or for more information.

Late Arrival and Early Departures:

If your child is late to school (ie arrives after 8:50am), they will need to see staff in the Front Office who will issue them with a yellow ‘Late Arrival’ card to take to their class teacher.  Parents picking up children early for an appointment, will need to tell Front Office staff before taking a pink ‘Early Departure’ card to the classroom teacher. Signing a slip is no longer necessary with EMS, whereby your child’s late arrival or early departure is entered straight into the system by staff on the Reception Desk.

Illness & Injuries at School – Collecting Your Child:

Students who are sent to the Front Office/First Aid room by their teacher due to illness and also for injuries that are considered more serious eg a hard knock to the head, will be sent home. 

Unwell students should not attend school until they have fully recovered and will not pass on sickness to other students and school staff.

Parents will always be contacted first and you will need to collect your child promptly.

If you are unable to collect your child, please organise your emergency contact and let the school know who this will be.  They will need to present ID at the Front Office (eg Driver’s Licence).

Primary caregivers eg parents are NOT emergency contacts but people other than yourselves eg relatives or friends who can be contacted if parents are unavailable.

Please list at least 2 local emergency contacts for your children.


Student Health Reminders

Healthcare Support For Students

Schools are required to follow department policy for the administration of ALL medication, including over the counter medications of any kind:

Before any medication brought to school can be administered, it must be in its original packaging, with the pharmacy label and accompanied by a  healthcare plan or medication authority completed and signed by a doctor/healthcare professional.  

Short term support for medication: A single dose in the original packaging with a medication authority should be taken to the Front Office or to the class teacher each morning for the required time.  

This should only occur if you are unable to administer the medication at home.  For instance if medication is required 3 times a day, a dose can be given at home before school, straight after school and again in the evening making it unnecessary to be taken during school hours. 

Caregivers also have the option to bring the medication to school and administer it to your child during the day.  Once again, please discuss this with the teacher.

Ongoing support for a diagnosed medical condition:  Medication must be current, in the original packaging with pharmacy label and with an up to date healthcare plan/medication authority completed by a doctor/health professional.

Please discuss your child's healthcare needs with their class teacher.  You can also check with Front Office staff if you have any questions or concerns so that we can work together to provide the best support for your child.  

Medication Administration in education and care

Attached is a flow chart explaining the process school staff must follow when administering medication to students.  This information is available to parents on the Department's website.

IMPORTANT REMINDER: Updating Student & Family Information

So that we can best support your children at school, we ask parents & caregivers to keep staff informed throughout the year whenever there are changes to your family circumstances including:

*  home address (residential and/or postal)

*  contact phone number

* employment &/or place of employment

* email address

* emergency contacts

* student's medical condition

* shared living arrangements

* custody information

You can let the school know by completing the 'Change of Details' eform on the Audiri App or by email/written notification.

Emergency Contacts:

***Please make sure you provide the school with a list of at least 2 emergency contacts OTHER THAN YOURSELVES that can be contacted if you are unavailable to collect your child due to illness or injury.***

*** Emergency contacts will need to present ID at the Front Office eg Driver's Licence before collecting students ***

Health & PE Award - Week 10 Term 3

Indonesian Award - Week 10 Term 3

Technology Award - Week 10 Term 3

Festival of Music Choir Award

Term 4 Assembly Class Awards

Week 2

Kindness Award

Greenock Primary School Calendar

Parent Noticeboard

Greenock PS Governing Council

Contact details: